State Synod of Michigan


Whereas it has pleased Almighty God, since the last meeting of the synod, to remove, by death, the late Chief Magistrate of our nation, whom we believe to have been peculiarly guided by Divine wisdom in the discharge of the great responsibilities devolving upon him in the terrible crisis of civil war through which we have passed; and

Whereas we believe him, in answer to prayer, to have been greatly supported and strengthened in his efforts, as well by the assurance repeatedly given him that he had the sympathies of Christian people: Therefore,

Resolved, That we, the Synod of Michigan, hereby respectfully assure the present Chief Magistrate of this nation, Andrew Johnson, that we fully appreciate the difficulties of his position, and the weight of responsibility resting upon him in the work of completely restoring the Union, and in removing the chief causes [Page 666] of future national disturbance; and that he has our warmest sympathies, and shall have our most earnest prayers to the Throne of Heavenly Grace that he may, in the performance of all his duties, be sustained and directed by the hand of Him in whose support and guidance individuals and nations can alone securely trust.
