Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs.


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No. From whom and to whom Date Subject page
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. Dec. 5 J. Hume Burnley, esq. recommended as chargé d’affaires ad interim. 1
Do. Dec. 5 Schemes of the insurgents in Canada. 1
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 6 Case of the Night-Hawk 2
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 6 J. Hume Burnley, esq., chargé d’affaires ad interim, 3
Memorandum Dec. 7 African slave trade. Propositions for its suppression. 4
Do. Dec. 8 Case of the Shenandoah. Prosecution of Captain Corbett for violation of foreign enlistment act. 4
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 8 Claim for coal taken from Angra Pequena by the Vanderbilt. 4
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 8 Movements of the Georgiana. 5
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 9 Case of the Labuan. 6
Do. Dec. 11 Movements of the Georgiana. 7
Do. Dec. 11 Application for the extradition of B. G. Burley. 7
Do. Dec. 12 Military organization of insurgent fugitives from the United States in Canada. 8
Do. Dec. 13 Case of the James Douglass. 8
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 13 Greek fire to be used in the destruction of cities in the United States. 9
Do. Dec. 14 Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. 9
Do Dec. 14 Case of the John Warrington 10
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 14 Cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. 10
Do. Dec. 14 Release of S. E. Lackey and others, charged with robbery and murder at St. Albans. 11
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 15 The same subject 11
Do Dec. 15 The same subject 12
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 15 Alleged violation of British jurisdiction at 12
Do Dec. 15 Campo Bello. Schemes of the insurgents in Canada against 15
Do. Dec. 16 The United States. 15
Do. Dec. 16 Case of the Labuan 15
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 16 Military organization of insurgent fugitives from the United States in Canada. 16
Do. Dec. 17 Order telegraphed by Major General Dix on the occasion of the outrage at St. Albans. 16
Do Dec. 17 Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. 17
Do. Dec. 17 Operations in the straits of Simonosaki. Increase of naval armament on the northern lakes. 17
Do Dec. 19 St. Albans raiders. 20
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 19 The same subject 20
Do. Dec. 21 Intercepted correspondence showing the use of the British provinces by the insurgents. 21
Do. Dec. 21 Alleged organization at Halifax for seizing United States vessels on the lakes bordering on Canada, and also at different points on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. 21
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 21 Intercepted correspondence showing tbe use of the British provinces by the insurgents. 22
Do Dec. 21 Operations in the straits of Simonosaki. Naval honors tendered by the British government to Lieutenant Pearson, of the United States ship Jamestown. 22
Do Dec. 22 Alleged organization of insurgents at Halifax for seizing United States vessels. 23
Do Dec. 15 Cessation of Japanese hostilities. Future policy to be observed towards that government. 23
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 22 Cases of the two Harrises, captured on the Young Republic. 24
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 22 Operations in the straits of Simonosaki. Naval honors tendered by the British government to Lieutenant Pearson, of the United States ship Jamestown. 26
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 24 The case of the Georgiana 26
Memorandum Dec 24 The case of the Night Hawk. 27
Do. Dec. 26 Schemes of the insurgents of the United States in Canada. 27
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 28 The case of the Mary. 28
Do. Dec. 28 Greek fire to be used in the destruction of cities in the United States. 29
Do. Dec. 28 Cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. 29
Do. Dec. 28 Vessels fitted out at Nassau to depredate on American commerce. 30
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 28 Case of the James Douglass 31
Do. Dec. 29 Japanese affairs. 31
Do. Dec. 29 The case of the Georgiana. 31
Do. Dec. 30 Schemes of the insurgents of the United States in Canada. 32
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 30 The same subject 32
Do. Dec. 31 Military organization of insurgent fugitives from the United States in Canada. 33
Do. Dec. 31 The case of the Night Hawk. 33
Do Dec. 31 Military order of the governor general of Canadá for the distribution of troops on the frontier. 34
Do Dec. 31 Greek fire to be used in the destruction of cities in the United States. 36
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 31 Schemes of the insurgents of the United States in Canada. 36
Do. Dec. 31 The case of the Mary 37
Do. Dec, 31 Greek fire to be used in the destruction of cities in the United States. 37
Do. Dee. 31 The case of the Night Hawk. 37
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Dec. 31 Alleged fitting out at Nassau of vessels to depredate on American commerce. 38
Do Jan. 3 Military order of the governor general of Cadada for the distribution of troops on the frontier. 38
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Jan. 3 Alleged insurgent organization at Halifax for the seizure of United States vessels. 38
Do Jan. 3 The outrage at St. Albans 39
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Jan, 4 Alleged military organization in Canada of insurgent fugitives from the United States. 40
Do. Jan. 4 Cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. 40
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Jan. 6 The case of the Night Hawk. 41
Do. Jan. 6 The same subject. 41
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Jan. 7 St. Albans raiders. 41
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Jan. 9 The case of the Night Hawk. 43
Do. Jan. 10 Alleged organization at Halifax by the insurgents for the seizure of United States vessels. 43
Do. Jan. 10 Increase of naval armament on the northern lakes. 43
Do. Jan. 10 The case of the Night Hawk. 43
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Jan. 10 The case of James Hardcastle 44
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Jan, 11 Operations in the Straits of Simonosaki. Naval honors tendered by the British govern-emment to Lieutenant Pearson, of the United States ship Jamestown. 45
Do Jan. 12 Extradition of St. Albans raiders 46
Do. Jan. 14 Greek fire to be used by the insurgents in destroying northern cities. 46
Do Jan. 14 Transfer of the crew of the Florida to the Shenandoah. 47
Do. Jan. 16 Extradition of the St. Albans raiders 47
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Jan. 17 Transfer of the crew of the Florida to the Shenandoah. 47
Mr. Seward to Mr Burnley. Jan. 18 The case of James Hardeastle. 48
Do Jan. 18 The ease of the Labuan 48
Do Jan. 19 Schemes of the insurgents of the United States in Canada. 48
Do Jan. 19 The case of the Night Hawk;. 48
Do Jan. 19 The case of the James Douglass 49
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Jan 20 Observance of passport regulations in the 49
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Jan. 21 United States. Hostile schemes of the insurgents from the United States in Canada. 50
Do. Jan. 23 Piratical vessels fitting out at St. Thomas to depredate upon American commerce, 50
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Jan. 23 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 51
