Municipal Council of Cupar
To his excellency C. F. Adams, American minister in London:
The memorial and address of the provost magistrates and town council of Cupar, Fife, in Scotland, showeth that your memorialists, forming the corporation of Cupar, the head burgh of the county town of Fife, in common with the entire body of their fellow citizens, and of the people generally throughout the British nation, desire to express, as they hereby do, their utter abhorrence of the atrocious crime by which the United States of America have been so suddenly and cruelly deprived of so able and upright and (especially to the British nation) so friendly a Chief Magistrate and President as the late President Lincoln, and their sincere sympathy with the government and people of that great country on so sad and trying an occasion.
Signed, in name and by appointment of the memorialists, by
Provost of Cupar, Fife.