701. Memorandum prepared by McGeorge Bundy, July 161
Meeting No. 10/63, July 16, 1963—5:00 PM
1. Following discussion of three papers circulated by Deputy Under Secretary of State Alexis Johnson on July 13th, the group agreed that:
a. The President should not be asked to make any statement on Cuba on July 26th.
b. Further consideration would be given to asking the President to make a statement on Cuba on August 17th, the anniversary of the Alliance for Progress.
[Typeset Page 1806]c. The content of a proposed Presidential statement would be discussed again. A final decision would be made, after consideration at the next meeting, on a State Department paper covering possible negotiations with Castro.
2. Mr. Johnson reported that the State Department’s views on further measures to restrict free world shipping to Cuba would be sent to the President the following day. It appears that tightening existing restrictions on free world shipping will only be effective in reducing the amount of such shipping if the restrictions are revised so they affect the country whose flag the ship is flying rather than the country of ownership.
3. Deputy Under Secretary of Agriculture Sundquist presented a contingent plan for increasing world production of sugar. Following discussion, it was agreed that the plan should not be considered further in view of its disadvantages because of the drop in the price of sugar which has resulted from actions already taken.
- NSC record of actions at July 16 meeting. Secret. 1 p. Kennedy Library, NSF, Meetings and Memoranda Series, Standing Group Meeting, 7/16/63.↩