Municipal Council of Rochester

Resolution of the town council of Rochester.

At a quarterly meeting of the town council of the said city, holden at the Guildhall, of and within the said city, on Friday, the twelfth day of May, 1865—

Resolved, That we, the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Rochester, in council assembled, take this opportunity of giving expression to, our extreme feelings of horror and regret at the atrocious crime which has been recently perpetrated in America, whereby the United States of America have been deprived of their President, Abraham Lincoln, who was thus suddenly cut off while honestly [Page 325] devoting his best energies to the service of his country, and whereby the lives of Mr. Seward and some of his family have been endangered, and we desire most respectfully to convey to the authorities of America our deep and earnest sympathies with them in the great loss they have sustained, and to express the satisfaction which we feel in the intelligence that, under the mercy of God, the ultimate recovery of Mr. Seward may reasonably be anticipated.