- Acheson, Dean, 174, 297
- Berlin, 271, 1159
- German-French relations, 177, 179
- NATO, 178, 285n, 299, 508, 928
- Adenauer meeting, 269–272
- French position, De Gaulle discussion, 291–295
- German position, 269–277, 293
- NAC meeting, 295–299
- nuclear forces, 270–271, 496–497, 499, 502, 508,
- Rusk-Stikker discussion, 316–321
- Secretary General, as candidate for, 257–258
- SHAPE, 298, 319
- United Nations and, 296–297, 298, 299
- U.S. forces in Europe, 178–179
- Portuguese relations, 293, 928, 939
- Achilles, Theodore, C., 830, 831
- Adenauer, Konrad:
- Berlin, 127–128, 271, 340–341, 451–452
- China as threat, 276–277
- Cuban missile crisis, 127–128, 451–452
- defense of, Kennedy letter, 163–165
- EC integration:
- European political integration, 59
- Franco-German relations:
- NATO, 251, 270
- Acheson discussion, 269–272
- Berlin:
- Finletter discussion, 323–325
- Kennedy discussions, 272–282, 451–453, 597–598
- Kennedy letters from Adenauer, 551–553, 565–566
- Kennedy letters to Adenauer, 482–484, 541–546
- MC–70 defense system, 271, 174
- nuclear forces, 212, 419–422, 477–482, 541–546, 551–553, 565–566, 569, 593, 595n, 597–598
- Rusk discussion, 419–422
- Rusk telegram to Dowling, 258–260
- Soviet Union:
- Adoula, Cyrille, 977
- Afghanistan, 1041
- AFL–CIO, 1181–1182
- Africa (see also specific countries):
arms limitations, 660–661, 1148
- Belgian involvement (see also Congo), 303, 336
- EC association, 63, 86, 95, 172, 190
- French position (see also Algeria), 172, 190, 652, 657, 664–665, 668, 742, 969, 979
- NATO, 262, 391, 464,
- OAS model, adoption of, 1148
- Portuguese involvement (see also
Angola; Mozambique), 293, 895, 902,
- Ball position, 943, 968–981, 983
- Congo, 898–899, 906, 922, 947, 948–949, 951, 955–956, 958–959, 972, 977–978, 984–986
- Kennedy position, 262, 907, 945, 970, 972, 982–985
- McNamara position, 956–958
- National Security Memorandum, 901–902
- NATO, 262, 303, 351, 902
- Nogueira:
- Rusk, 113, 268, 895–899, 942, 984–985
- Tyler-Nogueira meeting, 946–949, 952
- U.N. role, 895–898, 902, 905–906, 924–925, 955–956, 982–983, 984–985
- U.K. colonies, 1033–1034, 1207
- Agricultural products:
- Canada, wheat trade, 1143–1145, 1156, 1170, 1208, 1219
- Dutch policy, 9, 239–240
- EC (see also Common Agricultural Policy):
- French policy:
- German position, 78, 104–105, 128, 131, 248–249
- Italian position, 9, 797–798
- NATO costs and German trade, 486
- OECD, 128–134
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (P.L.–480), 934, 1024–1025
- Aguirre de Carcer, Nuno, 1023, 1024
- Ainsworth, H. Gardner, 878
- Air forces (see also Missiles; North American Air Defense Command; SACEUR; SACLANT), 178, 865
- Albert, Carl, 668
- Algeria, 172, 279–280, 654n, 668–669, 683, 685, 710, 718, 729, 774, 968
- Alphand, Hervé, 662, 695, 787
- Amory, Heathcoat, 835
- Andersen, George W., 982–983
- Andreotti, Giulio, 534, 853–854
- Angola, Portuguese colonial crisis, 293, 299, 351, 895, 898–899, 902, 903, 906, 910, 918–919, 924–925, 941–942, 945, 947–948, 950–951, 958–959, 969, 974, 978, 980–981, 984–985, 993
- Arends, Leslie C., 668
- Armstrong, Willis C., 952, 1180–1183, 1186, 1212
- Asia (see also specific countries):
- Atomic Energy Act of 1963, 363–364, 539, 592, 593, 688, 691, 1092–1093
- Atomic Energy Commission, 568, 569, 1201
- Australia, 51, 1041
- Austria:
- Azores, NATO base, 460, 907, 908, 910, 911–912, 927–936, 953, 958–959, 962, 965–967, 997–998, 1013
- Balance of payments (see also
Gold reserves and purchases):
- Canadian role, 1145, 1182–1188, 1203, 1205, 1206, 1210–1211, 1217, 1219
- European integration, 174, 196, 294
- French role, 157, 294, 687
- German role, 60–61, 119–120, 194, 1049
- Italian role, 868, 887–888
- Nassau agreements, 1127
- NATO forces and, 178–179, 596–597
- Spanish role, 1024–1025
- U.K. role, 1032, 1034, 1049, 1062–1063
- Ball, George W.:
- Canada, 1217
- EC integration:
- Couve de Murville discussions, 226–230, 784
- EFTA-EEC conflicts:
- German position, 8–9
- Hallstein-Kennedy discussions, 189
- Hallstein-Rusk meeting, 74–78
- Kennedy trip, Ball notes, 204–213
- Mansholt-Kennedy meeting, 194
- poultry exports to EC, 213–215
- Sweden, association, 53–56
- U.K. entry into EC, 77, 144, 549
- EEC, trade negotiations, Erhard discussion, 233
- European integration, 56–67, 203, 219
- France, 694, 718, 782, 1137
- Germany, 190
- Italy, 144
- Portuguese-U.S. relations, 943, 957, 968–981, 983, 984–985, 997–998
- Somalia, Italian aid, 808–810
- Spanish relations, 997–998, 1028–1029
- U.K. relations, 1040
- Barbour, Walworth, 895
- Barnes, Sir Gorrel, 1040
- Bartolomei, Giuseppe, 144, 864
- Beigel, Edgar J., 226, 266, 645, 731, 1023, 1028
- Belgium (see also
Benelux; Congo):
- Berlin crisis, 221
- Cuban missile crisis, 134, 135, 221, 449–450
- EC, U.K. entry, 135–136, 152
- European political integration, 83–84
- NATO, 345, 463
- Soviet relations, 220–221
- Spaak’s future, NSC meeting, 156
- U.N. support, Acheson-NAC meeting, 298, 299
- U.S. tariffs on carpets and glass, reaction, 67–74, 78–82, 90–91, 100–103
- Ben Bella, Mohammed Ahmed, 968, 981
- Benelux (see specific countries), 299
- Bergesen, Alfred E., 1081
- Berlin:
- Acheson, 271, 1159
- Belgian position, Spaak-Kennedy discussion, 221
- Canada, Kennedy-Diefenbaker exchanges, 1159–1160, 1162–1163
- economic sanctions, 328–329
- Erhard position, 119, 120–121, 231
- Four Power planning, 326–329, 689
- Franco-German Treaty, 186
- French position:
- Greek position, 328
- Italian position, 813, 817, 818, 835, 843–845, 848, 857
- Kennedy:
- NATO, 302, 323, 347, 459
- Athens meeting, 388–390
- Kennedy-Adenauer discussion, 452–453
- Kennedy-Stikker discussion, 323, 361
- Ministerial meetings, 336, 337, 339–343, 387, 340–341, 455, 456, 637, 1049
- Rusk letter to Stikker, 351–353
- Rusk-McNamara instructions for Finletter, 329, 331
- Rusk-Strauss discussion, 399–407
- Stikker-Kenhedy discussion, 360–361
- U.S. forces in Europe, withdrawal, 395, 518, 596
- NSC meeting, 174–175
- Portuguese position, 903–904
- Rusk position, 120–121, 151, 186, 326–331
- Spain, 996
- U.K. position:
- U.N. role, 1081–1082
- Bermuda, 967
- Biological weapons, 351
- Biomeyer-Bartenstein, Horst, 511
- Blue, William L., 794, 806, 814
- Blue Streak missile, 1092
- Bohlen, Charles E.
- EC, 226, 141–143
- France, 427–428, 630
- Berlin, 427, 768
- Bundy, letter to, 762–769
- De Gaulle:
- German relations, 780–781
- Kennedy-Couve de Murville meeting, 782, 785
- Kennedy-De Gaulle meeting, 662
- Rusk visit, 739–742
- nuclear weapons, 142, 413, 427–428, 534, 556, 737–739, 743–749, 753–754, 759–760, 1120
- U.S. influence in Europe, campaign against, 758–760
- Germany, 428–429, 780–781
- Italy, 429
- NATO, 425–430
- United Kingdom, 141–142, 426, 429–430
- Bolivia, 1041
- BOMARC, 1194, 1195, 1202–1203
- Bowie, Robert R., 255, 366, 367, 691n
- Bowles, Chester:
- Brandin, Robert M., 182, 511
- Brasseur, Maurice Paul, 68, 70, 78–82, 90–91
- Brazil, 75, 940–941, 975, 1206
- Brentano, Heinreich von, 7–9, 190–194, 272
- Brook, Norman, 87
- Brosio, Manlio, 1–2, 795–797
- Brown, L. Dean, 904
- Bruce, David K.
