Inhabitants of Great Bardfield


sympathy with america.

Base assassination of the President, Abraham Lincoln, and attempted murder of Mr. Seward.

A public meeting will be held at the Town Hall, Great Bardfield, on Wednesday evening, May 3, 1865, to express its utter abhorrence of the above foul crimes, and to pass a resolution of condolence with Mrs. Lincoln and the people of the United States in their present painful position.

Chair to be taken at eight o’clock by Francis J. Freelove.

All classes are earnestly invited to attend. Admission free.

Resolutions unanimously adopted at the above meeting:

1st. That this meeting deeply sympathizes with the people of the United States in the great loss they have sustained in the sad death of their worthy President, Abraham Lincoln, and expresses its horror and indignation both at the foul crime which was the cause of his decease and of that which meditated the murder of Mr. Seward.

2d. That this meeting records its heartfelt condolence with Mrs. Lincoln in her irreparable loss, and fervently hopes that she may be supported in her overwhelming trouble.

Signed on behalf of the above meeting.