Inhabitants of Keighley
Address of condolence with the American people.
We the inhabitants of Keighley in public meeting assembled, having learned, with deepest sorrow and regret, the horrible act of foul assassination of his excellency Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, and the attempt upon the life of Mr. Seward, Secretary of State, do hereby express our sympathy with the American people, and especially with Mrs. Lincoln, her family, and the members of the late President’s cabinet, for the great loss they are thus called upon to sustain in that pare, kind-hearted, forgiving, and persevering friend to the human race, so violently removed from his high and responsible position in life. We deplore the loss of such a good and great man, and deprecate the foul deed as a blot upon the human character. We recognize among the American people many of our beloved relatives and friends, and to all we offer the right hand of human brotherhood, expressing our earnest wish for the future peace, prosperity, and amicable relations of the nation with this and every other country; and we pray the God of all peace to guide them in all domestic affairs, to preserve them from discord at home and abroad, and, especially from further deeds of dark and fiendish assassination and lawless violence, which they with us equally abhor.