Wesleyan Ministers and Stewards of Dublin

Resolutions passed at the annual meeting of the Wesleyan ministers and stewards of the Dublin district.

It was moved by the Rev. Robinson Scott, D. D., and seconded by John Jameson, esq., steward of the Dublin centenary, Chapel circuit, supported by the Rev. John F. Mathews, ex-secretary of the Irish conference, and passed unanimously:

1st. Resolved, That we avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our utmost abhorrence of the atrocious and diabolical assassination of his Excellency Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and of the cowardly and wicked attempt upon the life of the honorable William II. Seward, Secretary of State. That we deeply sympathize with the President, Congress, and people of America in the dire calamity by which, in a manner that scandalizes all civilized nations, [Page 208] they have been deprived of the great ability of him who, under God, succeeded in guiding the republic through a period of unprecedented difficulty in such a manner as to secure the admiration of the world.

That we fervently pray not only that peace may be speedily and completely restored, but that the noble aims of the late and present President, and the illustrious statesmen by whom they have been surrounded, may be fully realized in the utter extinction of the last vestige of slavery, without impairing the ability of the country to fulfil her high mission among the nations of the earth.

And that along with this prayer, we shall offer our fervent supplication on behalf of Mrs. Lincoln and family, who have sustained such sudden and irreparable loss.

2d. Moved by the Rev. Thomas T. N. Hull, seconded by Samuel McComas, esq, steward of the Dublin Abbey street circuit, and supported by the Rev. Gibson McMillen, secretary of the Hibernian Wesleyan Missionary Society, and passed unanimously:

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolution be engrossed and transmitted, as speedily as possible, to his Excellency the President of the United States.

Signed on behalf and by order of the meeting.
  • ROBERT WALLACE, Chairman.
  • ROBERT G. JONES, Secretary.
We, the ministers and stewards of the Waterford district, concur in the above resolution. Signed by order.
  • HENRY J. GILES, Chairman.
  • ROBT. HUSTON, Secretary.
Signed on behalf and by order of the Londonderry district.
  • HUGH MOORE, Chairman.
  • JOHN OLIVER, Secretary.
Signed on behalf and by order of the Belfast district.
  • HENRY PRICE, Chairman.
  • WILLIAM CATHER, Secretary.
Signed on behalf and by order of the Portadown district.
  • JOHN GILCHRIST, Secretary.
Signed on behalf and by order of the Enniskillen district.
  • THOMAS MEREDITH, Chairman.
  • EDW’D M. BANKS, Secretary.

His excellency the President
of the United States, Washington.