Municipal Council of Dublin
City Hall, Town Clerk’s Office,
May 13, 1865.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you the
accompanying resolutions unanimously adopted by the municipal council of
this city, and to request that you will submit the same to the President and
Congress of the United States at your earliest convenience.
I have the honor to remain, sir, your obedient servant,
Secretary of State, Washington.
At a meeting of the municipal council of the city of Dublin, held in the
council chamber, City Hall, Cork Hill, upon Monday the 1st day of May,
1865, the right honorable the lord mayor in the chair—
It was moved by Alderman Atkinson, J. P., seconded by alderman Carroll,
Unanimously resolved, That we regard with
abhorrence the dreadful deed which has deprived the people of the United
States of their Chief Magistrate.
Moved by Councillor Devitt, seconded by Councillor Byrne, and—
Unanimously resolved, That we tender to the
government of the United States our profound sympathy with them under so
great and terrible a calamity as the loss of their President.
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Alderman Durdin, and—
Unanimously resolved, That while we abstain from
the expression of any opinion whatever upon the fratricidal strife in
which the States of America are unfortunately engaged, we desire to
offer the tribute of our sincere respect and appreciation of the
character of the lamented deceased President Lincoln.
- W. J. HENRY, Town Clerk.