Supreme G.·. C.·. of Misraïm
Sir: In remitting through your hands the eulogies and funeral orations which the superior grand honorary conservator and the grand president of the masonic order of Misraim have dedicated to the memory of President Lincoln, the sovereign grand council general is happy, through me, to express their feelings of sympathy for a great people, of admiration for a great citizen, of their attachment to an admirable principle.
President Lincoln’s death was a calamity, the cessation of war is a blessing, and President Johnson’s administration may be of great service to humanity.
Let national law have its course, and teach wicked men that they cannot shed innocent blood in vain. Let them be condemned if justice demands it, and let Europe learn, let the civilized world know, that with strength and right there may be magnanimity and clemency to pardon, where there has only been injury and hatred.
Such are the feelings of this lodge for their worthy brethren in America.
With great respect and high consideration, I am your humble servant,
The United States Minister.