Municipal Council of Northampton
At a meeting of the mayor, aldermen, and councillors, being the municip council of the borough of Northampton, held at the Town Hall in the same borough, on the 1st day of May, 1865—present, the worshipful the mayor, Thomas Osbern, esquire, in the chair—it was
[Page 308]Unanimously resolved, That the members of this council, including persons of all parties in the state, desire to record the deep feeling of horror with which they have heard of the late atrocious murder of the President of the United States of America, and the attempted assassination of his Secretary of State, crimes deserving of the execration of mankind, and which the members of this council doubt not will prove to have been the acts of the guilty perpetrators exclusively.
The council desire further to record their sympathy with the widow of the murdered Chief Magistrate under her bereavement, their condolence with the citizens of the republic, and their sincere trust that under the providential guidance of the Great Disposer of events the path of mercy and conciliation on which Mr. Lincoln had entered may be steadily trodden by his successor, and that the great and kindred nation over which he is summoned to preside may speedily recover from the deep wounds of civil war, and enjoy a bright future of liberty, peace, and prosperity in ever closer and more cordial alliance with our own branch of the English race.
That two copies of the above resolutions be fairly made on vellum, authenticated by the signature of the worshipful the mayor and the common seal of the borough, and sent to his excellency the United States minister in this country, with a request that he will forward one copy to the proper authority of his own government and the other to Mrs. Lincoln.