153. Telegram 10803 From the Embassy in Pakistan to the Department of State1 2
Islamabad, December 14, 1973,
[Document not declassified in time for publication.]
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files. Secret; Priority. It was repeated Priority to New Delhi, Tehran, London, CINCPAC, and Kabul. In Telegram Islamabad 431 of January 14, 1974, Byroade described a second meeting with Ahmed in which the Minister stated his belief that the Peace Indigo project, originally meant to provide a defense for India against Chinese air attacks, would be used against Pakistan by India. (National Archives, RG 84, Islamabad Embassy Files: Lot 77 F 114, Secret; Limdis. Sent for Action. It was repeated to New Delhi and CINCPAC).↩
- Ambassador Byroade met with Pakistan Minister of State for Defense and Foreign Affairs Aziz Ahmed to discuss arms policy. Ahmed raised the issue of press reports that the United States had proposed to resume construction of the “Peace Indigo” radar and communications network in India, ending the 1971 embargo.↩