Jackson Literary Society of Baltimore, Maryland
Metamora Hall, Room No. 1,
Baltimore, April 20, 1866.
At a meeting of the “Jackson Literary Association,” held this evening, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, in view of the awful calamity that has befallen the whole nation in the violent and sudden death of its honored and illustrious Chief Magistrate, Abraham Lincoln, who has been stricken down by the hand of an assassin in the midst of his untiring and profoundly patriotic endeavors to sustain the lawfully constituted authorities of his country against the assaults of those in arms against it, we bow with resignation to this sad calamity, and trust in the inscrutable wisdom of Providence to bring light out of darkness, and sanctify this deep affliction to the welfare of the nation: Therefore,
Resolved, That the officers and members of the “Jackson Literary Association” have heard with horror and indignation the foul assassination of President Lincoln, and add their voice to the general mourning of the nation over the great calamity.
Resolved, That in token of our grief for the nation’s loss, the members of this lyceum wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and that these resolutions be placed among the regular business of the association, and that a copy thereof be sent to the Secretary of State.
Jas. S. Courtney, Cor. Secretary.