- De Gaulle, role of, 180–181, 188, 760
- European integration, general, 122–123
- Franco-German Treaty, 188
- United Kingdom, 1042–1044, 1046
- domestic politics, 1045–1047, 1131–1135
- EC association, NSC meeting, 177, 181
- EC entry, 18–19, 42, 87, 114n, 173, 1042
- economic situation, 1042, 1132
- EFTA relations, 18–19, 176–177
- German Democratic Republic, 1042–1043
- gold purchases, 1062–1063
- Kennedy, report to, 188
- NATO nuclear force, 180, 423–425, 497, 500, 501, 502, 527–528, 575, 599–601, 760, 1109, 1132
- Polaris missiles, 1120
- nuclear weapons, other, 1046, 1091, 1091, 1102, 1109
- Bryce, Robert B., 1153, 1155, 1157, 1159
- Bundy, McGeorge, 550
- Canadian relations, 1171, 1199–1201
- European integration, 87, 161, 177
- France, 752n:
- Germany, 451, 626–627
- Italy, 834, 852, 858, 864, 878
- nuclear weapons, 603–604, 1116,
- German position, 606–607
- JSC meeting, 525
- Kennedy, meetings with, 366, 367, 377–380, 553, 561–564, 567, 569
- Kennedy trip to Europe, 592–595, 599
- Merchant Mission on Multilateral Force, 502, 504–507, 507, 524
- Nassau agreement, 475, 477, 524
- National Security Action Memoranda, 384–387, 604
- NSC meeting, 496, 498, 501, 502
- Rusk-Stikker discussion, 357
- U.K. position, 572–575, 607, 1068–1069, 1080, 1088–1091, 1102, 1116
- Portugal, African involvement, 901–902
- Spain, 1007, 1012–1014
- U.K. nuclear forces, 572–575, 607, 1068–1069, 1080, 1088–1091, 1102, 1116
- Burdett, William C., 87, 962, 1023, 1212
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 260
- Burmeister, Gustave, 15
- Butler, Richard Austen, 230–232, 1137
- Butterworth, W. Walton:
- Byrns, Kenneth A., 668
- CABAL, 397
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 9–12, 18, 327, 599, 671, 1031
- Canada, 1148, 1183, 1206, 1220, 1222
- AFL–CIO, 1181–1182, 1205
- air forces, 1150, 1162–1163, 1165–1169
- balance of payments, 1145, 1182–1188, 1203, 1205, 1206, 1210–1211, 1217, 1219
- Berlin crisis, 1159–1160, 1162–1163
- Butterworth position, 1191–1192, 1193, 1194, 1196–1199, 1200, 1202, 1204–1206
- China, 1158
- Columbia River Treaty, 1174, 1187–1189, 1222
- Congo, 1140–1141, 1148
- Cuba:
- defense, joint U.S.-Canadian efforts, 1145–1147, 1208, 1217, 1221
- developing countries, 1156, 1171, 1206
- disarmament, 1147–1148, 1177
- domestic politics, 1149, 1170–1180, 1190–1191, 1196–1201, 1208–1210, 1216–1217
- economic crisis, general, 1148–1149, 1151, 1182–1183, 1207–1212
- EEC, U.K. membership, trade effects, 51, 1164–1165, 1177
- employment and labor issues:
- Export-Import Bank, 1182, 1183
- fisheries, 1221–1222
- GATT, 1145, 1184–1187, 1204
- Inter-American Economic and Social Committee, 1156
- International Control Commission, 1141, 1152
- Kennedy:
- Berlin crisis, letter to Diefenbaker, 1159–1160, 1162–1163
- Diefenbaker talks, 1140–1149, 1150, 1153–1161, 1176–1177
- domestic politics, 1172–1180
- economic recovery, prospects, 1148–1149, 1151
- Heeney farewell call, 1170–1171
- Merchant, 1150–1151, 1163–1164
- nuclear weapons, letter to Diefenbaker, 1165–1167
- Pearson talks, 1201–1206, 1210, 1214–1216
- Triangular Aircraft Arrangement, 1160–1161
- visits to, 1143–1144, 1146, 1151, 1153–1156, 1215–1216
- labor relations:
- Laos, 1141, 1152–1153, 1159
- Latin America, general, 1155, 1156
- lumber trade, 1218
- maritime industry:
- NATO, 463, 550, 1159, 1195–1196
- NORAD, 1166, 1193, 1196
- NSC subcommittee, 1217
- nuclear weapons, 1146–1147, 1150–1152, 1162–1169, 1192–1196, 1202–1204, 1208, 1221
- OAS membership, 1154–1156, 1171, 1173, 1205
- oil trade, 1143–1144, 1149, 1204–1205, 1218
- Passamaquoddy Tidal Project, 1218
- Soviet Union, relations, 1170–1171, 1202, 1215
- tax policies, 1219–1220
- trade relations, 1204
- U.K. relations, 51, 1152, 1164, 1165, 1174, 1075, 1080
- U.S.-Canada Cabinet Committee, 1164–1165
- wheat trade, 1143–1145, 1149, 1156, 1170, 1208, 1219
- Canadian Labor Congress, 1181–1182, 1220–1221
- Canadian Maritime Union, 1181, 1220–1221
- Capano, Perrone, 809
- Carlson, Delmar R., 1210
- Carstens, Karl, 166–167, 177, 179, 182–187, 272, 419, 451, 512
- Castiella, y Maiz, Fernando Maria, 1021–1022, 1028–1029
- Castro, Fidel, 841
- Cattani, Gen. Attilio, 813, 878
- CENTO, 467
- Chaban-Delmas, Jacques, 648–653
- Chayes, Abram, 561, 563–564, 567, 1212–1214
- Chemical weapons, 351 China, People’s Republic
- Canadian relations, 1158
- French position, 651, 716, 774, 786–787
- German position,
- India, incursions, 910, 911, 1112n
- Italian position, 842, 885
- German position, 269–270, 276–277
- nuclear weapons testing, 222, 716, 885
- Soviet conflict, 221, 845
- Spanish relations, 1007
- U.K. relations, 1034, 1035, 1038, 1041, 1067, 1101
- United Nations, admission to, 277
- wheat, imports from Canada, 1143–1145, 1149, 1156, 1170
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 668
- Chou En-lai, 1142
- Churchill, Gordon M., 1179
- CINCEUR, 1119
- CINCHAN, 464
- Civil Air Agreement, 857
- Clark, Champ, 1173
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 700
- Cleveland, Harrison, 413
- Clifton, C.V., 516–518
- Coal, ECSC, 227, 1047
- COCOM, 1077
- Codacci-Pisanelli, Guiseppi, 825
- Colombo Emilio, 224–226, 889–890
- Columbia Broadcasting System, 714
- Columbia River Treaty, 1174, 1187–1189, 1222
- Common Agricultural Policy:
- Africa, trade preferences, 63, 86, 95
- Dutch position, 9, 239–240
- Freeman position, 15–17, 128–134
- French position, 123, 127–128, 173, 197, 227–229
- GATT and, 15–17, 98, 99, 104–105
- German position, 9, 78, 127
- Hallstein-Freeman talks, 15–17
- Kennedy letter to Mills, 99
- NSC meeting, 162
- Rusk position, 248–249
- U.K. entry into EEC, 1129
- Common Market. See Common Agricultural Policy; Treaty of Rome; EC and EEC subheads under other subjects, organizations, persons, and countries.
- Commonwealth of Nations (see also specific
- African colonies, 1033–1034, 1207
- Canadian role, 1141, 1165, 1173, 1192, 1207
- EEC, U.K. entry into:
- agricultural trade, 26–27, 35–36, 41, 86, 95–96
- Ball position, 41, 64–65
- Bruce position, 1042
- Canadian position, 1165, 1173, 1192
- French position, 695–696
- Kennedy Round, German position, 244–245
- Macmillan position, 1032, 1033, 1064, 1066, 1077
- preferences extended to, 35–36, 1066, 1165, 1173
- southern nations, effects, 26–27
- GATT, agricultural product preferences, 86, 245–246
- Macmillan-Kennedy talks, 1032, 1033, 1064, 1066
- Wilson-Rusk discussion, 1056–1057
- Communist parties, 59–60, 221, 910
- Congo:
- Canadian-U.S. relations and, 1140–1141, 1148
- French position, 96, 292–293, 643, 651, 664, 683, 711
- NATO, 303, 459, 464
- Portuguese position, 898–899, 906, 922, 947, 948–949, 951, 955–956, 958–959, 972, 977–978, 984–986
- Spanish position, Katanga, 995
- U.K. position, 1038, 1046, 1049, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1112n
- U.N. operations, 69
- Conroy, Patrick, 1212, 1213
- Conventional forces, NATO
(see also
Military personnel):
- Acheson position, 178–179
- French, 305, 333, 625
- Italians, 305, 807
- Germany, British forces in, 159, 1040, 1049, 1051, 1082
- Greeks and Turks, 305
- Ministerial meetings, scope papers, 338, 456, 457–458, 578–579
- Norstad position, 256, 333
- Norwegians and Danes, 305
- NSC meeting, 549
- policy paper, 287–288
- Rusk-McNamara notes to Finletter, 330–331
- Rusk-Stikker discussion, 360
- Tyler position, 491–492
- U.K. role, 1053–1054
- U.S. forces in Europe, 303, 638–639
- Council of Ministers, national v. EC competence, 78
- Couve de Murville, Maurice:
- balance of payments, 769–770
- CBS interview, 714
- EC integration, 226–230, 784
- European political integration, 203
- German relations, 780–781
- NATO, 388, 710, 1137
- Johnson-De Gaulle meeting, 787
- Kennedy-De Gaulle meeting, 662
- Kennedy meetings, 769–775, 782–787
- nuclear weapons, Nassau agreements, 744
- Rusk discussions, 718, 726, 727
- tripartism, 673
- U.S.-French relations, 761
- United Kingdom:
- Cuba:
- Cuban missile crisis:
- Belgian position, 134, 135, 221, 449–450
- Canadian-U.S. relations, 1115, 1162–1163, 1190–1191, 1197