Do. Jan. 24 The case of the Maryi 52
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Jan. 24 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 53
Do. Jan. 25 Observance of passport regulations in the United States. 53
Do. Jan. 25 Case of the Chesapeake 54
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Jan. 25 Piratical vessels fitting out at St. Thomas to depredate on American commerce. 54
Do. Jan. 25 Hostile schemes of the insurgents from the United States in Canada. 55
Do. Jan. 26 Case of Miller and Fisher. 55
Do Jan. 26 Opening of the Canadian Parliament. Speech of the governor general. 56
Do. Jan. 28 African slave trade. 57
Do. Jan. 28 Alleged violation of British jurisdiction at Campo Bello. 59
Do. Jan. 30 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 59
Do. Jan. 31 Cases of the vessels El Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. 60
Do. Jan. 31 Extradition of William H. Crawford 61
Do. Jan. 31 Extradition of the St. Albans raiders 62
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Jan. 31 Case of the Mary. 63
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Feb. 2 Extradition of William H. Crawford 63
Do. Feb. 4 Extradition of B. G. Burley. 64
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Feb. 4 Extradition of William H. Crawford 64
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Feb. 6 Alleged organization at Halifax by the insurgents for the seizure of United States vessels. 64
Do. Feb. 6 Detention of cotton at Memphis claimed by Captain Scanlan. 65
Do. Feb. 7 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 67
Do. Feb. 7 Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. 68
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Feb. 7 The same subject. 68
Do. Feb. 8 Extradition of B. G. Burley 69
Do. Feb. 8 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 69
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Feb. 8 Extradition of the St. Albans raiders 69
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Feb. 8 Alleged organization, at Cape Vincent, of a 70
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Feb. 9 marauding expedition into Canada. The same subject 71
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Feb. 9 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 71
Do. Feb. 9 Extradition of St. Albans raiders 71
Do. Feb. 11 Suggesting the early termination of the Fishery Commission. 72
Do. Feb. 11 Extradition of William H. Crawford 72
Do. Feb. 14 Movements of the pirate Ajax 72
Do. Feb. 14 Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. 73
Do. Feb. 14 Cases of the Ël Almandares and Pinero, built at Montreal for hostile purposes against the United States. 73
Do. Feb. 14 Alleged organization at Halifax by the insurgents for the seizure of United States vessels. 73
Memorandum. Feb. 15 Insurgent schemes in Canada. The outrage at St. Albans. The fitting out of vessels in British ports to depredate on American commerce. 73
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Feb, 15 The case of the Chesapeake. 74
Do. Feb. 17 The same subject 77
I Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Feb. 17 Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. 77
Do. Feb. 17 Detention at Memphis of cotton claimed by Captain Scanlan. 77
Do. Feb. 18 The case of the Chesapeake. 78
Do. Feb. 19 The case of the Georgiana. 78
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Feb. 20 The case of the Chesapeake. 79
Do. Feb. 23 Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. 79
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Feb. 23 Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. 80
Do. Feb. 23 The case of the Chesapeake 81
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Feb. 24 Alleged organization at Cape Vincent of a marauding expedition into Canada. 81
Do. Feb. 25 Extradition of the St. Albans raiders 82
Do. Feb. 25 The case of the Chesapeake 82
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Feb. 25 The case of James Hardcastle 83
Do. Feb. 27 The extradition of the St. Albans raiders 84
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Feb. 28 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 85
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 1 Insurgent schemes in Canada 85
Do. Mar. 2 Extradition of the St. Albans raiders 86
Do. Mar. 3 Case of the pirate Gipsey 86
Do. Mar. 3 Case of the Chesapeake 87
Do. Mar. 3 Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. 87
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 3 Insurgent schemes in Canada 87
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 6 Alleged organization at Cape Vincent of a marauding expedition into Canada. 88
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 6 The case of the Chesapeake 88
Do. Mar. 6 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 88
Do. Mar. 7 The case of the Chesapeake 89
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 7 The extradition of the St. Albans raiders. 89
Do. Mar. 7 The cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, building at Montreal for depredations on American commerce. 90
Do. Mar. 7 The case of the Georgiana 91
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 8 Alleged fitting out at the Bahamas of blockade-runners designed to depredate on American commerce. 91
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 9 Hostile designs of insurgents at Halifax against towns on the northern frontier. 92
Do. Mar. 9 The case of John Warrington. 92
Do. Mar. 9 The case of the Chesapeake 93
Do. Mar. 11 Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on the northern frontier. 94
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 13 Cases of the Chesapeake and J. L. Gerrity 94
Do. Mar. 13 The case of John Warrington 95
Do. Mar. 14 The case of the Georgiana. 95
Do. Mar. 14 Hostile designs of insurgents at Halifax against towns on the northern frontier. 95
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 14 Fenian Brotherhood. Alleged proceedings of the society. 96
Do. Mar. 15 Extradition of B. G. Burley. 97
Do. Mar. 15 African slave trade. 98
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 15 Fenian Brotherhood. Alleged proceedings of the society. 98
Do. Mar. 16 African slave trade 98
Memorandum Mar. 16 The case of John Warrington 99
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 16 The President’s proclamation relative to per-sons engaged in the violation of the blockade. 99
Memorandum Mar. 16 The same subject. 99
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 17 The same subject. 100
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 18 Detention at Memphis of cotton claimed by Captain Scanlan. 100
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 20 Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against towns on trie northern frontier. 102
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. Mar, 20 Retirement of Lord Lyons. 102
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 20 Fenian Brotherhood. Alleged proceedings of the society. 103
Do. Mar. 20 Extradition of B. G. Burley 104
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 20 Oath of allegiance required of British subjects at Charleston preparatory to engaging in business. 105
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 21 The case of John Warrington 108
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 21 Appointment of Sir Frederick W. A. Bruce as British minister to the United States. 109
Do. Mar. 21 Treasury regulations respecting articles exported inland from Canada to the United States, 109
Do. Mar. 23 The case of John Warrington. 112
