American Residents of Glasgow

His Excellency honorable Charles Francis Adams,
United States Minister, &c., &c., at London:

Sir: We, the undersigned, Americans, resident in Glasgow, have heard with the deepest grief, horror, and detestation, that the President of the United States has been deprived of life by violence.

We beg to convey to you, as the representative of the American government in London, our heartfelt sympathy, on learning this sorrowful event. We also ask permission to record our loving admiration of the stainless and heroic presidency of Abraham Lincoln, and to express our hope and confidence, that through the veneration inspired by his lofty virtue, his influence may now become more powerful than ever to guide the Union, of which he was the fruit and ornament, to victory and peace.

  • J. M. BAILEY.
  • WM. COOK.
  • W. B. HUGGINS.
  • M. M. MOORE.