- French position, De Gaulle, 142, 459, 489, 739–740
- German-U.S. discussions, 120, 121, 127–128, 451–452
- Italian position, 857
- McCone position, 163
- NAC, 297, 449–450
- NSC meeting, 163
- Portuguese-U.S. relations, 950
- Rusk position, 134, 135, 301, 449–450, 461, 1153, 1162–1163, 1190–1191
- U.K. position, 1102, 1112
- Cunha, Paulo A.V., 922, 952
- Currency exchange:
- Czechoslovakia, 844
- D’Archirafi, (Italy), 26, 807, 809
- De Araujo, Gen. (Portugal), 351
- Debre, Michel, 585, 662, 685–686
- Decker, Gen. George H., 835–837
- de Gaulle, Charles, 293, 294, 664, 673, 703, 742, 1022
- African policy, 293, 660–662, 702
- Algeria, 172, 279–280, 654n, 718
- Berlin, 670–671, 674–678, 704, 719–720, 1160
- Bohlen position:
- Bruce on role of, 180–181, 188, 760
- Cuban crisis, 142, 459, 489, 739–740
- EC integration:
- Adenauer talks, 3, 65–66, 106–108
- German opposition to, NSC meeting, 176–177
- Italian position, 77–78, 845–846
- NATO-EC relations, 3–4, 577–578
- Dutch position, 250–252
- political union initiative:
- Rusk European trip, scope paper, 106–108
- U.K. entry, 40, 145, 576
- Adenauer position, 22, 126–127
- Bohlen position, 141–142, 762n, 763, 765, 768
- Canadian position, 1192
- Franco-German treaty and, 514–515
- Gavin discussion of, 706–707, 729
- Kennedy position, 21, 23–25, 126–127, 158–163, 174, 195–196, 696, 1066
- NSC meetings, 158–163, 174–176
- Rusk, 106–112, 147–148, 183, 204, 726, 750–753
- Spaak position, 66–67
- Tuthill position, 167–170
- EC trade with U.S., 233–235, 239–240, 242–244
- European integration, 51–53, 206–211, 219–223
- exploratory talks with U.S., 708–718
- Gavin farewell call, 736–737
- German-French rapprochement 118, 704, 727:
- Italian relations, 77–78, 145, 845–846
- Johnson, relations with, 668–669, 787–789
- Joxe-Bohlen discussion, 762–769
- Kennedy, 672, 703, 889n
- Latin America, 658, 664, 669
- Moroccan relations, 1022
- NATO, 4, 459, 703
- Acheson-De Gaulle discussion, 291–295
- Adenauer-Finletter discussion, 324–325
- Bohlen position, 790, 791
- Bundy-Alphand meeting, 755–758
- Couve de Murville-Gavin discussion, 283–284
- Danish position, 628–629
- Dutch position, 250–252
- exploratory talks with U.S., 708–712
- multilateral force, 159, 168, 364–365, 534, 717, 727, 759–760
- Rusk visit, 722–725, 728, 730, 741
- Strauss position, 400–401
- tour d’horizon, 511–516, 680–683, 692–692, 718
- nuclear weapons, 400, 522
- Acheson discussion, 293–295
- Belgian position, 582–587
- Bohlen position, 745–748, 748–749, 753–754, 766
- Bundy-Alphand meeting, 757–758
- Couve de Murville-Gavin discussion, 283–284
- Gavin discussion, 364–365
- Kennedy discussions, 310–312, 658–660, 665
- Kennedy position, 377–378, 574
- multilateral force, 159, 168, 364–365, 534, 717, 727, 759–760
- Nassau agreements, 142, 161, 476–477, 744–748, 752–754, 765, 1112–1114, 1117
- NSC meetings, 158–160, 496, 498–500, 547–548
- Rusk and, 720–726, 748–753
- Spaak-Kennedy discussions, 222–223, 262–263
- tour d’horizon, 511–516, 680–682, 692–693
- Tuthill position, 168–169
- U.K.-U.S. talks, 1112–1114
- Rusk-Brentano meeting, 191–193
- Rusk talks, 718–730, 739–742
- Southeast Asia, 221, 658, 663
- Soviet Union, 310–312, 719–720, 759
- tripartism, 292–293, 377, 514–515, 586, 671, 690
- U.K.-French relations, 689, 766, 1113, 1136–1137
- U.N. role, 657, 664
- U.S. influence in Europe, campaign against, 758–760
- Vietnam, Spaak-Kennedy discussion, 221
- Delaney, George P., 1212
- Delgado, Gen. Mira, 958–959
- De Meneses Rosa, Jose, 946
- Denmark, 11, 18, 93, 463, 627–629
- De Sousa Pernes, P.P.B., 922, 952
- de Staercke, Andre, 987
- Developing countries (see also
Africa; Asia; Latin America; specific Third
World countries):
- Canadian aid, 1156, 1171, 1206
- EEC relations, 62, 229, 230
- French position, 62–63, 229–230, 742, 782
- German position:
- Italian position, 800, 808–810, 857, 864–869, 887
- OECD and, 268
- Portuguese aid, 941–942
- NATO and OECD, 268, 290–291
- Rusk, European trip, 113
- Soviet Union, 62, 865, 867
- Spain, 1001–1002, 1019–1020, 1023n, 1028–1029
- De Yturralde y Orbegoso, Mariano, 988–990
- De Zulueta, Philip, 87, 572, 599, 1091
- Diefenbaker, John G., 550, 1187, 1189
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 158, 162, 175, 489, 634, 1062–1063
- Dirksen, Edward, 668
- Disarmament (see also Nuclear Test Ban Agreement; Nuclear weapons testing), 716, 1070
- Dittmann, Heinz, 116
- Dobrynin, Antoli F., 719
- Don Juan, 992–994, 1021
- Douglas-Home, Alexander F. See Home, Alexander F. Douglas.
- Dowling, Walter C.:
- Dulles, John Foster, 270, 275, 687
- Duncan, John P., 15
- Duran-Loriga, Juan, 1023
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 518
- Eastern Europe, 703, 995–996
- Eckhardt, Felix von, 419
- ECSC. See European Coal and Steel Community.
- EEC. See EC and EEC subheads under other subjects and persons, organizations, and countries.
- EFTA. See European Free Trade Association.
- Egypt, Suez Canal, 1043
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 270, 659, 661, 988, 1010
- Elbrick, C. Burke:
- Employment and labor issues:
- Erhard, Ludwig:
- Eritrea, 809
- Ernecke, Albert F., 116
- ESSO, 837–838
- Ethopia, 809
- EURATOM, U.K. entry, 1047
- European Coal and Steel Community, 227, 1047
- European Communities. See Common Agricultural Policy; EURATOM; European Coal and Steel Community; European Defense Community; Treaty of Rome; subheads beginning EC and EEC under other subjects, persons, countries, and organizations.
- European Defense Community, 641, 755, 1130
- European Free Trade Area, 92
- European Free Trade Association, 8–9, 13–15, 49–51, 92, 241, 244–245
- European Parliament, 4, 146, 203
- European Regional Organizations:
- Canadian-US. relations, 1196–1199
- EEC, U.K. entry negotiations, 1128–1130
- Acheson-NAC meeting, 295–299
- Berlin, 340–341, 351–353
- classified documents, 365–366
- force levels, Cuban crisis effects, 449–450
- nuclear weapons, 353–355, 380–383, 407–408, 435–438, 444–448, 447–448, 471–474, 608–610, 614–616
- Rusk-McNamara instructions for Finletter, 329–332
- United Kingdom, 1052–1054
- Evans, Harold, 87
- Export-Import Bank, 1182, 1183
- Fanfani, Amintore:
- Faure, Maurice, 682
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1212, 1214
- Feldman, Myer, 78, 82n, 1204
- Fenoaltea, Sergio, 26, 144, 224, 809, 864, 878, 889, 891
- Fernandes, Luis E., 895
- Ferretti, Gian Luigi Milesi, 144, 224, 611, 864, 889
- Fessenden, Russell, 253, 285n, 307, 317, 357
- Figgures, Frank, 49–51
- Finland, 12, 55
- Finletter, Thomas K., NATO, 260, 270, 285n, 303, 323, 634
- Acheson at NAC, 295–299
- Berlin, Ministerial Meeting, 340–341
- French position, 630, 678–679
- Goa crisis, 912–913
- Italian position, 853–854
- nuclear weapons, 355n, 357, 408–411, 431, 434, 444–448, 467–468, 555, 614–619, 623
- OEEC, 308–309
- Rusk-McNamara note to, 329–332
- Stikker discussion, 316–321, 360
- U.K. role, 1037, 1052–1054
- Finn, Richard B., 233
- Fisheries, Canadian, 1221–1222
- Fleming, Donald M., 1179
- Food and Agricultural Organization, 229
- Fornari, Giovanni, 26, 144, 807, 809, 864, 878
- Fouchet Committee, 48, 53
- Four Powers, Berlin, 326–329, 689
- Fragoso, Jose Manuel, 936, 941, 942, 960–961, 962–964
- Fraleigh, William N., 878
- France:
- agricultural policy:
- Africa, 172, 190, 293, 652, 657, 660–662, 664–665, 668, 702, 742, 969, 979
- Algeria, 172, 279–280, 654n, 668–669, 683, 685, 710, 718, 729, 774
- Angola, Portuguese in, 660, 664–665
- balance of payments, 157, 294, 687, 731–735, 769–770
- Berlin crisis, 671, 674–678, 683–684, 684, 700, 768, 784, 1159–1160
- PRC relations, 651, 716, 774, 786–787
- Cuban crisis, 142, 459, 489, 739–740
- development aid, 62–63, 229, 230, 661, 742, 782
- disarmament, 716
- Eastern Europe, 703
- EC integration, 76, 93, 770
- agricultural policy, 128–133
- Couve de Murville-Ball discussions, 91–97, 226–230, 784
- Fouchet Committee draft, 48, 49, 51–53
- German position, NSC meeting, 176–177
- Italian position, 77–78, 155–156, 845–846
- Kennedy Round and CAP, 248–249
