Municipal Council of Plymouth
borough of plymouth.
Record of the mayor, aldermen, and councillors of the borough of Plymouth.
We, the mayor, aldermen, and councillors of the borough of Plymouth, in council assembled, desire to record our feelings of indignation and sorrow at the atrocious crimes by which the United States of America have been deprived of their Chief Magistrate, and the life of a principal officer of state has been endangered, and to join our voices in the universal condemnation of the authors of these deplorable events.
We desire to tender to the government and people of the United States the assurance of our profound sympathy under this great calamity, and to offer to the widow of the lamented President our respectful condolence at her bereavement. We earnestly hope that in this universal sentiment, and the cordial recognition which has found so world-wide an utterance of the eminent qualities and kindly nature of the deceased, they may derive all the consolation which human sympathy can impart.
We confidently trust that the same spirit which was seen to animate Mr. Lincoln when arrested in his career will continue to guide the successors to his government; that by a generous and conciliatory policy peace and harmony, involving the recognition of justice to all members of the community, may be restored to a distracted nation, and that the intimate relations which connect this country with the United States of America may be maintained with increasing friendship and cordiality.