A Guide to the United States’ History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Tanzania


The United States established diplomatic relations with Tanzania in 1961. Relations between the two countries, which had been cordial since Tanzania (then Tanganyika) won its independence from Great Britain, improved further following terrorists attacks against the U.S. embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi on August 7, 1998.

Modern Flag of Tanzania


U.S. Recognition of Tanganyika’s Independence, 1961.

The United States recognized Tanganyika on December 9, 1961, in a congratulatory message from President John F. Kennedy to Prime Minister Julius Nyerere. Tanganyika previously had been under British administration as a United Nations Trust Territory

Diplomatic Relations

Establishment of Diplomatic Relations and the American Embassy in Tanganyika, 1961.

Diplomatic relations were established on December 9, 1961, when the American consulate general at Dar es Salaam was raised to Embassy status with William R. Duggan as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.


  • Department of State Country Fact Sheet: Tanzania
  • Department of State Country Information: Tanzania