Baron Wydenbruck to Mr. Seward


Sir: I have received by the European mail of yesterday a despatch from my government, dated 18th May, which charges me to express to his Excellency President Johnson, the felicitations of my august court on the occasion of his advent to the presidency of the United States.

Finding myself still not in condition, in consequence of the breaking of my arm, to go to Washington to acquit myself of these orders of my court, I take the liberty to send to you, Mr. Secretary of State, the above-mentioned despatch, in the original, begging you to place it before his Excellency the President. Let me be allowed to add, that I participate in the most lively manner in the sentiments of which I am charged by Count de Mensdorff, to be the interpreter in respect to yourself, and that I offer the most sincere wishes for the complete restoration of that health so precious in so many aspects.

Begging you, Mr. Secretary of State, to return to me, after using it, the aforesaid despatch, I seize this occasion to reiterate to you the assurance of my most distinguished consideration.


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.