Municipal Council of Lancaster

Borough of Lancaster,
In the county palatine of Lancaster, to wit:

At a quarterly meeting of the council of the said borough, held in the council chamber, in the Town Hall, within the said borough, on Wednesday, the 3d day of May, 1865—present, James Williamson, esq., mayor, in the chair—it was

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Unanimously resolved, That this council shares in the spontaneous and deeply felt indignation and horror of the people of this country at the atrocious assassination of the late President of the United States, and the barbarous attack on Mr. Secretary Seward, deeds most cowardly and detestable, which no political considerations can palliate, and which must shock the whole civilized world.

That this council desires to express, through the American minister now in London, its deep sympathy and condolence with the United States government and people, and with the widow and family of the late President, at the loss they have sustained.

That copies of these resolutions be presented to Mr. Adams, the resident American minister.

Mayor. Extracted from the minutes.
Town Clerk.