Municipal Council of Kilmarnock
At and within the Town Hall of the burgh of Kilmarnock, in the county of Ayr, on the 3d of May, 1865, convened the provost magistrates and council of said burgh; whereupon it was
Resolved, That this council have learned with the greatest indignation and profound regret of the atrocious murder of Mr. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America.
That this council deeply sympathize with the American republic, under the great loss which it has sustained by the untimely decease under such revolting circumstances, and in the midst of the illustrious career of a ruler whose personal excellence has made him an object of honest pride to his own countrymen, and of just admiration to the rest of the world, and whose earnest endeavor to maintain friendly relations with Great Britain must ever endear his name and memory to the people of this country.
That this council also deeply sympathize with Mrs. Lincoln and family under their heavy bereavement, and sincerely pray that they may be supported by Him “who is the husband of the widow, and the father of the fatherless.”
That these resolutions be subscribed by Provost Dickie, in name and on behalf of the council, and presented by him to the minister in London of the United States of America.