- Kennedy trip, 206–207
- NATO and, 3–4, 250–252, 577–578
- nuclear weapons, 78, 142, 1094
- political integration initiative, 48, 53, 93–94, 171–173, 202–204
- Rusk European trip, scope paper, 106–108
- U.K, entry, attitude toward, 12, 19, 40, 108–109, 122–123, 152, 155–156, 167–170, 485, 576, 695–696
- agricultural policy, 123, 127–128
- Alphand position, 114, 750–753, 755–756
- balance of payments, 733, 734–735
- Couve de Murville position, 40, 91–97, 108–109, 226–230, 727, 771, 784
- De Gaulle position, 21–25, 66–67, 106, 126–127, 141–142, 145, 147–148, 158–163, 167–170, 174, 183, 195–196, 204, 514–515, 576, 696, 706–707, 726, 729, 550–553, 762n, 763, 765, 768, 1066, 1192
- exploratory talks with U.S., 712–713, 714
- NSC meeting, 158–163, 174
- nuclear issue, 78, 534, 714, 738
- Polaris issues, 139–141
- Tuthill position, 167–170
- ECSC, 227
- EC trade with U.S., 169–170, 233–235, 139–140, 242–244
- EFTA, 92
- European integration, 51–53, 206–211, 219–223
- exploratory talks with the United States, 708–718
- Germany, reconciliation with, 151,
186, 188
- Acheson position, 177, 179
- Adenauer position, 163–165, 199–201, 692–693
- Ball-Erhard discussion, 233–236
- Bohlen position, 143, 780–781, 791
- De Gaulle position, 118, 184–185, 199–201, 236–239, 511–516, 680–682, 692–693, 704, 718, 727
- Kennedy position, 163–165, 181, 189, 207, 220, 485, 490, 697–701, 704, 771, 783
- Knappstein position, 149–150, 182, 184
- McGhee-Adenauer meeting, 199–201
- Merchant Mission on Multilateral Force, 503, 539, 540
- Nassau agreement, 166, 199–200
- NATO, 151, 183–187, 316
- NSC meetings, 158, 162–163, 175, 179
- nuclear cooperation, 404–405, 655–656, 715–716, 1066
- Rusk position, 149–151, 158, 166–167, 182–187, 190–191, 203, 404–405, 511–516, 655–656, 692–693, 715–716, 718, 727
- U.K. position, 1053, 1061, 1082
- International Monetary Fund, 732, 734
- Israeli relations, 774, 787
- Italian relations, 77–78, 145, 155–156, 845–846
- Kennedy position:
- Algerian involvement, 653–654
- Couve de Murville meetings, 769–775, 782–787
- De Gaulle, 670–672, 674, 718–727, 762–769
- meetings, 656–669, 689, 702–703, 736–737
- Giscard d’Estaing discussion, 731n
- Malraux meeting, 695–701, 703, 753–754
- nuclear weapons, 683–684, 745–748, 753–754, 759–760, 766
- tripartism, Chaban-Delmas meeting, 648–653
- Laos, 96, 651, 663, 721, 761
- Latin America, 658, 664, 669, 702, 775
- Morocco, 1022
- NATO, 333, 686
- Alphand-Rusk talks, 708–712, 716–718, 761
- Bohlen notes to Rusk, 426–428
- Couve de Murville position, 283–284, 388, 413–417, 428, 534, 556–559, 630, 692–693, 710, 718, 744, 763, 1137
- Danish position, 628–629
- De Gaulle position, 4, 250–252, 278–279, 283–284, 291–295, 324–325, 459, 485–491, 572, 628–629, 704, 708–712, 755–758, 790, 791
- East-West negotiations, 463
- EC and, 3–4
- force withdrawal, 775–779
- Gavin-De Gaulle discussion, 702–707
- Kennedy position, 264, 278–279, 485–491
- nuclear weapons, 283–284, 392, 583–587, 654–656, 714–718, 1117–1118
- De Gaulle position, 142, 158–160, 166, 168, 199–200, 222–223, 262–263, 293–294, 293–295, 310–312, 364–365, 377–378, 400, 440–444, 476–477, 496, 498–500, 511–516, 534, 522, 547–548, 574, 582–587, 654–656, 658–660, 665, 672, 679, 680–682, 692–693, 717, 720–727, 738, 744–749, 752–754, 755–758, 759–761, 765–767, 772, 884–885, 1053, 1112–1114, 1116–1117, 1120, 1124, 1126–1127
- Gavin position, 364–365, 685–686, 687–688
- German position, 655–656
- Interallied nuclear forces, 556–559
- Israeli, 774, 787
- Kennedy position, 264, 366–368, 377–380
- Kennedy trip to Europe, 592–593, 658–659
- Merchant Mission on Multilateral Force, 502–506, 529, 534, 536
- Nassau agreement, 476–477, 480, 550
- NSC meetings, 158–160, 496, 498–500, 548–549, 550
- Rusk-Couve de Murville meeting, 413–417
- Rusk letter to McNamara, 334
- Rusk telegrams, 441–444, 678–679, 690–691
- Strauss position, 400–403, 406
- Taylor letter to Kennedy, 368–370
- Rusk position, 266–269
- Taylor letter to Kennedy, 368–370
- U.K. position, 1082, 1087, 1104
- U.S. conventional forces, 625
- NSC meetings, 157–163, 174–177, 485–491, 496, 498–500, 547–548, 550
- nuclear weapons, general, 688, 846
- Acheson-De Gaulle discussion, 293–295
- Alphand position, 714–718, 750–753, 761
- Bohlen position, 142, 413, 427–428, 534, 556, 737–739, 743–748, 767–768
- Couve de Murville position, 772–773
- exploratory talks with the United States, 714–718
- Gavin position, 685–686, 687–688
- Kennedy-Faure meeting, 683–685
- Kennedy visits, 208–209, 658, 665–669
- MRBMs, 441–444, 654–656, 679, 738, 767, 787, 1053
- NATO, see under NATO above
- NSC meeting, 157–160, 175
- Interallied nuclear forces, 556–559
- Rusk-De Gaulle talks, 720–726, 748–753
- Rusk position, 147–148, 654–656, 690–691, 743–753
- Spaak-Kennedy discussions, 222, 262–263
- tripartism, 161–162, 169, 644, 1073–1074
- OAS, 664
- OECD, 230, 732
- Portuguese relations, 293
- SACEUR, 778–780
- SHAPE, 418, 777–780
- Southeast Asia, 221, 658, 663, 774
- Soviet Union, 310–312, 649, 684–685, 709, 719–720, 721, 763, 741–742, 759, 766–767, 770–772, 783, 791
- Spanish relations, 1022
- tripartism, 292–293, 377, 514–515, 586, 671, 673, 690
- U.K. relations:
- U.N. relations, 150, 230, 279–280, 652, 657, 664, 712, 725, 1117
- Vietnam, 221
- WEU, 520
- Franco, Francisco, 989, 1014, 1015
- Freeman, Orville, 15–17, 128–134, 162, 194, 197
- Freshman, C. Arnold, 116
- Fulbright, William, 104–105, 669, 993
- Furnas, Howard, 606
- Gaitskell, Hugh, 300n, 1031, 1057, 1062, 1132
- Galbraith, J. Kenneth, 908–913
- Gammon, Samuel R., 144
- Garrigues, Antonio:
- Garrigues, Emilio, 1023
- Gavin, James M.
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- agricultural products, 15–17, 86, 98, 99, 104–105, 129, 214, 215, 227–228, 244–245
- Belgian position, 68, 71, 73, 81, 82n, 90, 101, 102–103, 584
- Canadian position, 1145, 1184–1187, 1204
- EEC:
- French position, 584, 227–228, 774–775
- German position, 244–245
- NATO, Stikker position, 519
- Spanish membership, 1003
- U.K. role, 65, 86, 245–246, 1035
- German Democratic Republic (see also Berlin), 1042–1043, 1081–1082, 1159
- German reunification, 389–390, 1055, 1137
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also
Berlin; German subheadings under
other subjects):
- agricultural policy, 7–8, 9, 78, 104–105, 127, 128, 131, 173, 233–236, 242–248
- balance of payments, 60–61, 119–120, 194, 1049
- biological and chemical weapons, 351
- Bohlen position, 419, 428–429, 780–781
- China, relations with, 269–270, 276–277
- Cuban missile crisis, 120, 121, 127–128, 451–452
- currency exchange, 61–62, 64
- defense, 157, 237–238
- East-West trade, 548–549
- EC integration, 3, 29, agricultural policy, 9,
78, 104–105, 127, 128,
131, 173, 233–236, 248–249
- Ball-Erhard discussion, 116–121, 233–236
- EFTA-EEC conflicts, 8–9, 244–245
- Erhard-Johnson meeting, 242–248
- French-German relations, 65–66, 106–108, 176–177, 514–515
- Kennedy Round, 242–248
- Polaris program, 140, 199–200, 467–468, 478–479, 480
- political integration, 117–118, 247
- Rusk, 6–9, 110–111, 120–121, 149–151, 242, 248
- Six and Seven problems, 6–9
- U.K. association, 117–119, 140, 152, 194, 231
- U.K. entry, 153–154
- EFTA, 6–9, 244–245
- European integration, 56–64, 110–111, 207–208, 233–239
- Franco-German reconciliation, 151,
186, 188
- Acheson position, 177, 179
- Adenauer position, 163–165, 199–201, 692–693
- Ball-Erhard discussion, 233–236
- Bohlen position, 143, 780–781, 791
- De Gaulle position, 118, 184–185, 199–201, 236–239, 511–516, 680–682, 692–693, 704, 718, 727
- Kennedy position, 163–165, 181, 189, 207, 220, 225, 490, 697–701, 704, 771, 783
- Knappstein position, 149–150, 182, 184
- McGhee-Adenauer meeting, 199–201
- Merchant Mission on Multilateral Force, 503, 539, 540
- Nassau agreement, 166, 199–200
- NATO, 151, 183–187, 316
- NSC meetings, 158, 162–163, 175, 179
- nuclear cooperation, 404–405, 655–656, 715–716, 1066
- Rusk position, 149–151, 158, 166–167, 182–187, 190–191, 203, 404–405, 511–516, 655–656, 692–693, 715–716, 718, 727