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 23 The cases of the El Almandares and Pinero, building at Montreal for purposes hostile to the United States. 112
Do. Mar. 23 Oath of Allegiance required of British subjects at Charleston preparatory to engaging in business. 112
Do. Mar. 23 Detention at Memphis of cotton claimed by Captain Scanlan. 113
Do. Mar. 24 Appointment of Sir Frederick W. A. Bruce as British minister to the United States. 113
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 26 Relative to the termination of the fishery commission. 113
Do. Mar. 27 Alleged organization at Cape Vincent of a marauding expedition into Canada. 114
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 28 Treasury regulations respecting articles exported inland from Canada to the United States. 114
Do. Mar. 29 Relative to the termination of the fishery commission. 114
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Mar. 29 Alleged organization at Cape Vincent of a marauding expedition into Canada. 115
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Apr. 1 Movements of the piratical cruisers Shenandoah and Ajax. 115
Do Apr. 3 Cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. 115
Do Apr. 3 Rearrest of the St. Albans raiders. 117
Do. Apr. 3 Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against the towns on the northern frontier. 117
Do. Apr. 5 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 118
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Apr. 5 Hostile designs of insurgents in Canada against the towns on the northern frontier. 118
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. Apr. 7 Alleged support given by the inhabitants of Nova Scotia to insurgent cruisers. 119
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. Apr. 7 The cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. 120
Do Apr. 8 Movements of the piratical cruisers Shenandoah and Ajax. 120
Do. Apr. 8 Cotton captured at Savannah claimed by British subjects. 121
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Apr. 10 Requesting audience of the President for presentation of his letter of credence from the British government. 121
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Burnley. Apr. 15 Assassination of the President, and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 121
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Hunter. Apr. 17 The same subject 122
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Burnley. Apr. 18 Obsequies of the late President Lincoln 122
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Hunter. Apr. 18 Extradition of V. G. Locke. 124
Do. Apr. 18 Case of the pirate Gipsy 125
Do Apr. 18 Irregularities alleged to have been committed by the United States vessels-of-war off the Bahamas. 125
Do. Apr. 18 Alleged fitting out at the Bahamas of blockade runners designed to depredate on American commerce. 126
Do. Apr. 18 Hostile designs of the insurgents in Canada against the towns on the northern frontier. 127
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Hunter. Apr. 18 Claim of James Hart for alleged seizure of property at Savannah. 131
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Hunter. Apr. 20 The President’s proclamation relative to persons engaged in the violation of the blockade. 132
Do. Apr. 22 Demonstrations of respect to the memory of President Lincoln. Action of the governor general of Canada. 133
Do Apr. 22 Piratical vessels fitting out at St. Thomas for alleged seizure of American vessels on the Pacific coast. 134
Do. Apr. 24 Treasury regulations respecting articles exported inland from Canada to the United States. 134
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. Apr. 24 Extradition of V. G. Locke 135
Do. Apr. 24 Hostile designs of the insurgents in Canada against the towns on the northern frontier. 135
Do. Apr. 25 Case of the pirate Gipsey 135
Do. Apr. 25 Assassination of President Lincoln. Action of the governor general of Canada. 136
Do. Apr. 25 The St. Albans raiders. Their rearrest 136
Do Apr. 25 Alleged fitting out at the Bahamas of blockade-runners to depredate on American commerce. 136
Do. Apr. 25 Extradition of V. G. Locke 137
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. Apr. 25 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence from British residents in New York city. 137
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. Apr. 26 The same subject 137
Do. Apr. 28 Piratical vessels fitting out at St. Thomas for alleged seizure of American vessels on the Pacific coast. 138
Do. Apr. 28 Irregularities alleged to have been committed by United States vessels-of-war off the Bahamas. 138
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Hunter. Apr. 28 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 138
Do. Apr. 28 The same subject 139
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. Apr. 29 The President’s proclamation relative to persons engaged in the violation of the blockade. 139
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May. 1 Cotton captured at Mobile Charleston, and Savannah claimed by British subjects 139
Do May. 1 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 140
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. May. 3 Cotton captured at Mobile claimed by British subjects. 140
Do. May. 3 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 141
Do. May. 3 The same subject. 141
Do. May. 6 Irregularities alleged to have been committed by United States vessels-of-war off the Bahamas. 141
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May. 6 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 142
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. May. 8 The same subject. 142
Do. May. 9 The same subject 143
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May 10 The same subject 143
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. May 13 The same subject 143
Do. May 13 Notice that the United States government I will no longer respect, on land or sea, any concessions of belligerent rights to the insurgents. 144
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May 16 Case of the J. L. Gerrity. 144
Do. May 16 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. The same subject 154
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. May 16 The same subject 154
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May 17 The same subject 154
Do. May 17 Cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. 155
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. May 17 Case of the J. L. Gerrity 155
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May 18 Assassination of President Lincoln. Extract from a speech of the lieutenant governor of New Brunswick. 155
Do May 18 Tonnage dues exacted from British vessels at Boston. 156
Do May 19 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 158
Do May 19 The same subject 158
Do May 19 Relative to the termination of the fishery commission. 158
Do May 19 Alleged schemes in Brooklyn, New York, to annex Canada and Mexico to the United States. 159
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Brace. May 19 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolution of condolence. 160
Do May 20 The same subject. 160
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May 20 The piratical cruiser Stonewall. Belligerent rights extended to insurgent vessels 161
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. May. 25 Alleged schemes in Brooklyn, New York, to annex Canada and Mexico to the United States. 161
Do. May 26 Case of the Chesapeake 162
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May 26 The same subject 162
