Inhabitants of London, Canada West
London, Canada West, April 19, 1865
Resolutions adopted at a large public meeting, held in the city of London, Canada West, on Wednesday, the 19th of April, in the year of our Lord 1865.
- First. That we, the citizens of London, Canada West, in public meeting assembled, at the hour when the solemn obsequies of Abraham Lincoln are being performed at Washington, are moved by our common feelings of humanity and our regard for the American people to express our profound sorrow at the sudden and mournful death of the late excellent and humane President of the neighboring and friendly republic; and we hereby record our heartfelt sympathy with the nation that has been visited by such an appalling calamity, with the widow and other relatives of the deceased President, who are plunged into grief by his assassination, and with the Hon. W. H. Seward and his family in the barbarous cruelty inflicted on his person.
- Second. That we regard the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted assassination of the Hon. W. H. Seward, whoever were the agents and whatever were their motives, as most cowardly, bloody, and diabolical crimes, a daring and lawless outrage on humanity, and a lasting disgrace to the civilization of the nineteenth century.
- Third. That a copy of these resolutions, signed, in name of this meeting, by the chairman and secretary, be forwarded through the proper channel to Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, to Mrs. Lincoln, widow of the late lamented President, and the Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State.
Mayor.Warren Rock, Secretary.