- France, relations with, 179, 498, 644, 690, 727, 728–729, 780–781, 783–785
- GATT, 244–245
- Italy, relations with, 60, 225, 553–555, 602, 813, 817, 818, 835, 843–845, 848, 857, 880
- Kennedy trips to Europe, 207–213, 597–598
- Nassau agreement, 467–471, 475, 477–482, 511–512, 519, 1124–1125
- NATO, 3, 178, 251, 351, 429, 602,
624, 626–627, 1040, 1060
- Acheson-Adenauer discussion, 269–272
- Ball-Erhard discussion, 237–238
- China, threat of, 269–270, 276–277
- Finletter-Adenauer meeting, 323–325
- foreign officer training, 178, 475
- Franco-German reconciliation, 151, 183–187, 316
- Kennedy position, 272–282, 316, 482, 519, 120, 597–598, 622
- MC–70 defense system, 271, 274
- Nassau agreement, 166, 199–200, 467–471, 475, 477–482, 511–512, 519, 527–528, 1124–1125
- Norstad and, 379, 441
- nuclear weapons, 178, 212, 254, 293, 310, 379, 401, 428–429, 445, 498, 547, 606–607, 880
- Kennedy position, 208–209, 366–368, 541–546, 551–555, 561, 565–567, 573–575, 593, 597–598, 622
- Merchant Mission on Multilateral Force, 502–505, 527–528, 532, 533, 534, 539, 540–542
- MRBMs, 271, 297, 401–402, 483, 484, 601, 767, 1053
- multilateral force, 178, 190, 212, 254, 400–401, 467–468, 475, 483, 511–516, 520–521, 527–528, 531, 532, 541–546, 551–555, 565–566, 567–569, 584–585, 597–598, 606–607, 616–619, 1087, 1203–1204
- Nassau agreement, 467–471, 475, 477–482, 511–512, 519, 1124–1125
- Norstad visit to Kennedy, 432
- Rusk position, 419–422, 541–546
- Stikker-Kennedy discussion, 361–362
- Taylor visit to Europe, 368–369, 370–372, 376
- U.K. relations, 1053, 1054, 1104
- Rusk:
- Acheson-Adenauer discussion, 269–272
- Adenauer discussion, 419–422
- Adenauer letter to Kennedy, 551–553
- Bohlen notes to, 428–429
- Brentano discussions, 190–193
- Bundy memorandum, 626–627
- Dowling, telegram to, 258–260
- Grewe discussion, 256–258
- Kennedy-Adenauer discussion, 272, 278, 282
- Kennedy letter to Adenauer, 542–546
- McNamara, letter to, 334
- Merchant Mission on Multilateral Force, 502–505, 515
- multilateral force, 527–528
- Nassau agreement reaction, 467–471
- Polaris missiles, 467–468
- Strauss discussion, 399–407, 423–424
- Secretary General, candidates, 256–258
- South Tyrol, 794–795, 816–817
- tactical bombers, 178
- Taylor visit, notes to Kennedy, 374–375
- NSC meetings, 157, 176–177, 178
- nuclear weapons (see also under
above), 264, 393
- Bohlen position, 419, 428
- Bundy position, 606–607
- Interallied nuclear forces, 553–555
- MRBMs, 271, 297, 401–402, 483, 484, 601, 767, 1053
- multilateral force, 178, 212, 254, 400–401, 467–468, 475, 483, 511–516, 520–521, 532, 553–555, 606–607, 616–619
- Nassau agreement, 467–471, 475–478, 477–482, 519, 1124–1125
- U.K. position, 1073, 1075, 1082, 1087, 1094, 1096–1097
- OECD, 259, 270
- Polaris program, 200, 467–468, 484
- SACEUR, 371, 481
- Skybolt, 467–468
- Soviet relations with, 209, 269, 276–277, 280–282
- submarine development, 178, 484, 687
- Trade Expansion Act, 116–117, 193–194, 246
- U.K. relations with,
- British troops in Germany, 159, 1040, 1042–1044, 1049, 1051, 1082
- EC integration. See U.K. listings under EC integration above.
- Erhard-Home talks, 1136, 1137
- Macmillan-Kennedy talks, 1032, 1040, 1049, 1051, 1053, 1070
- NATO. See U.K. listings under NATO above.
- nuclear weapons development (see also U.K. listings under NATO above), 1053, 1054
- Polaris program, 140, 199–200, 467–468, 478–479, 480
- UN role, 277, 279
- U.S. troops in, 517–518, 1040
- WEU, 176–177
- Getz, John, 619
- Ghana, 1148
- Gilpatric, Roswell, 366, 513, 567, 957, 1088, 1116, 1112
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, 731–735
- Goa, Portuguese colonial interests, 906, 908–921, 932, 973
- Spanish position, 995
- Goldberg, Authur J., 1180
- Gold reserves and purchases, 61, 175, 697, 731, 770, 868, 887–888, 1062–1063, 1146
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew J., 553
- Gorbach, Alfons, EEC relations, 88
- Greece:
- Green, Howard C., 1140, 1147, 1152–1153, 1164, 1179, 1187–1189
- Green Book Policy, 317, 318, 330
- Greenhill, Denis, 524, 570, 571–572
- Grewe, Wilhelm, 272, 328, 399, 482, 256–258
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 174–175, 352, 361, 613
- Gronchi, Giovanni, 799, 813, 826
- Guinea, Portuguese, 905, 986
- Gullion, Edmund A., 923
- Habib-Deloncle, (France), 786
- Hailsham, Lord (Quintin McGarel Hogg), 599
- Hallstein, Walter, 4, 15–17, 74–78,
- Hare, Raymond A., 253, 460–461, 476, 1119
- Harkness, Douglas S., 1164
- Harriman, W. Averell, 798–802, 960–961, 1212
- Hase, von (Germany), 419, 451
- Hassel, Kai-Uwe von, 478, 482, 511–516, 520, 540–542, 626
- Hayden, Carl, 927
- Healey, Denis, 1056–1057
- Heath, Edward, EC, 4–6, 20–21
- Heeney, A.D.P., 1147, 1170–1171
- Heller, Walter W., 56
- Herter, Christian A., 1204
- Hickenlooper, Bourke, B., 668
- Hillenbrand, Martin J., 256, 413, 419
- Hoeven, Charles B., 668
- Holting, F. E., Jr., 606–607
- Home, Alexander F. Douglas, 673, 1057–1058, 1104, 1136
- Hong Kong, 1040, 1101, 1145
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 923
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 797–798, 802–805
- Hound Dog missiles, 471–472, 1087, 1088, 1106, 1109
- Houphouet-Boigny, Felix, 980
- Hubbard, Wharton D., 1214
- Hudon, L. Denis, 1209
- Hudson Bay, 1222
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 668
- Iceland, 328
- Imhof, Johannes V., 708, 713, 760
- Imperial Oil, 1143–1144, 1149
- India, 906, 908–921, 932, 973, 995, 1104, 1112n, 1152
- Interallied nuclear forces, 553–560, 576, 578, 588
- Inter-American Economic and Social Committee, 1156
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles, 256, 295
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles, 462, 484, 808
- International Control Commission, 1141, 1152
- International Development Association, 865–866
- International Institute of Science and Technology, 399
- International Labor Organization, 950, 951
- International Monetary Fund, 732, 734, 1036, 1040, 1062–1063
- International Red Cross, 949
- Ioanes, Raymond, 15
- Ireland, 93
- Israel, 774, 787
- Italy:
- agricultural imports, 9, 797–798
- balance of payments, 868, 887–888
- Berlin crisis, 813, 817, 818, 835, 843–845, 848, 857
- Bundy position, 834, 852, 858, 864, 878
- China, relations with, 842, 885
- Communist parties, 221, 797–798, 800–801, 802–806, 810–815, 822–825, 832–833, 840, 843, 846, 849–853, 875–877, 881–882, 885–886, 888–890, 893–894
- Cuba, relations with, 841–842, 857
- currency exchange, 886–887
- development aid, 800, 808–810, 857, 864–869, 887
- disarmament, 857, 884–885
- EC integration, 1–2, 9, 108, 834, 842
- France, relations with, 77–78, 145, 155–156, 845–846
- FRG, relations with, 60, 225, 553–555, 602, 880
- gold purchases and reserves, 868, 887–888
- Greece, defense aid, 867–868
- Harriman-Fanfani talks, 798–802
- Johnson, talks, 851, 891–892
- Jupiter missiles, 460–461, 858n
- Kennedy position, 834
- Communist-Socialist parties, 221, 810–812, 825, 826–829, 840, 869–870, 885–886, 888–890
- development aid, 864–869
- EC integration, 26–28, 834, 611–613
- European integration, general, 224–226
- Fanfani talks, 26–28, 854–870
- Khrushchev talks, 815, 818–819
- NATO, Fanfani meeting, 807, 858–864
- nuclear forces, 611–613, 858–864, 871–875, 880–885
- Rusk visit to Rome, 847–848
- Segni position, 878–888, 891
- Somalia, 809–810, 865
- Latin America, 866, 867
- NATO, 1–2, 429, 815n
- Brosio-Rusk meeting, 795–796
- conventional forces, 305, 807
- Fanfani position, 807–808, 813, 814–817, 843–845
- Fenoaltea position, 178, 611, 807–808, 814
- JCS meeting, 835–837
- nuclear program, 388, 392, 419, 468, 521, 534, 541–542, 553–554, 569, 617, 846
- Brosio-Rusk meeting, 796–797
- Fanfani election, 828–829
- interallied nuclear forces, 553–555
- Kennedy position, 611–613, 858–864, 871–875, 880–885
- Jupiter missiles, 460–461, 815, 837, 853–854, 858–864, 1118–1119
- Kennedy-Fanfani talks, 807–808, 855–856, 858–864
- Kennedy trip to Europe, 593, 878–885
- MRBMs, 836–837
- multilateral forces, 155, 531–532, 533, 539, 540, 541, 601–602, 611–613, 858–860, 871–875, 877
