Inhabitants of Staplehurst

Honored Sir: Amid the numerous expressions of sorrow, indignation, and sympathy which you are now receiving from the metropolis and chief towns of Great Britain, in reference to the assassination of President Lincoln, be pleased also to receive one from the village of Staplehurst, in Kent.

At a public meeting held last evening it was—

Resolved, That this meeting regards with intense horror and indignation the assassination of President Lincoln, and desires to express its sympathy with Mrs. Lincoln, the government, and the people of America in their severe trial.

Resolved, That this meeting expresses its sympathy with Mr. Andrew Johnson [Page 332] in the responsible office to which he is thus suddenly called, and sincerely hopes he may be able so to conduct the affairs of the country as to complete the emancipation of the slave, and secure the establishment of permanent peace.

I am, sir, with much respect, yours most obediently,


His Excellency Mr. Adams,
United States Ambassador.