Inhabitants of Darlington
Resolutions of the inhabitants of Darlington.
At a meeting held in the Central Hall, Darlington, on the 2d of May, 1865, and at which a large number of the inhabitants of the town were present, the Rev. Henry Kendall in the chair—
It was moved by John Forster Clapham, esq., seconded by John Henry Backhouse, esq., and
Unanimously resolved, That this meeting expresses to the President and people of the United States of America its horror and detestation of the crime by which the late illustrious President Lincoln has been deprived of life; and earnestly prays that this awful event may strengthen their determination to uproot and utterly destroy the slave institution, and to reconstruct and consolidate their union upon the basis of free labor and political liberty.
It was moved by Henry Fell Pease, esq., seconded by William Fothergill, esq, and [Page 204] Unanimously resolved, That this meeting respectfully and affectionately offers to the honorable Mrs. Lincoln its profound sympathy under her terrible affliction, and prays God to cover her with the mantle of His love, and to console her by His all-prevailing grace.