460. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Laos1

74. Vientiane 105 repeated Paris 16 London 17 Saigon 21 Bangkok Phnom Penh Unnumbered;2 Vientiane 108 repeated London 19 Paris 18 Saigon 22 Bangkok Phnom Penh Unnumbered.3 We of course continue prefer Phoui to Souvanna but we recognize Phoui’s apparent lack of desire for job and probability Nationalists will retain mandate until they present Cabinet to Assembly, and accept your estimate we may have be prepared live with Souvanna.

Believe we should do nothing assist Souvanna. Instead, since he appears have good chance being invested, we should as you suggest concentrate upon policy rather than candidate. Request you do whatever possible with Lao politicians and Crown Prince insure inclusion Katay and Phoui in key posts in Souvanna Cabinet and Souvanna’s espousal Katay’s policy re Pathet Lao. Suggest it would be advisable tell Katay we hope he will take active role in Souvanna Government in order forestall any inclination his part wash hands of whole business as he in effect did after failure March 1956 crisis.

Assuming Pheng’s statement Souvanna has pledged follow Katay’s program is true, we somewhat skeptical Souvanna can and will be held to promise. Is warning his Government will be brought down and he read out of party if he reneges reasonably certain and effective sanction?

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751J.00/7–1857. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Byrne, cleared by Kocher and Young (in draft) and by Jones, and approved by Robertson. Repeated to Paris, London, Saigon, Phnom Penh, and Bangkok.
  2. Supra.
  3. In telegram 108, July 18, the Embassy in Vientiane transmitted a report from the President of the Lao National Assembly, Pheng Pongsavan, through the British Ambassador, that Katay had obtained from Souvanna Phouma a pledge that as Prime Minister he would follow Katay’s policy. If Souvanna departed from Katay’s line, not only would his government fall, but he would be expelled from the Nationalist Party. (Department of State, Central Files, 751J.00/7–1857)