Do. May 27 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 162
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. May 27 Case of the Margarita Quintero. Supposed to be engaged in the slave trade. 162
Do. May 29 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 163
Do. May 29 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 163
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. May 29 Alleged schemes in Brooklyn, New York, to annex Canada and Mexico to the United States. 164
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. May 30 Relative to the termination of the fishery commission. 165
Do. May 31 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 165
Do. May 31 The same subject 165
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. Jun 1 The same subject. 166
Do. Jun 1 Alleged schemes in Brooklyn, New York, to annex Canada and Mexico to the United States. 166
Do. Jun 1 Cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. 166
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. Jun 2 Attempted introduction of yellow fever into the northern cities. 168
Do. Jun 2 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 169
Do. Jun 3 The same subject 169
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. Jun 3 Attempted introduction of yellow fever into the northern cities. 170
Do. Jun 5 Tonnage dues exacted from British vessels at Boston. 170
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. Jun 5 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 172
Do. Jun 7 Tonnage dues exacted from British vessels at Boston. 172
Do. Jun 7 The same subject. 172
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Hunter. Jun 10 Suppression of African slave trade. United States vessels to be received in British ports on the coast of Africa. 173
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Jun 12 The same subject 174
Do. Jun 14 Invitation to attend the ceremonies of the soldiers’ national monument at Gettysburg. 174
Sir F.Bruce to Mr. Hunter. Jun 15 Termination of the treaty limiting the naval force on the lakes. 174
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Jun 16 The same subject. 175
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Jun 17 Invitation to attend the ceremonies of soldiers’ national monument at Gettysburg. 175
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Jun 19 Withdrawal of the concession of belligerent rights to the insurgents by Great Britain. 176
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Jun 20 The same subject 179
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. Jun 24 Cases of Pratt and Green, of the steamer City of Richmond. 179
Do. Jun 26 Proclamation rescinding the blockade. 180
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Jul 1 Withdrawal of the recognition of insurgents as belligerents. 181
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Seward. Jul 3 The same subject 181
Do. Jul 7 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 181
Do. Jul 10 Case of the Margarita Quintero. Supposed to be engaged in the slave trade. 182
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Jul 11 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 182
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Jul 12 The case of the Night Hawk. 182
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. July 18. The same subject 182
Sir F. Brace to Mr. Seward. Jul 25 Hay tien affairs relative to the guarantee of the neutrality of the peninsula of Samana. 184
Do. Jul 26 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolulutions of condolence. 184
Mr. Seward to Sir. F. Bruce. Jul 27 The same subject 184
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Jul 31 The same subject 185
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. Aug. 2 The same subject 185
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Aug. 7 Alleged improper enlistment of a deserter from a British merchant vessel on board the United States ship St. Mary’s. 185
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Aug. 7 The same subject 185
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Aug. 9 Attempted introduction of yellow fever into the northern cities. 187
Do. Aug. 9 Withdrawal of the recognition of insurgents as belligerents. 189
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Aug. 9 Case of the James Douglass 189
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Aug. 10 Suppression of the African slave trade. 190
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Aug. 12 The same subject. 190
Do Aug. 15 Hay tien affairsrelative to the guarantee of the neutrality of the peninsula of Samana. 191
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Aug. 19 Termination of the treaty limiting the naval force on the lakes. 192
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Aug. 22 The same subject 192
Do Sept. 19 Outrage at St. Albans. Return of money stolen by the marauders. 192
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Sept. 22 Suppression of the African slave trade 193
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Oct. 2 The same subject 193
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter. Oct. 23 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 193
Do Oct. 23 The same subject 193
Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce. Oct. 25 The same subject 194
Do Oct. 25 The same subject 194
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Oct. 30 Removal of restrictions on United States ships-of-war in British ports. 194
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Oct. 31 The same subject 195
Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward. Nov. 3 Increase of naval armament on the lakes 195
Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce. Nov. 4 The same subject 196
Do Nov. 27 Insurgent vessels sailing under British registry liable to capture. 196


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No. From whom and to whom Date Subject page
566 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Nov. 21 Purchase by the insurgents of insulated telegraphic wire for the destruction of United States vessels. 197
567 do Nov.25 Note addressed to Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys by rebel emissaries. Unfriendly spirit of the French press. 197
1 Mr. Pennington to Mr. Seward. Dec. 2 Announcing the death of Mr. Dayton 198
2 do Dec. 7 Obsequies of Mr. Dayton 199
3 Mr. Pennington to Mr. Seward. Dec. 7 Sympathetic action of the French government on the death of Mr. Dayton. 200
724 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Dec. 17 Proceedings of the rebel emissaries in France 201
7 Mr. Pennington to Mr. Seward. Dec. 20 Respecting a treaty between France and Japan. 202
1 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Dec. 22 Appointment of Mr. Bigelow as chargé d’affaires ad interim. 202
Mr. Seward to Mr. Pennington. Dec. 23 Death of Mr. Dayton. Appointment of Mr. Bigelow as chargé d’affaires. 203
3 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Dec. 24 Personal instruction to Mr. Bigelow 203
5 do Dec. 26 Tributes of respect paid to the memory of Mr. Dayton. 203
6 do Dec. 27 The same subject 204
9 do Dec. 29 Iron-clads Shanghai and San Francisco building in France. Precautionary measures for the prevention of their use by the insurgents. 204
9 Mr. Pennington to Mr. Seward. Dec. 30 Interview with Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys. Remarks upon the death of Mr. Dayton. Predictions by the French and English press of the failure of General Sherman’s movement at Atlanta. 204
