Alexandria Lodge of the G. U. O. of Odd Fellows

Resolutions passed at a meeting held by the Alexandria Lodge of the G. U. O. of Odd Fellows, Bermuda.

Whereas, by recent arrivals from New York, we do learn of the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, by assassination; therefore, be it

  • 1st. Resolved, That in this dispensation of the Divine will, our race has lost an invaluable friend, one who in public and private life failed not to do honor to his country, who in the support of freedom, equality, and the rights of man, fell by the hand of a ruthless assassin.
  • 2d. Resolved, That this meeting do hear of his untimely decease with feelings of deep and deserved regret, and in view of the said mournful intelligence do make such public demonstration of the same as is consistent with us, members of the fraternity of Odd Fellows.
  • 3d. Resolved, That the members of this lodge do on Thursday, the 4th proximo, at its annual celebration, appear in mourning costume, in token of respect for the deceased President, and that badges of mourning be continued to be worn by the brethren for thirty days.
  • 4th. Resolved, That we do heartily sympathize with the worthy consul here, C. M. Allen, esq., and the friends of the Union, as also with Mrs. Lincoln, and their bereaved family abroad, in this hour of trying moment.
  • 5th. Resolved, That the secretary be directed to notify “Somers Pride of India Lodge, No. 899,” and “Victoria and Albert Lodge, No. 1,027,” of their intention in accordance with the 3d resolution, and to request a compliance of the same.
  • 6th. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the United States consulate at St. George’s, and to the Anglo-African papers, New York, for publication.

The foregoing resolutions were submitted to the meeting at Hamilton, on Tuesday, the 25th April, ultimo, by P. G. M. Brother J. T. Richardson, supported by Senior G. M. Brother Joseph H. Thomas, and ably seconded by Brother Joseph H. Rainey, and unanimously carried by the brethren, some one hundred and fifty or more being present.


General Secretary.