Mr. Nelson to Mr. Seward.
Santiago de Chili, June 1, 1865.
No. 197.]
Sir: At one o’clock to-day the congress of Chili was convened for the purpose of opening its regular sessions, and to listen to the annual message of the President.
Upon my entering the senate chamber, where both houses were assembled, manifestations of enthusiasm were made, while the members rose to their feet and remained standing until I had taken my seat.
The message was read by his excellency in person. Alluding to the United States, he said:
“In the relations of cordial friendship which we cultivate with the United States of America, it has been impossible for us to view without lively and sincere satisfaction the intelligence which insures the complete re-establishment of peace.
“The happy termination of the sanguinary struggle which has afflicted them will permit them to return again to the prolific labors of arts and manufactures, cleansed from a social plague which Chili banished from the earliest days of her [Page 30] emancipation, and which conflicted with the character and free institutions of that great republic.
“Nor have we been indifferent to the mourning in which they have been plunged by the death of their illustrious ruler, Abraham Lincoln. This melancholy event has awakened throughout the country and in the government manifestations of grief and sympathy as just as sincere.”
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I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State.