Bradford Chamber of Commerce
Sir: The council of the Bradford Chamber of Commerce beg most respectfully to express to you, and through you to the people of the United States, [Page 175] the horror and the grief which they, in common with the whole civilized world, must feel at the news which has reached the town this day of the assassination of President Lincoln. Just at the very moment when the arduous struggle which he had so gloriously conducted for the last four years was concluded in the field, and when the world was admiring the wise and conciliatory spirit which he had shown in his endeavors to allay conflicting passions and to heal the wounds of his country, he was struck down by a cowardly assassin. The horrible event is too recent to admit of anything more than the mere expression of the most heartfelt sympathy and grief, and the council are sure that in thus addressing you they only give expression to feelings which are common to their constituents and to the whole community of Bradford.
I have the honor to remain, sir, your faithful servant,
- HENRY W. RIPLEY, President.
George J. Abbot, Esq.