- Nassau agreement, 807–808, 836–837, 856, 858–864
- Piccioni trip to United States, 611–613
- Rusk-Sengi discussion, 601–602, 814–817
- nuclear weapons testing, 884–885
- oil imports, 830–833, 837–839, 841–842, 869
- Polaris program, 807–808, 837, 853n, 858–860, 872–873
- Rusk position, 864, 878, 891
- SACEUR, 872
- Schlesinger position, 26, 864
- Socialist parties, 797–798, 800–806, 819–829, 832–833, 840, 846, 849–853, 875–877, 881–882, 888–890, 893–894
- Somalia, aid, 808–810, 865
- South Tyrol, 794–795, 816–817
- Soviet Union, 795–796, 798–799
- Trade Expansion Act, 155–156
- United Kingdom, relations, with, 26–27, 144, 145, 155–156, 513, 611–613, 855, 856, 880
- United Nations, 795, 816, 828
- Voice of America station, Sardinia, 846–847
- Japan, 1112n, 1145
- Jay, Douglas, 1057
- Jirka, Ernst, 116
- Johnson, Alexis, 394–395, 731, 733, 830, 837, 1000–1002, 1023–1028, 1069, 1088, 1209
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 475, 627, 851, 891–892, 978–981, 1136–1139, 1216–1222
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 376, 380, 659, 835–837, 929, 1016, 1069–1072, 1086
- Jones, G. Lewis, 9
- Joxe, Louis, 762–769
- Judd, Thomas M., 613
- Jupiter missiles, 460–461, 815, 837, 853–854, 858–864, 1118–1119
- Kasavubu, Joseph, 1140
- Kaysen, Carl, 194, 366, 502, 525, 561–564
- Keating, Kenneth B., 163
- Keeler, Christine, 205, 1133–1135
- Kennedy, John F.:
- Berlin, 700, 704, 784
- Canada:
- Berlin crisis, 1159–1160, 1162–1163
- Congo, 1140–1141, 1148
- Diefenbaker talks, 1140–1149, 1150, 1153–1161, 1176–1177
- domestic politics, 1172–1180
- economic recovery, 1148–1149, 1151
- Heeney farewell call, 1170–1171
- Merchant, 1150–1151, 1163–1164
- nuclear weapons, letter to Diefenbaker, 1165–1167
- Pearson talks, 1201–1206, 1210, 1214–1216
- Triangular Aircraft Arrangement, 1160–1161
- visits to, 1151, 1154–1156
- China, 221, 269–270, 276–277, 1141–1142
- Congo, Canadian-U.S. relations, 1140–1141, 1148
- Cuban missile crisis, 127–128, 301, 451–452, 484–485, 1143, 1153–1156, 1205–1206
- EC integration, 97–100, 104–105, 128–134
- EFTA-EEC problem, 6–8, 13–15, 20–21
- French position, 158–163, 188
- Hallstein meetings, 13–15, 189–190
- Italian position, 26–28, 834
- Mansholt meeting, 194–198
- NSC meetings, 157–163, 173–179
- Trade Expansion Act, 100, 133, 196, 197, 198
- trip to Europe, Ball notes, 204–213
- U.K. association, 177, 181
- U.K. entry:
- European integration, general, 56–64, 157–163, 173–179, 219–223, 224–226
- France:
- Algerian involvement, 653–654
- Berlin, 700, 784
- Couve de Murville meetings, 769–775, 782–787
- De Gaulle:
- EC integration, 158–163, 188
- European integration, 219–223
- German rapprochement, 181, 189, 207, 220, 225, 704
- Giscard d’Estaing discussion, 731n
- Malraux meeting, 695–701, 703, 753–754
- NATO, 158–163, 278–279, 291
- nuclear weapons:
- tripartism, Chaban-Delmas meeting, 648–653
- Germany, 783–785
- agricultural policy, 104–105, 128, 131
- China, relations, 269–270, 276–277
- developing countries, 61–63
- EC integration, 7–8, 104–105, 127, 128, 131
- European integration, general, 56–64, 207–208
- Franco-German reconciliation, 181, 189, 207, 220, 225, 704
- NATO, 272–282, 316, 475–478, 482, 519, 520, 597–598, 622
- nuclear weapons, 264, 593, 622
- Soviet relations, 276–277, 280–282
- trip to Europe, 207–213, 597–598
- U.K. relations, 1032, 1040, 1049, 1051, 1053, 1070
- Italy, 834
- Communist-Socialist parties, 221, 810–812, 825, 826–829, 840, 869–870, 885–886, 888–890
- development aid, 864–869
- European-U.S. relations, 224–226
- Fanfani talks, 26–28, 854–870
- Khrushchev talks, Italian position, 815, 818–819
- NATO, Fanfani meeting, 807, 858–864
- nuclear forces, 858–864, 871–875, 880–885
- Rusk visit to Rome, 847–848
- Segni, 878–888, 891
- Somalia, aid, 809–810, 865
- Laos, 1141
- Azores base, 907, 927–936, 944, 962, 965–967, 982–983
- Belgium, Spaak discussions, 582–587
- Berlin, Ministerial meeting, 339–340, 459
- conventional forces, 313, 322, 362–363, 375–376, 516–518, 884–885
- cost factors, 621–622
- Cuban missile crisis, 301
- Finletter, 304–309, 321, 322, 567, 619, 623
- force strengths in Europe, 516–518
- French position, 291
- German position:
- Military Committee, Lemnitzer report, 346–351
- Nassau agreement, 475–478
- NSC meeting, 484–487
- nuclear weapons, 366–368, 407–408, 459, 525–527, 561–566, 567–569, 603–604
- Bundy and, 366, 367, 377–380, 553, 561–564, 567, 569, 592–595, 599
- IANF–MLF relation, 553–555
- Italian position, 611–613, 858–864, 871–875, 880–885
- Merchant Mission on Multilateral Force, 502–511, 520, 521, 537–542
- NSC meetings, 494–502, 547–551
- Rusk–McNamara briefings, 377–380, 430–434
- Stikker meeting, 622–623
- Taylor letter, 368–369
- U.K. position, 180, 439–440, 572–575, 590–591, 599–601, 613–614, 670, 1030, 1059–1061, 1068–1069
- planning, general, 619–624
- policy directive, 285n, 288
- political consultation, general, 265
- Rusk telegram to, 458–460
- Spaak resignation, 260–266
- Stikker meetings, 322–323, 360–364, 518–523, 619–624
- Taylor visit to Europe, 374–376
- United Kingdom, 180, 439–440, 599–601, 1030, 1059–1061
- Portugal:
- Somalia, 808–810
- Spain, 999–1000, 1007, 1009–1010, 1014n
- United Kingdom, 188
- Kennedy, Robert, 491, 1201
- Khan, Ayub, 1041
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 221
- King, James E., 805–806
- Kingsley, Rolfe, 1172
- Kissinger, Henry, 324
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 471, 475, 476, 502, 525–527, 537, 561, 1069n, 1088, 1116, 1117–1118, 1123–1128
- Klein, David, 502–506, 553–555
- Knight, Robert H., 1–2, 830
- Knuth-Winterfeldt, Gustav, 627–629
- Kohler, Foy D., 56
- Komer, Robert, 806, 830, 849, 851, 852
- Knappstein, K. Heinrich, 116, 121, 190, 451, 511
- Knight, William, 806
- Krag, Jens Otto, 627
- Krapf, Franz, 256, 419, 511, 515
- Kreisky, Bruno, 28–30, 88–89
- Kristensen, Thorkil, 230
- Labor. See Employment and labor issues.
- Laloy, Jean, 413
- Langer, Wolfram A., 116, 257
- Laos:
- Larocca, Umberto, 864
- Latin America (see also Organization of American States), 866, 867, 996, 1155, 1156
- LDCs. See Developing countries.
- Lebel, Claude, 266, 645, 695, 708, 713
- Lee, Adm. John M., 502, 507, 509, 529, 536, 537, 553, 567
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 837
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 346–351, 538, 632, 633
- Leone, Giovanni, 601–602, 876, 878, 881–882
- Less-developed countries. See Developing countries.
- Liberia, 895
- Libya, 661, 957
- Lilienfeld, Georg von, 56, 166–167
- Lippman, Walter, 856
- Lissance, Arnold, 233
- Lodge, John, 990–991
- Lombardi, Ricardo, 803, 819–822, 825
- Lowenfeld, Andraes F., 1212
- Luanda, 923–924
- Lucet, Charles, 226, 314, 556, 630, 662, 754, 769, 782
- Luns, Joseph M.A.H., 162, 239–240, 388, 391
- Luxembourg, 299, 463
- Lyon, Cecil B., 970–978
- MacArthur, Douglas II, 345
- Macmillan, Harold:
- Berlin, 1039, 1040–1041, 1047, 1049, 1055, 1059–1061, 1067, 1070, 1078
- Commonwealth relations, 1032, 1033, 1064, 1066, 1077
- domestic politics, 1031–1032, 1048–1049, 1067–1068, 1131–1135
- EC integration:
- France, 689, 766
- Kennedy, 1059, 1114, 1120–1121
- NATO, 572
- nuclear weapons, 180, 300n, 548, 570, 607, 1077–1078
- OECD, 1034, 1036, 1040
- Magill, Robert N., 317
- Malraux, Andre, 695–701, 753–754
- Malta, 1007–1008
- Manning, Robert J., 413
- Mansfield, Mike, 668
- Mansholt, Sicco L., 19, 131, 194–198
- Marchiori, Carlo, 144, 843, 864, 878
- Marias, Julian, 994
- Marjolin, Robert, 19, 122–123, 240
- Martin, Paul, 1167n, 1168–1169, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1216
- Martino, Edoardo, 144, 146, 864, 865, 878
- Mattei, Enrico, 830–833, 837–839, 841–842
- MC–70 defense system, 271, 274, 294, 318, 331
- MC–96 defense system, 317–320, 331, 347, 348, 354
- McBride, Robert H., 250, 645, 662, 988, 992–996
- McCloy, John J., 670
- McCone, John, 163, 475, 536, 537
- McCormack, John W., 668
- McGhee, George C., 144, 199–201, 645, 898
- McMahon Act. See Atomic Energy Act of 1946.
