Inhabitants of Galway

Resolutions passed at a meeting held by the inhabitants of Galway.

Public meeting in Galway, May, 1865.

At a public meeting held in the town court-house on Thursday, 4th instant, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted—

Thomas M. Persse, esq., chairman of town commissioners, in the chair.

Proposed by Rev. Peter Daly, P. P., seconded by A O’Flaherty, esq., D. L:

Resolved, That we, the citizens of Galway, have heard with feelings of horror and indignation of the atrocious murder of the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and the attempted assassination of Mr. Secretary Seward, and we hereby join our fellow-countrymen in offering our sincere sympathy to the American people on the national bereavement they have sustained.

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Proposed by Professor Moffett, LL.D., seconded by R. A. Somerville, esq.:

Resolved, That although we cannot believe our good words will have much effect in soothing the sorrow of Mrs. Lincoln, yet we cannot separate without expressing our condolence with her on the great calamity that has befallen herself and family in the untimely end of her illustrious husband, and our hope that the universal sympathy of the world may in some measure assuage their great grief.

Proposed by James Campbell, esq., seconded by Rev. J. D’Arcy, rector of Galway:

Resolved, That copies of the foregoing resolutions, signed by the chairman and secretaries of this meeting, on behalf of the people of Galway, be sent to the American minister in London for transmission to Mrs. Lincoln and the United States government.

  • THOMAS M. PERSSE, J. P., Chairman.
    Honorary Secretaries.