American Residents of Montevideo
At a meeting of the citizens of the United States resident in the city of Montevideo, held at the residence of Dr. Peter Bourse, No. 200 Calle 25 de Mayo, on the 7th instant, for the purpose of manifesting their profound grief at the receipt of the sad news of the death of the illustrious President of the United States of America by the hand of an assassin, and of testifying their gratitude to the government of this republic for its demonstrations of sympathy towards the American nation, after some discussion regarding the objects of the meeting, Dr. Peter Bourse having been called to the chair, and Mr. B. Whitman appointed secretary of the meeting, the following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas we, the American citizens resident in Montevideo, have received the melancholy intelligence which places beyond doubt the sad fact of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of our country: Therefore—
- Resolved 1. That, as loyal citizens of the United States of America, we sincerely lament and deplore the untimely death of our late President, Abraham Lincoln, whose memory we revere as one of the noblest patriots of the age.
- Resolved 2. That we tender to the bereaved family of our beloved President the expressions of our profound grief and unlimited sympathy.
- Resolved 3. That we tender our heartfelt thanks to the provisional government of the Oriental republic for its sympathy with us in our cause and in our bereavement, as expressed in the public official demonstrations of grief, by causing the national and American flags to be hoisted at half-mast on the public offices on the 5th instant, and half-hour guns to be fired from sunrise to sunset during the day.
- Resolved 4. That our gratitude is also due to the public press of this city, which, without exception, expressed its sorrow and indignation at the fiendish deed which deprived us of our Chief Magistrate, and also placed its columns in mourning as a token of respect to the illustrious dead.
- Resolved 5. That we thank Almighty God for preserving to us the life of William H. Seward, Secretary of State, and at the same time we extend to that eminent statesman our sympathy and our best wishes for his speedy recovery.
- Resolved 6. That to our fellow-citizens in the United States we renew our pledge of continued and unfaltering fidelity to the Union and to the federal government as constitutionally organized at Washington.
- Resolved 7. That three copies of these resolutions be presented to the consul of the United States in this city, with a request that one copy be forwarded to the bereaved family, one to the Department of State at Washington, and one to the provisional government of the Oriental republic.
- Resolved 8. That these resolutions be published in the daily papers of this city, in the Standard of Buenos Ayres, and be also forwarded to the United States for publication.
- PETER BOURSE, Chairman.
- B. WHITMAN, Secretary.