54. Telegram 794 from USUN, September 181

[Facsimile Page 1]

Paris pass USRO. Twenty-third session US/USSR disarmament talks.

1. McCloy opened meeting with eulogy to Hammarskjold. Zorin responded saying while Soviets differed with US re SYG office and Hammarskjold’s personality, he wished associate himself with McCloy’s remarks in view fact human being lost life.

2. Zorin continued Soviets carefully studied US fourteenth draft joint declaration and found it acceptable with exception final sentence paragraph six. Reiterated Soviet opposition to “control over armaments” and suggested deletion that sentence. Emphasized importance agreement on joint text at this juncture and expressed hope US, if it desired lessening international tensions, would accept deletion and agree on joint document.

3. McCloy noted substance sentence in question important part US position and reiterated US view verification would ensure not only compliance with reduction commitments but also that agreed levels are not exceeded and that there are no clandestine activities. Questioned wisdom of apparent agreement glossing over this important difference and inquired [Facsimile Page 2] whether Soviets envisaged further study this problem or wished US abandon its position this point.

4. Zorin stated Soviets could not abandon their position either and pointed out that although rest of text did not fully reflect Soviet position, they recognized US met them on number of points and they willing make this “compromise” for sake “major political considerations”. Zorin also stated both sides would of course be free make statements [Typeset Page 160] or submit documents in GA with elaboration their respective views and interpretation various problems. Said sentence in question spelled out something which should be negotiated in context specific plans rather than discussed in abstract; only in connection with specific measures could it be decided whether control should be limited to measures themselves or should go beyond them.

4. McCloy re-emphasized importance substance sentence in question and suggested he discuss problem with SECSTATE and other interested officials as well as allies with a view to giving Zorin answer perhaps tomorrow morning. Zorin agreed but stressed urgency in view GA opening tomorrow PM and expressed desire get reply tonight, if possible. Stated problem simple since no new language suggested and document, if agreed, could be forwarded to GA with addition only two or three communiqué-type introductory sentences. It was agreed next meeting would be eleven thirty a.m. tomorrow unless McCloy could meet tonight.

5. Prior to formal meeting Zorin indicated informally Soviets would like suggest editorial changes in text such as omission of “the principles of” in references to UN charter and substitution “international disarmament organization”. Stated however that if US could not accept them this would not be obstacle to agreement provided US could agree to deletion final sentence paragraph six.

  1. Readout of 23d session U.S.–U.S.S.R. disarmament talks. Confidential. 2 pp. Department of State, Central Files, 600.0012/9–1861.