Lodge of Gymnosophists


Mr. President: In presence of the sombre tomb which encloses the body of citizen Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, and member of the Grand Lodge of New York, the undersigned, delegates from the lodge of Gymnosophists in London, have the honor of transmitting to you the expression of their fraternal regret for the loss of one of the greatest citizens of the republic of America.

Abraham Lincoln is no more! He has given his blood for the social restoration of the most pitiable portion of humanity. Death to him is not annihilation; but the beginning of a new life, that will endure as long as the memory of man.

The lodge to which we belong has decided to wear mourning for a month, in commemoration of that heroic and unfortunate death, and takes this occasion of requesting you, Mr. President, to accept the expression of the regrets which we send in the name of our brethren, and our best wishes for the prosperity of your country and your own personal happiness.

  • J. P. BERJEAN, (33,)
    Grand Venerable Master of the Lodge.
  • J. LORGUE, First Warden.
  • CHAPERON, Second Warden.
  • L. WOLFF, Deputy of the Lodge.
  • P. LEFEVRE, Orator.
  • CRESPELLE DESIRE, Treasurer.
  • L. ARNAUD, Levite.
  • GROT, Expert.
  • DAUTEAUBEL, Brother Collector.
  • T. CHARLES BERJEAN, Secretary.
[masonic seal.]

His Excellency Andrew Johnson,
President of the United States.