Inhabitants of Birmingham

Borough of Birmingham.

At a public meeting of the inhabitants of Birmingham, convened by the mayor and held in the Town Hall on Friday, the 28th day of April, 1865, the right worshipful the mayor (Henry Wiggen, esq.,) in the chair, it was moved by the mayor, seconded by John Jaffray, esq., and

Resolved unanimously, That this meeting desires to express the deepest regret at the irreparable loss which the people of the United States of America have sustained by the untimely death of President Lincoln; that this meeting regards with horror and detestation the crime by which the President’s life was sacrificed, and that on behalf and in the name of the inhabitants of Birmingham this meeting respectfully offers to the government and people of the United States the most sincere and earnest sympathy under the calamity which has befallen them.

It was moved by the Rev. R. W. Dale, seconded by Mr. Alderman Hawkes and

Resolved unanimously, That this meeting further desires to record its deep regret at the attempt to assassinate Mr. Seward, the Secretary of State, and expresses an earnest hope that, by the blessing of Divine Providence, his life may be spared to the service of his country.

Chairman of the said meeting.