10 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Dec. 31 Purchase by the insurgents of insulated telegraphic wire for the destruction of United States vessels. 205
7 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Jan. 20 Iron-clads Shanghai and San Francisco building in France. Precautionary measures for the prevention of their use by the insurgents. 205
9 do Jan. 23 French law and its application in cases of citizens of France swearing before consular officers of the United States. 205
11 do Jan. 27 Report of Colonel de Channal to the French government on the military situation of the United States. 207
12 do Jan. 27 Opening of the French Chambers. Insurgent scheme for the recognition by France and England of the so-called confederate government. 208
13 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Jan. 30 Piratical cruiser Stonewall, alias Her Olinde. Her armament and equipment in a French ports. 209
14 do Jan. 31 The same subjects 211
16 do Feb. 3 The same subjects 212
17 do Feb. 3 The same subjects 213
19 do Feb. 6 The same subjects 215
22 do Feb. 7 Projects of rebel emissaries in Europe. Early termination of the rebellion. 219
35 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Feb. 7 Iron-clads Shanghai and San Francisco building in France. 220
36 Do Feb. 7 Presentation of letter of credence as chargé d’affaires. 220
23 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Feb. 9 Piratical cruiser Stonewall, alias the Olinde. 220
26 do Feb. 10 The same subjects 224
28 do Feb. 10 The same subjects 224
43 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Feb. 13 The case of the William L. Richardson 225
31 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Feb. 14 Piratical ciuiser Stonewall, alias the Olinde. 227
34 do Feb. 16 The same subjects 228
46 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Feb. 21 Cases of the Stonewall and Shenandoah 230
50 do Feb. 22 Public opinion in France concerning affairs in the United States. 231
51 do Feb. 27 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 231
53 do Feb. 27 The same subjects 232
39 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Feb. 28 Case of William H. Castaned, of Mobile, an inmate of a workhouse at Graffenstaden. 232
40 do Feb. 28 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 233
41 do Mar. 3 Case of the pirate Rappahannock 236
42 do Mar. 3 Proceedings of insurgent emissaries in France and Great Britain. 237
43 do Mar. 6 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 239
58 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 6 Encyclical letter of the pope of Rome 240
59 do Mar. 6 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 240
60 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 7 Respecting the transfer of the capital of Italy from Turin to Florence. 240
64 do Mar. 7 Commanders of United States vessels in foreign waters instructed to communicate freely with the legations of the United States. 240
49 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar. 10 Case of the William L. Richardson 241
67 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 11 French opinion in regard to the future policy of the United States. 241
56 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar.15 Announcing the appointment of the Marquis de Montholon as minister of France to the United States. 242
60 do Mar. 17 Agency of the American Emigration Company at Havre. 242
61 do Mar. 17 The ram Cheops building in France for the Prussian government. Precautions taken by the government of France to prevent her falling into the hands of the insurgents. 244
62 do Mar. 17 French opinion concerning affairs in the United States. 245
74 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 21 Piratical vessels Rappahannock and Stonewall. 247
75 do Mar. 21 Proceedings of insurgent emissaries in France and Great Britain. 248
76 do Mar. 22 Case of William H. Castaned, of Mobile, an inmate of the workhouse at Graffenstaden. 248
79 do Mar. 23 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 249
80 do Mar. 23 The same subject 249
81 do Mar. 23 Tributes of respect to the memory of Edward Everett from the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of France. 249
84 do Mar. 27 Case of the William L. Richardson 250
96 do Mar. 30 Collision between the American schooner Three Sisters and the French transport Alhir near Cape San Antonio. 250
97 do Mar. 30 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 251
98 do April 4 The ram Cheops building in France. Precautionary measures taken by the government of France to prevent her falling into the hands of the insurgents. 251
99 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. April 4 Agency of the American Emigration Company at Havre. 252
67 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. April 4 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 252
105 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. April 5 Paris Universal Exposition for 1867 255
68 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. April 7 Peace negotiations allege’d to be in progress in Canada. 256
108 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. April 8 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 257
75 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. April 17 Debates in the corps législatif on the Mexican question. 257
77 do April 18 Evacuation of Richmond. Opinions of the French press. 280
115 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. April 20 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 283
121 do April 24 Peace negotiations alleged to be in progress in Canada. 283
do April 27 Convalescence of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of State. 283
86 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. April 28 Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 284
87 do May 3 Tributes of respect to the memory of President Lincoln. 285
128 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. May 5 Evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg. Opinions of the French press. 287
129 do May 5 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 288
90 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. May 10 Assassination of President Lincoln. Resolutions of condolence. 288
91 do May 11 Reception of the news of the surrender of Johnston. Continued recognition of the insurgents as belligerents 289
92 do May 12 Proclamations closing certain ports in the United States, and also relating to reciprocal naval hospitalities. 291
146 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. May 16 Assassination of the president 291
150 do May 19 The same subject 292
96 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. May 19 The same subject 292
154 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. May 22 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 295
155 do May 22 Assassination of President Lincoln. 295
97 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. May 23 The same subject 296
98 do May 23 Eenewal of restrictions upon United States vessels in French ports. 297
99 do May 23 Proclamations closing certain ports in the United States, and also relating to reciprocal naval hospitalities. 298
156 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. May 29 The same subject 299
157 do May 30 Assassination of President Lincoln. 299
109 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. May 31 The same subject. 300
110 do May 31 Views of Comte de Montalembert on American affairs. I 301
111 do Jun 1 Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 321
161 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. Jun 5 Address of the French Committee of Emancipation. 323
