Magistrates, Bankers, Manufacturers, and other Inhabitants of Dundee

To his excellency the ambassador to the court of Great Britain for the United States of America.

At a public meeting of the magistrates, merchants, bankers, manufacturers and other inhabitants of the royal burgh of Dundee, in Scotland, held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 2d day of May, in the year 1865, called by due public notice, the provost of the burgh in the chair, it was moved and resolved, without a dissenting voice, as follows:

That the meeting unite in declaring the profound sorrow and indignation with which they have heard the atrocious assassination of President Lincoln, and of the attempted assassination of Mr. Seward and his son; further, they desire to express their sincere respect for Mr. Lincoln’s personal character, and in particular their admiration of the forbearance and moderation which he evinced in the hour of success; and they would respectfully express their deep sympathy with the American people and with the afflicted families of the sufferers.

It was then moved and [Page 210] Unanimously resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the United States embassy in London, through their consul in Dundee.

Signed in name and by appointment of the meeting:

Provost and Chief Magistrate of the Royal Burgh of Dundee.