214. Memorandum From Secretary of State Muskie to President Carter1

[Omitted here is material unrelated to India.]

6. US-India Nuclear Issues: On January 14 the Indian Embassy gave us an aide-memoire on the nuclear cooperation issues between our two countries.2 The Indian Government’s communication brings to a head both the issue of future US supply to the Tarapur reactors and the issue of Indian reprocessing of US-origin Tarapur spent fuel. First, it states that if we are not in a position to provide Tarapur fuel until 1993 as called for by the 1963 nuclear cooperation agreement, and if no positive assurances are received from us by the end of February, India “would be constrained to make alternative arrangements for the efficient and continuous operation of the Tarapur” plants. Second, the aide-memoire states that in accordance with India’s arrangements with the IAEA for safeguarding the reprocessing plant at Tarapur, India has decided to “shortly commence the reprocessing” of the Tarapur spent fuel. The aide-memoire takes the position that US agreement to a joint determination under the 1963 agreement is not needed since the safeguards provisions were transferred to the IAEA. The Indians have offered an opportunity to confirm, “anytime before the end of February,” that safeguards will be effectively applied. We have said we hope there will be some flexibility in the time frame. We are now reviewing the options for responding. (S)

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Subject File, Box 24, Evening Reports (State): 1/81. Secret. Carter initialed at the top of the memorandum.
  2. Not found.