162 do Jun 5 Continued recognition of the insurgents as belligerents. 324
116 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward Jun 9 Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 324
118 do Jun 15 Agency of the American Emigration Company at Havre. 326
173 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Jun 15 Assassination of President Lincoln 327
176 do Jun 17 Removal of restrictions upon United States vessels in French ports. Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 327
185 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. Jun 26 Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 328
127 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Jun 26 Address of the French Emancipation Society. 328
132 do Jun 27 Assassination of President Lincoln 329
189 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. Jul 3 Action of the Navy Department in view of the withdrawal of the recognition of insurgents as belligerents by France. 330
190 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow Jul 5 Agency of the American Emigration Company at Havre. 330
191 do Jul 6 Views of Comte de Montalenibert on American affairs. 330
144 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward Jul 14 European Congress. Comments of the press 331
202 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow Jul 17 Assassination of President Lincoln 331
204 do Jul 18 The same subject. 332
212 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. Jul 28 Duties levied by the French government on hops exported from the United States. 332
217 do Jul 31 European Congress 333
153 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward Aug. 5 Appeal of Mr. Gamier Pages to the President for the abolition of capital punishment in the United States. 333
233 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Aug. 25 The same subject 335
168 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Sept. 2 Assassination of President Lincolnr. 335
258 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow Sept. 7 Naval celebration at Cherbourg 345
260 do Sept. 8 Proposed modification of the adjustment of the Japanese indemnity. 345
271 do Sept. 25 Assassination of President Lincoln 346
182 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward Oct. 6 Duties levied by the French government on hops exported from the United States. 346
287 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow Oct. 19 Case of the William L. Richardson. 347
190 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Oct. 27 Proposed modification of the adjustment of the Japanese indemnity. 348
192 do Oct. 8 Assassination of President Lincoln 348
193 do Oct. 28 The same subject 350
294 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow Oct. 30 Employment of Egyptian troops to serve in the French army in Mexico. 350
295 do Oct. 31 Comments on the policy of the President by the French press. 350
306 Do Nov. 11 Proposed modification of the adjustment of the Japanese indemnity. 351
312 Do Nov. 18 Assassination of President Lincoln 351
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Dec. 9 Alleged violation of neutrality in the construction of privateers in ports of the United States. 352
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. Jan. 3 Tax imposed by the municipal authorities upon French subjects for recruiting troops. 352
Memorandum. Jan. 5 Proposed modification of the adjustment of the Japanese indemnity. 353
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Jan. 16 Tax imposed by the municipal authorities upon French subjects for recruiting troops. 355
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. Mar. 24 Oath of allegiance required of French subjects at Charleston before permitted to engage in trade. 355
Do. Mar. 27 Paris Universal Exposition for 1867. 356
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Mar. 29 Oath of allegiance required of French subjects -at Charleston before permitted to engage in trade. 357
Do. Apr 7 Paris Universal Exposition for 1887. 357
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Hunter. Apr 16 Assassination of President Lincoln 358
Do. Apr 22 The same subject 358
Do. Apr 26 The same subject 359
Memorandum Apr 28 The same subject 359
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Geofroy. Apr 29 The same subject. 360
Do. Apr 29 The same subject 360
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Hunter. Jun 4 Removal of restrictions upon United States vessels in French ports. 360
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. Jun 15 The same subject 361
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Hunter. Jun 24 Project relative to the formation of a Swiss navy. 331
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. July 7 The same subject. 362
62 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. Nov. 14 The intercontinental telegraph 363
63 do Nov. 22 Re-election of President Lincoln. 363
64 do Nov. 22 Interview with the Grand Duke Constantine respecting American affairs. 364
108 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. Dec. 13 The intercontinental telegraph 365
110 do Dec. 19 Passport regulation 365
112 do Dec. 26 Invitation to the Grand Duke Constantine to visit the United States. 366
68 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. Jan. 8 Russian reform Emancipation of serfs New code of laws promulgated by the Emperor. 366
70 do Jan. 24 Relative to the invitation extended to the Grand Duke Constantine to visit the United States. 367
121 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. Jan. 24 The intercontinental telegraph. 368
124 do Feb. 7 Russian reform Emancipation of serfs New code of laws promulgated by the Emperor. 368
127 do Feb. 11 Russian opinion regarding American ironclads. 368
130 do Feb. 27 Relative to the invitation extended to the Grand Duke Constantine to visit the United States. 369
72 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward March 24 The intercontinental telegraph 369
73 do April 2 The same subject 374
74 do April 5 The same subject 374
143 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay. April 20 The same subject. 376
78 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. April 24 Announcing the death of the. Grand Duke Héritier. 377
147 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay. May 2 The intercontinental telegraph 377
79 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. May 4 Receipt of the news of the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 377
149 I Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay. May 5 The intercontinental telegraph 380
156 do May 22 Assassination of President Lincoln 380
81 Mr. Clay to Mr. Hunter. May 28 The same subject 380
157 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Clay. May 29 The same subject 381
159 do Jun 5 The same subject 382
163 do June 26 The same subject 382
164 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. July 14 Transmitting, letter of condolence from the President to the Emperor, on the death of his Imperial Highness the Czarowitch. 383
86 Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward. Sept. 5 The intercontinental telegraph 383
171 Mr. Seward to Mr. Clay. Oct. 2 The same subject 384
172 do Oct 2 The same subject 384
179 do Nov 25 Relative to the submission to the President of communications from representatives of the United States in foreign countries. 384
Mr. Stoeckl to Mr. Seward. Dec. 7 Relative to the purchase of cotton in the southern States by Russian manufacturers, 385
Mr. Stoeckl to Mr. Seward. Dec. 10 The same subject. 385
Memorandum. April 16 Assassination of President Lincoln 386


