Covent Garden Theatrical Fund

Resolved, That this honorable corporation, the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund, desires to give utterance to the feelings of grief and horror with which it has received the fearful intelligence of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, and to convey to his sorrowing widow and the American people its profound condolence and sympathy, together with the expression of its sad and solemn regret that the unnatural parricide who deprived the Father of his country of existence, and the wife of his bosom of her loved protector, should in any the slightest way have been connected with the profession [Page 273] this corporation represents, whose honor and loyalty have ever been its most cherished pride.

Signed for the committee of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund:

6 The Grange, Michael’s Grove, Brampton, S. W.

Charles Francis Adams,
Minister of the United States in England.