Inhabitants of Norwich

At a meeting of the citizens of Norwich, in Common Hall assembled, on Tuesday, the 2d day of May, 1865, pursuant to a requisition to the mayor, numerously and influentially signed, for the purpose of expressing the sympathy of the city of Norwich to the American government and people for the great loss they have sustained by the atrocious murder of their President, the following resolution was unanimously passed, and the mayor was requested to sign and affix the corporate seal thereto, and forward it to the American minister in London:

Resolved, That this meeting desires to express the greatest regret at the calamity brought upon the people of the United States of America by the assassination of President Lincoln.

That this meeting regards with horror and detestation the crime by which the President’s life was sacrificed, and that in the name of the citizens of Norwich, this meeting begs to offer to the government and people of the United States the most sincere and earnest sympathy under the loss which has so suddenly befallen them.
