St. George’s Society of Madison, Wisconsin
Resolutions passed at a meeting held by the St. George’s Society of Madison, Wisconsin.
At a special meeting of the St. George’s Society of the city of Madison, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, has suddenly fallen by the hand of an assassin, and been called to eternity—
Resolved, By the St. George’s Society of the city of Madison, that we deeply and sincerely sympathise with the family of the illustrious deceased and our fellow-citizens throughout the Union in their sad bereavement.
Resolved, That although we regard the death of an able and devoted President at this time as a great calamity, yet that we have abiding faith in the power and determination of the American people to preserve their nation and honor, thus erecting the most substantial and appropriate monument to the worth and character of their deceased leader.