[Page XXVIII] [Page XXIX] [Page XXX]
No. From whom and to whom Date Subject page
155 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Dec. 5 Re-election of President Lincoln: its effect in Europe. 387
157 do Mar. 15 European impressions in regard to the termination of the war. 387
159 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Mar. 22 Fleet of Admiral Goldsborough in European waters. Arman’s iron-clads. Political influence of the Roman church. 388
219 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. April 4 Reaction of European opinion regarding the United States. The fall of Petersburg and Richmond. 388
161 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. April 5 Military successes in the United States. Effect produced in Europe. 388
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Pike. April 21 Acknowledgment of the above 389
163 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. April 27 Reception of the news of the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 389
164 Mr. Pike to Mr. Hunter. May 3 The same subject 389
165 do May 4 The same subject 390
236 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Pike. May 16 Convalescence of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of State. 391
166 Mr. Pike to Mr. Hunter. May 17 The military successes in the United States. Requesting the withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 391
237 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Pike. May 19 Assassination of President Lincoln 392
167 Mr. Pike to Mr. Hunter. May 25 Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 392
168 do May 31 Disappointment evinced by the ruling classes in Europe on the failure of the insurgent cause. 393
240 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Pike. June 3 Respecting the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 393
241 do June 3 Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 394
243 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. June 13 The same subject 394
169 Mr. Pike to Mr. Hunter. June 14 The same subject 394
245 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. July 3 The same subject 395
172 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Aug. 2 European criticisms on affairs in the United States. 395
173 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Aug.16 Financial affairs in Holland. Failure of the Atlantic cable. Ravages of the cattle plague in England. 395
174 do Aug.23 Arrival at the Texel of the fleet under the command of Admiral Goldsborough. 396
249 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Sept. 4 Financial situation in Europe. Reported progress of the cholera. Precautionary measures taken in the United States. 396
175 Mr. Pike to Mr. Seward. Sept. 13 Opening of the legislature. Cattle plague in Holland. Crops in Europe. 397
178 do Oct. 18 The cholera and cattle plague. Public opinion regarding the British arbitration of the Alabama and other claims. 397
257 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. Nov. 6 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 168. 398
258 do Nov. 6 Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 178. 398
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Seward. Dec. 28 Case of the Gezeina Hildegonda 399
Mr. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. Jan. 11 The same subject 399
Do Jan. 17 The same subject 399
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Seward. Jan. 20 The same subject 400
Mr. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. Feb. 9 The same subject 401
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. F. VY. Seward. April 7 Accident to the Secretary of State 401
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. April 8 The same subject 401
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Hunter. April 22 Case of the Gezeina Hildegonda 402
Mr. Hunter to Mr. I van Limburg. April 28 The same subject 402
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Hunter. May 16 Assassination of President Lincoln. 402
Mr. Hunter to Mr. van Limburg. May 19 The same subject 403
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Hunter. May 25 The same subject 403
Mr. Hunter to Mr. van Limburg. Jun 3 The same subject 404
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Seward. Aug. 7 Case of the Gezeina Hildegonda 404
Mr. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. Aug. 22 The same subject 405
Mr. van Limburg to Mr. Seward. Oct. 30 The same subject 405
Mr. Seward to Mr. van Limburg. Nov. 15 The same subject 405


[Page XXXI] [Page XXXII]
No. From whom and to whom Date Subject page
51 Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. Oct. 5 The Caldera claim 406
94 do Nov. 9 Regulations for consular courts of the United States in China 413
95 do Nov. 10 Statistics of trade with China. Relative to the establishment of a line of steamers between California and China. 422
99 Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. Dec. 13 The intercontinental telegraph 424
100 Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. Mar. 7 Relative to the residence of foreigners at the port of Tangchau. 425
102 do Mar. 11 Prohibitions existing in China against entering forbidden places. 435
103 do Mar. 11 Imperial decree relative to the arrest of foreigners who may commit misdemeanors in the interior of the Empire. 436
121 Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. Mar. 27 Regulations for consular courts of the United States in China 437
125 Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. Mar. 27 Relative to the establishment of steam communication between the United States and China. 437
105 Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. April 22 Removal of Prince Kung from the foreign office by imperial edict. 437
107 do April 25 Circumstances attending the publication of Wheaton’s International Law by the Chinese government. 438
109 do May 4 The causes of removal of Prince Kung. His reinstatement. 439
111 do Liquidation of the claims for indemnity of American citizens against the Chinese government. 442
112 do May 7 Interview with Chinese officials preparatory to his returning on a visit to the United States. 445
1 Mr. Williams to Mr. Seward. May 25 Assuming control of the legation. Restoration of Prince Kung to the Foreign Office. Insurrection in China. 450
138 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Burlingame. June 5 Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 99. 451
139 do June 5 Acknowledgment of despatch No. 103. 451
141 Do June 6 Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 102. 451
143 do June 6 Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 100 452
3 Mr. Williams to Mr. Seward. June 26 Case of General Burgevine. 452
4 do July 11 Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 458
5 do July 31 Insurrection in China. 460
150 Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame. Aug. 14 Acknowledgment of despatch No. 109. 461
151 Mr. Seward to Mr. Williams. Aug. 14 Friendly relations existing between the United States and China. 461
1 do Aug. 25 Acknowledgment and approval of despatch 461
6 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Williams. Oct. 13 No. 1. Assassination of President Lincoln 462
7 Mr. Seward to Mr. Williams. Nov. 6 Case of General Burgevine. 462
115 Mr. Burlingame to Mr. Seward. Nov. 27 Osborne flotilla 462


[Page XXXIII] [Page XXXIV] [Page XXXV] [Page XXXVI]
No. From whom and to whom Date Subject page
134 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Oct. 28 Consignment of guano to the United States on Spanish account. 464
