Harmony Lodge


Homage rendered to the remains of Mr. Lincoln by Harmony Lodge.

To their brethren in America:

Lincoln is dead! The body of the victim of a mad assassin has disappeared from the surface of the earth, but his spirit is immortal. This spirit soars above the tomb where rest the mortal remains of one who was—

—“a man, a ruler, and a sage;
A truly worthy model of the age.”
[Page 78]

While angry discussions are disturbing a continent, a simple, unknown man, who earns his daily bread by the honest labor of his hands, is studying to improve his mind in the silent hours while others are reposing; suddenly he springs into light, and Lincoln is raised to the supreme rank.

He owns the virtues of a philosopher; the love of humanity is his strength; his sharpest weapon is persuasion.

A love for his country was a crown for which he gave his life, which he offered as a sacrifice to his people.

Now wondering Europe knows his name. Low jesters deride him no more; pride-corrupted individuals taunt him no more with poverty; infamous enemies of progress bend before the Titan, to whom nature gave the figure of a giant, and God the spirit of a hero, who became the regenerator of his people.

His blood spilt in America by the base assassin’s hand will fertilize the continent of Europe. The assassin was the representative of the enemies of progress.

Lincoln’s name is now defended by all nations, and the example of his virtues is sealed by his blood upon the frontispiece of the temple of nations.

  • Venerable,
    And many others.

By the unanimous authority of Harmony Lodge.
LEBESQUE, Keeper of the Seals.