Municipal Council of Quillota
Valparaiso, June 28, 1865.
Resolution of the municipality of Quillota.
No. 1,615.]
The following resolution has been approved by the municipality of the department of Quillota in its session of the 20th instant:
The illustrious municipality over which I preside, in its session of the 20th instant, has approved the following draught of a resolution:
The melancholy news which has plunged an entire continent in the deepest mourning, could not be received in this city without filling its inhabitants with grief and consternation. This news was no less than the extinction of an existence precious to humanity, that of an apostle of the truths of democracy—an untiring laborer for the greatness and prosperity of America, and a loyal and sincere friend of our country. Such was the President, Abraham Lincoln, sacrificed on the fatal night of the 14th of April by the infamous hand of an assassin.
In the privileged brain of the immortal Lincoln were meditated the gravest interests of the human race, under the impulses of the tendencies of a noble soul, and of a genius predestined to do good. From the lofty position achieved by [Page 36] his virtues, he watched with the utmost solicitude over the destinies of America, exhibiting with notable brilliancy a policy of justice in his relations with weak nations, and manifesting, especially towards our own republic, sincere sympathy and regard.
He co-operated earnestly in the crusade against the ominous oligarchy, protector of the most horrible of all social inequalities. He showed a constant zeal for the preservation of the integrity of the great republic which intrusted its direction to him, thus insuring the stability of the most perfect form of political existence, and demonstrated that policy of justice by his course towards the Brazilian nation, weak in material power, while powerful in the right of her claims; and, finally, by his course towards Chili, which can only be interpreted as an evidence of the spirit of most perfect cordiality.
While mourning over the blow which has wounded every American heart in its innermost depths, our satisfaction has been great to see the great republic pass unharmed through so fiery a trial. This is the privilege of governments resting not upon the shifting basis of force, but upon the solid foundations of principles—principles that study the means of elevating the august sovereignty of man to the position for which nature designed him, and not of strengthening dynasties by the legacy of millions of men to be converted into slaves and puppets.
Mankind may weep, but it gazes upon his great work finished; while the human race exists will it remain. Although this result, the necessary consequence of the propagation of democratic ideas, is for us a just motive for rejoicing, it is not sufficient to do away with the painful impression which the news of this great calamity has caused us. The family of redeemers is few! Washington left for his part political personality. Lincoln added social personality. The former made colonists into citizens; the latter made citizens from slaves. Washington gave a country to those he redeemed; Lincoln, to those he liberated, gave one also, saying to them, “Be ye men.” Both made great conquests for mankind, giving back to man that which prejudice and egotism had usurped. From the time of Washington to that of Lincoln, America has completed her first era in the mission of redemption.
As Chilenos, as Americans, as men, we have a just right to join with the republic of the north in celebrating the prosperous events of its existence, as well as in accompanying it in our sympathy in the hours of misfortune; and in order to attest in some external manner the grief of the residents of this city for the death of the illustrious Lincoln, we address ourselves to you as their immediate representative, soliciting your suffrages in favor of the following draught of a resolution:
The people of Quillota, profoundly moved by the unexpected event of the death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, approach their representative in Chili in order to offer to that nation the most earnest expression of condolence for so painful an event.
A copy of this resolution will be transmitted, together with the requisite note of enclosure, to the Hon. Thomas Henry Nelson, minister plenipotentiary of the United States of North America.