135 do Oct. 28 The San Domingo question 465
140 do Nov. 9 Piratical cruiser Shenandoah. 465
144 do Nov. 22 Re-election of President Lincoln. Its effect in Europe. 467
55 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Dec. 2 Acknowledgment of the above 468
147 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Dec. 4 The Spanish Peruvian difficulties 468
152 do Dec. 16 Address of citizens of Barcelona to President Lincoln. 470
58 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Dec. 31 Ministerial crisis in Spain 471
161 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Jan. 31 The San Domingo question 471
162 do Feb. 4 Piratical cruiser Stonewall. 473
163 do Feb. 7 The same subject. 475
164 do Feb. 8 The same subject. 476
165 do Feb. 11 The same subject. 485
166 do Feb. 14 The same subject. 488
167 do Feb. 15 The same subject. 492
do Feb. 19 The same subject. 494
68 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Feb. 20 The same subject 495
168 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Feb. 20 The same subject 495
169 do Feb. 25 The same subject 507
70 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Feb. 27 The San Domingo question 508
171 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Mar. 5 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 509
174 do Mar. 10 The same subject 512
175 do Mar. 11 The San Domingo question 514
176 do Mar. 11 Piratical cruiser Stonewall. Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 515
76 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Mar. 15 Derangement of the commerce of the United States by depredations of insurgent cruisers. 516
177 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Mar. 15 Piratical cruiser Stonewall. 517
179 do Mar. 20 The same subject 518
79 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Mar. 23 The same subject 520
82 do Mar. 28 The same subject 520
182 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. April 1 The same subject 520
83 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. April 4 The San Domingo question. 521
84 do April 4 Acknowledgment and approval of despatch No. 176. 521
86 do April 4 The San Domingo question. 522
91 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Perry. April 12 Proclamations relative to closing ports of entry and to reciprocal naval hospitalities. 522
188 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. April 21 Withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 523
189 do April 21 Piratical cruiser Stonewall. 523
190 do April 21 Demonstrations on receipt of the news of the fall of Richmond and Petersburg. Address of citizens of Elche to the President. 525
93 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Perry. April 22 Piratical cruiser Stonewall. 526
193 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. April 29 Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 526
194 do May 1 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln 529
195 do May 7 The same subject. 530
196 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. May 7 The San Domingo question 534
197 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. May 12 Complications between Spain and Chili 536
198 Do May 12 The San Domingo question 537
199 Mr. Perry to Mr. Hunter. May 13 Assassination of President Lincoln 538
98 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Perry. May 16 Receipt of despatches. 538
201 Mr. Perry to Mr. Hunter. May 23 Revolutionary movement in Spain 538
100 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Perry. May 30 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 539
205 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. June 5 Royal decree announcing the withdrawal of belligerent rights from the insurgents 540
207 do June 6 Assassination of President Lincoln 541
208 do June 8 The same subject. 541
do June 14 Revolutionary movement in Spain 541
212 do June 25 Piratical cruiser Stonewall. 543
213 do June 27 Revolutionary movement in Spain 543
105 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. July 6 Withdrawal of beligerent rights from the insurgents. 544
214 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. July 23 Complications between Spain and Chili 545
107 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Aug. 22 The same subject 552
216 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Aug. 29 The San Domingo question 553
2 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. Sept. 11 Proceedings regarding insurgent property at Havana. 554
218 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Sept. 11 Complications between Spain and Chili 555
220 do Sept. 16 The same subject 557
221 do Sept. 19 The same subject 558
109 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Sept. 20 The San Domingo question. 562
3 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. Sept. 21 His arrival at Madrid. Interview with the Minister of State. 562
4 do Oct. 1 Presentation of letter of credence 563
111 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. Oct. 2 Complications between Spain and Chili 564
7 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. Oct. 30 The same subject 565
8 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. Nov. 4 Proceedings regarding insurgent property at Havana. 565
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. Dec. 21 Proposed plan of insurgents at Havana to seize American vessels on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. 565
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Dec. 22 The same subject. 566
Do. Jan. 16 The same subject. 567
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. Jan. 20 The same subject. 568
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. May 6 Assassination of President Lincoln 568
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Hunter. May 10 The same subject. 568
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. May 12 The same subject. 569
Do. May 17 Piratical cruiser Stonewall at Havana. 569
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. May 18 The same subject. 570
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. May 21 The same subject. 571
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. May 22 The same subject. 572
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. May 29 The same subject. 573
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Hunter. June 2 The same subject. 573
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. July 14 The same subject. 573
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. July 17 The same subject. 574
Do. July 22 The same subject 574
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Aug. 11 The same subject. 575
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. Oct. 4 The same subject. 575
Do. Oct. 5 Proceedings regarding insurgent vessel Harriet Lane and other property at Havana. 576
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Oct. 7 The same subject and the Stonewall, at Havana. 576
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Tassara. Oct. 21 Piratical cruiser Stonewall at Havana. 577
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Oct. 21 The same subject. 578
Do. Nov. 3 Proceedings regarding insurgent vessel Harriet Lane and other property at Havana. 578
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. Nov. 7 The same subject 579
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Nov. 15 Complications between Spain and Chili 579
Mr. Seward to Mr. Tassara. Nov. 16 Assassination of President Lincoln. 583
Do. Nov. 21 Complications between Spain and Chili 583
Mr. Tassara to Mr. Seward. Nov. 22 The same subject 584