- McNamara, Robert, 631–634, 639
- NATO, 626–627, 1199–1201,
- conventional forces, 459, 465–466, 481, 624–626
- costs, 465–466
- French role, 490, 720, 752, 1124–1125
- Italian role, 460–461, 853n, 858n
- naval commitment of U.S., 333–335
- nuclear weapons, 384–387, 465, 477, 524, 544, 720, 853n, 1112, 1124–1125
- Portugal, relations with, 957–958, 965–967
- Rusk-McNamara letter to Finletter, 329–332
- Spanish relations, 1012–1014, 1014n
- United Kingdom, relations with, nuclear weapons, 1077–1080, 1085–1086, 1088–1089, 1091, 1098–1099, 1102–1103, 1109, 1116–1123, 1124–1125
- U.S. force reductions, 356–357, 517
- NATO, 626–627, 1199–1201,
- McNaughton, John, 475, 502, 507, 537, 553, 555, 561–563, 567, 1116, 1188
- Meany, George, 1205
- Mediterranean Sea, 609, 690, 775, 777–779, 858–859
- Medium-range ballistic missiles (see
Multilateral force; Polaris
missiles; Skybolt), 289, 297, 380
- costs, 382, 386, 466
- French position, 441–444, 654–656, 679, 738, 767, 787
- German position, 271, 297, 401–402, 483, 484, 601, 767, 1053
- Hound Dog missiles, 471–472, 1087, 1088, 1106, 1109
- Italian position, 836–837
- Kennedy position, 321, 322, 379–380, 483, 484, 601, 622
- Military Committee, 348–349
- NAC Ministerial meetings, 297, 392, 393, 397, 411–413, 441–444
- National Security Action Memorandum, 384–387
- Norstad position, 254–256, 430–434, 447–448
- Rusk position, 320, 331, 332, 334–335, 397, 462
- SACEUR deployment, 373, 410, 445, 447–448
- U.K. position, 423–425, 446, 1053, 1066, 1069, 1080, 1087, 1091
- Meloy, Francis E., Jr., 144, 219, 239, 878, 946, 960, 962
- Mendes-France, Pierre, 755
- Merchant, Livingston T., 766, 1160
- Merzagora, Cesare, 891–892
- Mexico, 1206
- Middle East (see also specific countries), 464, 966, 967, 1103
- Military personnel:
- Millar, Sir Frederick Hoyer, 1035
- Mills, Wilbur, 97–100
- Minotto, James, 927
- Missiles (see also Cuban missile crisis; Medium range ballistic missiles; Multilateral force; Nuclear weapons; Polaris program; Skybolt), 178, 256, 259, 324, 1092
- Missile “X”, 363
- Monnet, Jean, 122–123, 534
- Morgan, Thomas E., 668
- Moro, Aldo, 888
- Morocco, 660, 994–995, 1022
- Mountbatten, Adm. Louis, 177–178, 517
- Mozambique, Portuguese involvement, 910, 941–942, 958, 969, 974, 980
- Multilateral force (see also
Nassau agreements; NATO
Nuclear weapons):
- Acheson position, 496–497, 499, 502, 508
- Belgian position, 531, 532, 582–587
- Bundy position, 603–604
- Canadian position, 1193, 1203–1204
- costs of, 530–531, 533, 537, 568, 605, 872, 874
- Dutch position, 610–611
- French position, 511–516, 605–606, 679,
717, 727, 729, 1121
- Bohlen instructions, 738, 759–760, 767–768, 1120
- Couve de Murville position, 773, 786
- Danish position, 628–629
- De Gaulle position, 159, 168, 364–365, 534, 717, 727, 759–760
- Dutch position, 610–611
- Gavin-De Gaulle discussion, 364–365
- Rusk-De Gaulle discussions, 717, 727
- Strauss position, 400–401
- U.K.-U.S. negotiations, 1112–1114, 1115
- German position, 178, 190, 212, 254, 400–401, 467–468, 475, 483, 511–516, 520–521, 531, 532, 553–555, 606–607, 616–619
- Interallied nuclear forces and, 553–560
- Italian position, 155, 531–532, 533, 539, 540, 601–602, 611–613, 858–860, 871–875, 877
- JSC meeting, 525–527, 568
- Kennedy meetings, 561–564, 567–569
- Kennedy-Stikker meeting, 622–623
- Kennedy trips to Europe, 212, 592–595
- Merchant Mission, 168, 502–511, 520, 521, 524, 527–546, 570–571, 872–875
- Ministerial meetings, 457, 576, 588
- NSC meetings, 494–502, 547–551
- National Security Action
- Memoranda, 386, 493, 604
- Nitze, 525, 526–527, 538, 542, 553, 555, 561, 563, 567
- Paris working group, 614–619
- Rusk, 608–610
- State–Defense Department meetings, 446–447
- U.K. position, 511–512, 527–528, 532–533, 570–572, 607,
616, 1068–1069, 1121, 1132
- costs, 531, 568, 571
- French position, 1112–1114, 1115
- German position, 527–528, 1087
- Home visit to Kennedy, 613–614
- Kennedy letters to Macmillan, 572–575, 590–591
- Kennedy-Macmillan talks, 1054, 1066, 1094, 1098, 1100–1101, 1102
- Kennedy meeting on, 567–569, 1090
- Kennedy trip to Europe, 599–601
- Ottawa Ministerial meeting, 579–582
- Rusk position, 1079–1080, 1087–1090, 1108, 1116, 1131
- Murrow, Edward R., 498
- Nassau agreements, 142, 161, 493, 511, 524, 537, 1127
- Ball position, 471–474, 478–482
- Bundy position, 475, 477, 524
- Canadian position, 1193
- EEC, 1124, 1130
- Finletter position, 471–474, 527–528
- Franco-German Treaty and, 166, 199–200
- French position, 142, 161, 166, 199–200, 476–477, 744–748, 752–754, 761, 765, 772, 1116–1117, 1120, 1124, 1126–1127
- German position, 467–471, 475, 477–482, 511–512, 519, 1124–1125
- Italian position, 856, 859
- Kennedy staff and cabinet meetings, 475–478, 489, 538, 1125
- NATO Ministerial, strategy notes, 576
- Stikker-Kennedy discussion, 519, 520, 523
- Turkish position, 476, 1119
- United Kingdom, 1114,
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 1148
- National Labor Relations Board, 1181
- National Security Council:
- NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- Naval forces, NATO (see also Mediterranean Sea; Multilateral force; Polaris program; Submarines):
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 911–912, 913, 914, 917, 1104
- Nenni, Pietro, 797–798, 800–806, 812, 822, 826, 828, 829, 851–853, 881, 888–889
- Netherlands:
- New Guinea, 388, 391, 1041
- New Zealand, 25, 26, 41, 51
- Nigeria, 1148
- Nitze, Paul, 26, 660
- Nixon, Richard M., 569
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 1148
- Nogueira, Alberto Franco:
- Nolting, Frederick, 253, 255
- NORAD. See North American Air Defense Command.
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, NATO:
- North American Air Defense Command, 521, 1166, 1193, 1196
- North Atlantic Council, 295–299, 306, 308, 396–397, 449–450
- Berlin crisis, 336, 337, 339–343, 387, 455, 456, 637, 1049
- Ministerial meetings:
- MRBMs, 297, 392, 393, 397, 411–413, 441–444
- nuclear weapons:
- policy paper, 287, 289
- political efforts, 397–399
- Portugal relations with, 299, 336, 922–925, 926, 952–956
- Rusk-McNamara notes to Finletter, 330–332
- SHAPE, 298, 319
- North Atlantic Defense Ministers Conferences, 345
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See Conventional forces; MC-70 defense system; MC-96 defense system; Multilateral force; Nassau agreements; North Atlantic Council; North Atlantic Defense Ministers Conferences; NATO subheadings under other subjects and persons.
- Norway:
- Nuclear power. See Atomic Energy Commission; EURATOM.
- Nuclear Test Ban Agreement, 222, 268, 390, 635–637, 884, 1138, 1202
- Nuclear weapons (see also
Cuban missile crisis; Disarmament; Interallied nuclear
forces; Medium-range ballistic missiles;
Missiles; Multilateral
force; Nassau agreements; Nuclear weapons testing; Skybolt):
- Atomic Energy Act, 363–364, 539, 592, 593, 688, 691, 1092–1093
- Canadian position, 1146–1147, 1150–1152, 1162–1169, 1193–1196, 1202–1204, 1208, 1221
- Dutch position, 610–611
- Europe, Rusk trip, scoping paper, 106, 108
- French position, 688
- Acheson-De Gaulle discussion, 293–295
- Alphand position, 714–718, 750–753, 761
- Bohlen position, 142, 413, 427–428, 534, 556, 737–739, 745–748, 767–768
- Couve de Murville position, 772–773
- Gavin position, 685–688
- NSC meeting, 157–160, 175
- Kennedy-Faure meeting, 683–685
- Kennedy visits, 208–209, 658, 665–669
- NATO and, 169, 644
- Rusk-De Gaulle talks, 720–726, 748–753
- Rusk position, 147–148, 654–656, 690–691, 743–753
- Spaak-Kennedy discussions, 222, 262–263
- U.K. agreement, 161–162, 1073–1074
- Germany, 208–209, 293, 361–364, 419–422
- Greece, 533, 569, 593
- Israeli possession, 774, 787
- NAC:
- NATO (see
Multilateral force; Nassau agreements):
- Acheson-De Gaulle discussion, 293–295
- Acheson-NAC meeting, 297
- Athens meeting, 388, 391–392, 396–397
- Dutch position, 610–611
- Finletter role, 355n, 357, 408–411, 431, 434, 444–448, 467–468, 471–474, 527–528, 555, 614–619, 623
- Greek position, 533, 569, 593
- Italian position, 807–808, 836–837, 858–864
- Kennedy meetings, 366–368, 377–380
- Military Committee, Lemnitzer report, 347–349
- Ministerial meetings, 588–589, 635–636, 639
- Norstad position, 270, 271, 365, 379, 477, 532
- NSC meeting, 496–497, 499, 502, 549
- Rusk-Stikker discussion, 357–360
- Spaak-Kennedy discussion, 261, 262–264
- Stikker, 392, 444–446, 529
- Turkish position, 460–461, 476, 533, 569, 593, 1118–1119
- tripartism, 300, 469, 475, 485, 514–515, 548, 586
- U.K. position, 1068–1069
- Turkish position, 460–461, 476, 533, 569, 593, 1118–1119
- United Kingdom, 175, 1137–1139
- Nuclear weapons testing (see also Nuclear Test Ban Agreement):
- OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- OEEC. See Organization for European Economic Cooperation.
- Oil:
- O’Mahoney, Joseph E., 233
- Organization of American States, 77, 664, 996, 1148
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 77, 1003
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 308–309
- Ormsby Gore, David, 87, 570–571, 599, 613, 1062–1063, 1081, 1085–1086, 1091, 1102, 1109, 1136, 1137
- Ortiz, Frank, 1023
- Ortona, Egidio, 878
- Outer Seven. See European Free Trade Association; specific countries. Overseas countries and territories. See Developing countries.
- Pakistan, 1041
- Palfrey, John G., 568
- Palewski, Gaston 813
- Parsons, Maurice H., 1062
- Pastore, John O., 568, 607
- Pearson, Lester, 1167, 1200, 1217
- Pelen, Pierre, 226, 266, 645
- Pereira, Pedro Theotonio, 903, 921, 937, 946
- Perrone-Capano, Carlo, 1–2, 794
- Petersen, Howard, 99
- Piccioni, Attilio, 468, 534, 878, 891
- Pieraccini, Giovanni, 849–850
- Pisany, Edgard, 129–133
- Pitblado, David, 9, 10
- Poland, 845, 998, 1152
- Polaris program, 303, 381, 472, 522, 535, 254, 255, 289, 1119
- Pompidou, Georges, 725, 726, 727
- Portugal, 895
- Acheson position, 293, 928, 939
- Africa, involvement in (see also
Angola; Guinea;
Mozambique), 902
- Ball position, 943, 968–981
- Congo, 898–899, 906, 922, 947, 948–949, 951, 955–956, 958–959, 972, 977–978, 984–986
- Kennedy position, 262, 907, 945, 970, 972, 982–985
- McNamara position, 956–958
- National Security Memorandum, 901–902
- NATO, 262, 303, 351
- Azores base, 460, 907, 908, 910, 911–912, 927–936, 932–933, 953, 958–959, 965–967, 997–998, 1013
- Elbrick position, 900–901, 907, 911, 912, 927–928, 929, 958–959
- NAC, 299, 336, 922–925, 926, 952–956
- naval forces, general, 959, 965–967
- Nogueira, 113, 898–899, 900–901, 904–906, 946–947, 949, 952, 960–961, 968–970, 978–981, 984–985, 986–987
- Rusk, 113, 268, 895–899, 904–906, 942, 984–985
- Tyler-Nogueira meeting, 946–947, 949, 952
- U.N. role, 895–898, 902, 905–906, 924–925, 955–956, 982–983, 984–985
- Asian colonies (see also Goa), 910, 945–946
- Azores base. See Azores.
- Ball position, 943, 957, 968–981, 983, 984–985, 997–998
- Berlin crisis, 903–904
- Brazilian relations, 940–941, 975
- Congo, 898–899, 906, 922, 947, 948–949, 951, 955–956, 958–959, 972, 977–978, 984–986
- development aid, 941–942
- French relations, 293
- Goa crisis, 906, 908–921, 932, 973, 995
- International Labor Organization, 950, 951
- Mozambique, 910, 941–942, 969
- NATO, 299, 303, 922–925, 926, 930–931, 952–956
- Rusk:
- SACLANT, 908
- Soviet relations, 900, 905
- Spanish relations, 992n
- Tyler position, 904, 926–928, 948–949, 952
- U.N. relations:
- Poultry, 201–202, 213–218
- Profumo, John, 205n, 1133
- Ramey, James T., 568
- Raminsky (Canada), 1182–1183
- Ramsbotham, Peter E., 424–425
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 834
- Reinkemeyer (Germany), 419, 451
- Rettie, E.R., 1210
- Rey, Jean, 19
- Ricketts, Adm. Claude V., 561, 562, 567
- Rickover, Adm. Hyman G., 494–495, 522, 555
- Ritchie, Charles, 1170, 1190, 1202, 1210–1211, 1212–1214
- Robb, M. A. M., 87
- Roberedo, Adm. (Portugal), 959
- Roberto, Holden, 949, 951, 977–978, 981
- Robinson, H. Basil, 1154, 1155, 1157, 1159, 1190–1191, 1202, 1212
- Rocca, Umberto, 144
- Rockefeller, Nelsen, 569
- Roijen, J.H. van, 250–252
- Rostow, Walter, 398–399, 502, 505, 567, 1154, 1155, 1157, 1159, 1173, 1179
- Rothschild, Robert, 219
- Rowen, Henry S., 1116
- Rusk, Dean:
- Belgium:
- carpet and glass tariffs by U.S., 73–74, 90–91, 100–103
- Cuban crisis, 134, 135, 449–450
- EC integration:
- Canada:
- balance of payments, 1210–1211, 1217
- Cuban relations, 1153, 1162–1163, 1190–1191
- Diefenbaker-Kennedy talks, 1140, 1141
- domestic situation, 1199–1200, 1201, 1216–1217
- Great Lakes labor dispute, 1212–1214, 1220–1221
- Laos, 1141, 1152–1153
- nuclear weapons, 1162–1163
- Pearson meeting, 1206–1208, 1214
- visit to, 1189
- U.K.-EEC relations, 1164–1165
- Cuban missile crisis, 134, 135, 301, 449–450, 461, 1153, 1162–1163, 1190–1191
- Dutch position, NATO, 250–252
- EC integration, 174
- defense integration, NATO response, 82–84, 112–113
- France, political initiative, 112–113, 202–204
- German position, 110–111, 120–121, 149–151, 242, 248
- Kennedy Round and CAP, 248–249
- trip to Europe, 105–113
- U.K. association, telegram to Butler, 230–232
- U.K. entry, 38–39, 42–45, 115–116, 139–141, 144–148, 151–153, 230–232
- U.K. position on EEC-EFTA problems, 4–6, 43, 20–21, 64–65
- EEC poultry negotiations, 201–202, 216–218
- European integration, 65–67
- European trip, 105–108, 111–113, 713–714
- France, 662, 787
- Alphand talks, 708–718, 760–761
- Ball telegram, 691–692
- Berlin, 670–671, 691
- Bohlen position, 737–739, 790–793
- Couve de Murville, 692–693, 718
- De Gaulle-Rusk meeting, 718–730, 739–742
- Gavin-De Gaulle discussions, 702–707
- NATO, role in, 705–707, 775–776
- nuclear weapons, 654–656, 672, 678–679, 690–691, 743–753
- tripartism, 641–644
- Franco-German relations, 149–150, 158, 166–167, 203, 727
- Germany, 451,
- Italy, 864, 878, 891
- Laos, 1141, 1152–1153
- NATO, 253, 459–460, 462–467, 631–634
- Athens meeting, 388–393
- Berlin, 326–329, 339–343, 351–353, 399–407, 596
- Bohlen notes to, 425–430
- conventional forces, 459, 491–492, 596–697, 624–626
- Danish position, 627–629
- defense policy, 396–397
- force levels, 449–450
- French position, 291, 775–776
- Germany, 190–193, 256–260, 269–272, 278, 282, 334, 419–422, 428–429, 467–471, 542–546, 551–553, 626–627
- Jupiter missiles, 460–461
- Ministerial meetings, 344, 411–413, 462, 462–466, 579–582, 587–590, 639
- Nassau agreement, 467–471, 475–478, 1116–1128, 1130–1131
- naval commitment, 333–335
- Netherlands position, 250–252, 610–611
- nuclear weapons, 253–256, 264, 397, 407–408, 435–438, 525–527, 605–606
- French position, 556–559
- German position, 419–422, 541–546
- Italian position, 601–602
- Kennedy, briefings, 377–380, 430–434, 459, 562
- Merchant Mission on Multilateral Force, 502–506, 515, 527–546
- Ministerial meetings, 344, 411–413, 462, 462–466, 579–582, 588–589
- MRBMs, 320, 331, 332, 334–335, 380–383, 397, 407–408, 435–439, 462
- National Security Action Memorandum, 384–387
- NSC meetings, 496, 498–500, 501, 547–551
- Rusk position, 527–528, 579–582, 590–591, 599–601, 1073–1076, 1078–1080, 1085–1088, 1106–1108
- State-Defense Department meetings, 446–447
- Stikker discussion, 357–360
- U.K. position, 528–529, 579–582, 590–591, 599–601, 1073–1076, 1078–1080, 1085–1088, 1106–1108
- planning, 316–321, 329–332, 344, 411–413, 462, 462–466, 579–582, 587–590
- policy directive, 285n
- political consultation, 307, 387–390, 589
- Portuguese relations:
- Spaak-Kennedy discussion, 260, 264
- Taylor visit, 374–376
- United Kingdom, 300:
- U.S. force reductions, 356–357
- Portugal:
- Spain, 988–991, 1014n, 1028–1029
- United Kingdom, 300
- Belgium:
- Russell, Richard B., 668
- SACEUR, 253, 263, 334, 464, 497, 525, 633, 872, 1119
- SACLANT, 263, 317, 393, 464, 908
- Saint-Mleux, Andre, 316–321
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira:
- Salinger, Pierre, 87, 864
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 668
- Samuel, Ian, 1102
- Saragat, Guiseppi, 799–800, 801, 869–870, 893–894
- Scandinavia (see also specific countries), 93, 94, 1004
- Schaetzel, J. Robert:
- Scheyven, Louis, 69–70, 73, 219
- Schiff, E.L.C., 250
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.:
- Schnippenkoetter, Swidbert, 182, 399
- Schroeder, Gerhard: