- Abdoh, Djalal, 597, 674, 719, 1060
- Abdulgani, Roeslan, 215, 267–269, 271
- Aboul-Fetouh, Samy, 284, 305–306
- Adams, Sherman, 833, 837, 851, 874n, 974, 1014, 1043–1044, 1223–1225
- Adams, Ware, 582, 685
- Aden, 384, 587
- Afghanistan, 963, 1053
- Africa (see also North Africa; specific countries), 334, 357, 640, 642, 1316
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 891, 928–929
- Aklilou Abte Wold (Ato), 338, 537
- Albert, Carl, 188
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 46n, 94, 98, 100n, 103n, 108–109, 112n, 119n, 204–205, 233, 518, 548
- Israeli military intervention, 817–818, 846–847
- Negotiations, 791, 793, 818–819
- Oil supplies, 934, 1115, 1142–1143
- Suez Canal Conference, 212, 516
- Troop withdrawal, 1168n, 1174–1175, 1210–1211, 1232–1233, 1238–1239
- U.S.-British relations, 671–673, 775, 781–782, 791, 819–820, 1046, 1115–1117, 1196–1197, 1204, 1211, 1264
- Users’ association proposal, 484–485, 496–497, 571, 623–624, 751–753
- Alexander, Field Marshal, Earl (Hon. Sir Harold Rupert Leofric George), 62
- Algeria (see also North Africa), 489
- Ali, Mohammed, 837n
- Allen, George, 38n, 50–52, 179n, 197
- Allen, Leo, 188
- Alpha Operation, 109
- Alphand, Hervé, 414, 420–424, 455–458, 515, 576–577, 598–599, 647, 681, 1007, 1055
- Israeli military intervention, 803–805, 867–868, 932n
- Negotiations, 458, 955–956, 612–614, 1135, 1140
- Soviet Union, 1003, 1005–1006, 1023–1024, 1139
- Suez Canal dues, 424, 459–460, 574–575
- Troop withdrawal, 1054–1055, 1105, 1182
- U.N. Emergency Force, 955, 1139–1140
- U.S.-French relations, 1003–1005, 1104–1107, 1136–1137
- Users’ association proposal, 456, 480–482, 507–508
- Alsop, Joseph, 945
- Alsop, Stewart, 945
- Amer, Gen. Abdel Hakim, 311
- Amin, Mustafa, 1149
- Amini, Ali, 837n, 937
- Amir Abdullah, 402
- Anderson, Dillon, 148, 151–153, 154n, 166, 172, 188
- Anderson, Robert (see also Anderson Mission headings), 136–138, 296–297, 310, 999, 1052, 1070–1077, 1129
- Anderson Mission (Near East), 136
- Anderson Mission (Saudi Arabia), 220, 230, 246–247, 273–276, 282–283, 287–296, 301–303, 340n
- Anglo-Egyptian Suez Canal Zone Base Agreement, 1954. See under Treaties.
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 180, 499
- Anglo-Jordanian Treaty of Alliance, 1948. See under Treaties.
- Aqaba Gulf, 173, 180, 844, 1198–1199, 1205, 1216, 1244, 1325, 1327, 1339–1341
- Arab-Israeli dispute (see also
Israel: Western military aid
to; Israeli military intervention; Jordan: Iraqi forces in;
U.N. Emergency
Force), 65, 108–109, 467–568, 659, 713, 723, 769, 1105, 1156
- Armed attack, possible, 80–81, 87, 93, 266, 386–387, 519, 594, 977, 1079, 1123
- Armistice, 398, 468, 583, 731, 769n, 908, 913, 1289, 1338–1339
- Balance of power, 313–314, 519, 559–560, 594, 703, 723, 726, 824, 836, 920
- Border incidents:
- British position, 616n, 846
- Egyptian-Israeli, 787, 832, 846–847
- Egyptian position, 832, 1317, 1319–1320
- Fedayeen, 787, 846–847, 1319–1320
- French position, 847
- Jordanian-Israeli, 20–21, 603–604, 615n, 616n
- Lebanese-Israeli, 843
- Security Council meeting, possible, 23, 604, 769, 814
- Soviet role, 1093
- Syrian-Israeli, 1079, 1093
- U.S. position, 93, 539, 1251, 1296n, 1309, 1343
- British-French military intervention and, 65, 108–109
- British position, 1174
- Egyptian position, 141, 1318
- French position, 42n, 1117–1118, 1286, 1292
- Israeli position, 683, 728, 1343–1344
- Neutral strip proposal, 936, 948
- Palestinian refugees, 385, 628, 940, 942, 1124, 1129, 1216, 1237
- Partition Plan, 1947, 675, 683, 728–729
- Saudi role, 89
- Security Council appeal and, 336, 422
- Soviet position, 225
- Soviet role (see also Soviet intervention, possible), 88, 729, 1093, 1117–1118
- Suez Canal issue and, 9n, 24, 36, 40, 42, 50–51, 87, 136n, 155, 179n, 266, 594
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 621, 723, 728–731, 764, 801–802, 817–818, 833
- Troop withdrawal and, 1174
- U.S. draft General Assembly resolutions on resolving, 936–937, 941–942, 947–951, 960–961, 1066, 1099, 1105–1106, 1141–1142, 1156, 1208–1209, 1276–1277, 1287–1289, 1323
- U.S. position, 539, 594–595, 942, 944, 1286–1287, 1342–1343
- Arab League, 168, 264, 296, 384
- Arab Legion, 729
- Arab nationalism (see also Arab states), 225, 266, 339, 390, 587
- Arab states (see also Arab subheadings under other subjects; Oil supplies; specific countries):
- Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO), 89–90, 246, 273n, 389, 1002, 1071, 1075, 1079, 1200
- Arad, Shimshon, 582
- Aranha, Oswaldo, 937
- Ardalan, Ali Qoli, 217, 529, 554, 597
- Arends, Leslie C., 188
- Argaman, Zev, 582–583, 1158
- Argentina, 1053
- Armour, Norman, Jr., 676n, 771n
- Armstrong, Gen. Frank A., Jr., 844, 1035
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 300n, 338n, 361n, 524–525, 559–560, 814, 1030, 1068–1070, 1087, 1249
- Artajo, Don Alberto Martin, 210, 259–261, 517–518, 537–538, 546–548, 555
- Asbjornson, Mildred, 340n, 403n, 405n, 418n, 430n, 472n, 639n, 916n, 1240n
- Asia, 84, 640, 642, 1316
- Aswan Dam:
- Atomic energy, 180, 183, 397, 592
- Atomic weapons, 915, 993, 995, 1019
- Australia, 253, 261, 528, 553, 796, 882, 902, 904–905, 1332n
- Austria, 72–73, 1023–1024
- Aziz, Abdul, 287
- Azzam Pasha, Abdel Rahman, 220n, 347–349
- Badawi, Helmi, 647, 666–667, 786
- Baghdad Pact, 89, 91–92, 264, 384, 818, 837, 840
- Bahrein, 92, 587, 1072, 1075–1076, 1200
- Bailey, Ronald W., 29n, 129, 146n, 322, 803, 829–830, 875
- Banat Yaqub, 609
- Bandaranaike, S.W.R.D., 43, 1176
- el-Banna, Abdelmoneim, 1299n
- Barbour, Walworth, 30, 43–44, 75, 94n, 203n, 340n, 416–417, 751, 817
- Barco, James W., 706n, 707n, 714n, 717n, 740, 957–960, 1060–1061, 1068, 1132–1134
- Bartels, Eyvind, 1276, 1306
- Bartlett, Frederic, 645n
- Beam, Jacob D., 339n, 344n, 803, 805, 1195, 1295n
- Beaulieu, Paul Leroy, 298
- Bech, Joseph, 345, 1168
- Beckett, John Angus, 934
- Beckner, Earl R., 300n, 1009n, 1143n
- Beeley, Harold, 533–534, 658, 714–715, 720, 817, 1304
- Begin, Menahem, 1253
- Belaunde, Victor A., 674
- Belgium, 120n, 121, 515, 707, 842, 953
- Ben Gurion, David, 22–23, 165, 801, 1245–1247, 1252
- Eisenhower, correspondence with, 763, 795, 801, 843–844, 1063–1064, 1095–1096
- Israeli military intervention, 776, 811–813, 821–822, 843–844, 927, 1252–1254, 1268
- Jordan, Iraqi forces in, 615, 622, 630–632, 676n, 725–727, 763, 795
- Troop withdrawal, 1057, 1062–1063, 1090, 1095–1096, 1107–1110, 1244, 1325n, 1326–1328
- U.N. Emergency Force, 1038, 1304
- U.S.-Israeli relations, 23, 136–137, 1090–1091, 1094
- Ben Halim, Mustafa, 948
- Bennett, W. Tapley, 342, 749n, 803, 953, 955, 998, 1003
- Berding, Andrew H., 212, 508n, 516, 658, 1284
- Berger, Walter C., 928
- Bergus, Donald C., 503, 562n, 614n, 686n, 722n, 1065, 1089, 1093, 1096n, 1158, 1198, 1236, 1241, 1274, 1341
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 46n, 131, 176n, 462, 487n, 494n, 563n, 613n, 639n, 674n, 745n, 770n, 833n, 851n, 861n, 862n, 863n, 865n, 870n, 884n, 887n, 896n, 917n, 918n, 927n, 938n, 1240n, 1333n, 1339–1340
- Berry, J. Lampton, 395, 688n, 966n
- Bevan, Aneurin, 656, 987, 1223
- Bigart, Homer, 458, 463, 499
- Birgi, Nuri, 219, 245, 535, 537–538
- Black, Eugene, 786–787, 1311
- Blackiston, Slator C., 50n, 178, 465, 467, 542n
- Blanco, Carlos, 597
- Bliss, Don C., 46n, 53, 212, 284, 300, 301n
- Bloomfield, Lincoln P., 582
- Boggs, Marion W., 165–176, 263
- Bohlen, Charles E., 133, 149n, 156–160, 212, 237, 991, 995–996, 1016–1017, 1079
- Boone, Adm. Walter F., 30, 38, 845, 1035
- Border incidents. See under Arab-Israeli dispute.
- Bourgès-Maunoury, Maurice, 177, 585, 76, 1259, 1265
- Bowie, Robert R., 38n, 46n, 117n, 140n, 199n, 203n, 212, 509–510, 634n, 639n, 888, 891, 976, 1030, 1187n, 1195, 1227–1229, 1249n, 1284
- Brazil, 686, 953, 979, 1054
- Bridges, Styles, 188, 193, 195
- Brilej, Josa, 895–896
- British-French military intervention (see
British-French-Israeli agreement
British-French ultimatum
Israeli military intervention; Ceasefire; Troop withdrawal), 852n, 854, 900, 939, 984n
- Anglo-Egyptian agreement, 1954, as basis for, 641, 655, 750, 764, 886
- Arab-Israeli dispute and, 65, 108–109
- Arab nationalism and, 390
- Arab reactions to, possible, 63–65, 91–95, 96n, 99, 106, 357, 384–386, 418, 430–432, 435–436, 915, 950–952
- Belgian position, 649, 660, 710
- British and French civilian evacuation, 342, 350–351, 353, 358, 360, 377, 417, 475, 489
- British-French talks, 602
- British intentions, 10, 14, 30, 37, 40, 61–62, 109, 113, 171, 250, 328, 346, 402–403, 438, 473, 546, 641–642, 1255–1256
- British Labour Party position, 231–232, 234–235, 286, 314, 328, 474–475, 521–522, 671, 910, 1260
- British planning for, 5, 10, 14, 195–196, 204, 215–216, 234, 281, 285–286, 314, 327, 360, 581
- British public opinion, 65, 94, 108, 234–235, 250, 331, 346, 543, 591, 671, 903, 910, 951, 1020, 1051, 1260–1261
- Canadian position, 987
- Economic sanctions and, 462, 586, 755
- Egyptian position, 201–202, 878, 939
- French intentions, 8, 76, 101–102, 110, 171, 327–328, 353–354, 358–359, 543, 624, 632–633, 641–642, 1255–1256, 1259–1261
- French military capabilities, 75, 210
- French planning for, 8, 29, 37, 75, 177, 195, 350, 353, 857–858
- French public opinion, 210, 328, 350n, 392n, 641, 903, 951
- Indian position, 1108
- Israeli participation, 53
- Israeli position, 93
- Joint Chiefs of Staff information request, 279, 286
- Military situation, 918–919, 939, 945, 987, 1013, 1015, 1078, 1097
- Mobilization, 204, 215–216, 350–351, 374, 489, 711, 815, 1257
- National Security Council discussion, 902–916
- North Africa and, 47, 98, 101, 110, 183, 328, 396, 599, 632, 764, 853
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization and, 265, 345, 635n, 636, 868, 905, 1107, 1202, 1220n, 1221–1222
- Pilots, 11–12, 25, 488–489
- Renewed hostilities, possible, 1150–1151, 1162
- Secrecy, 15–16, 37, 68, 69n
- Security Council appeal and:
- Soviet influence in the Near East and, 80, 274, 334, 384, 386–387, 390–391, 640, 816, 906, 915
- Soviet intervention and, 1020
- Soviet position, 159, 207, 489, 496
- Soviet responses, possible (see also Soviet intervention, possible), 42, 80, 95, 387–388, 906, 968–972
- Special National Intelligence Estimates, 382–391, 524–528, 1020–1021
- Suez Canal blockage as basis for, 39, 48, 233, 286, 404, 416–417, 490–491, 527, 602, 764
- Tripartite Declaration and, 873, 901
- Tripartite heads of government meeting and, 774–775
- U.N. Emergency Force and, 947–948, 954, 956, 975, 982–983, 985, 987
- U.N. position, 183, 976–977
- United Nations, effects on, 911, 913–914, 1342
- U.S. ability to restrain, 68, 174, 527–528, 858
- U.S.-British relations and, 167, 389–390, 393, 436, 884, 906–907, 930, 1098
- U.S. committee proposal resolutions and, 941
- U.S.-French relations and, 167, 389–390, 867, 884, 906–907, 921–922, 930, 1220–1221, 1224
- U.S. oil aid to Western Europe and, 357, 546
- U.S. participation, possible:
- Arab reactions to, 389
- British position, 24, 61, 98, 100n
- Economic support (see also U.S. aid to Western Europe under Oil supplies), 186–187, 266, 510–511
- French position, 76, 102, 655, 766
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 21, 64, 67, 116–118, 151–152, 200, 264, 266–267, 279, 329
- Military aid, 176–178, 187, 266
- National Security Council discussion, 169, 174, 329–331
- Secrecy, 152
- Soviet response and, 98, 100n, 102, 133, 169, 174–175, 187, 509, 655
- U.S. position, 11–12, 24–26, 37–39, 41n, 48, 69, 95, 96n, 102, 110, 195, 226, 389, 397, 816
- U.S. public opinion, 98–100, 102
- U.S. political situation, 47, 585, 766–767, 770, 815
- U.S. position, 69–71, 149, 223, 334, 396–398, 403–404, 439–440, 853, 862, 873–875, 989–990
- U.S. public opinion, 98–100, 356, 436, 635, 1280–1281
- U.S. public statements, 662, 684
- U.S. responses, 885, 901, 908–914, 918, 922, 930–931, 988, 998–1000, 1021–1023, 1027–1028
- Users’ association proposal and, 484–485, 489, 513, 520, 543, 756–757
- Watch Committee reports, 378–381, 488–489, 543–544, 595–596, 629–630
- World public opinion, 189, 388–389, 526, 543, 649, 1021
- Brosio, Manlio, 959, 1166, 1173
- Broustra, Vincent Paul, 1182, 1303, 1313
- Brown, Winthrop G., 516
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 1077, 1085, 1130, 1228
- Bulganin, Nikolai A., 156–160, 496, 619, 694, 991, 993–994, 1000, 1001n, 1003n, 1005, 1007, 1111, 1128
- Bunche, Ralph J., 1068, 1311
- Buraimi dispute, 291, 403–404, 853
- Burdett, William C., Jr., 42n, 102n, 103n, 112n, 119n, 212, 284, 513n, 516, 536n, 837n, 891, 894
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 30, 331, 1166, 1168–1170
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 21, 28, 53, 62, 64, 342, 749, 1035n
- Burma, 92, 120, 963, 1053
- Burns, Maj. Gen. Eedson L.M., 841, 913, 942, 976, 979, 981, 1038, 1059–1060, 1132n, 1176, 1233, 1325n
- Butler, Richard A., 1115, 1163, 1166–1171, 1173, 1196–1197, 1202n, 1204, 1210–1211, 1220–1221, 1227, 1238–1239
- Byroade, Henry A., 55–58, 66, 105–107, 133–135, 201–202, 296n, 299, 310–311, 334n, 417–418, 475
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. C.P., 391n, 539, 594, 653–654, 703
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 29–30, 37–38, 42n, 62, 94, 100n, 103n, 112n, 115, 119n, 129n, 203n, 1142n
- Callender, Harold, 499
- Camargo, Lieras, 1209
- Canada, 43, 121, 1141, 1160, 1165, 1271, 1332n
- CARE, 54
- Carnahan, A.S.J., 188
- Carr, Robert, 1299n
- Carre, Chester Morey, 300n
- Carrigan, John W., 273–275, 282–283, 1200
- Casey, Richard G., 796, 902
- CASU. See Users’ association proposal.
- Cease-fire (see also
Troop withdrawal):
- Arab position, 949
- British position, 946, 978, 980, 1010–1011, 1015, 1025–1027, 1039
- Egyptian position, 964–965, 978n, 1006, 1011, 1021–1022, 1051
- French position, 978, 1010–1012, 1041
- General Assembly Resolution 997 (ES-I), 932–933, 946, 949, 981, 1126, 1190
- General Assembly Resolution 999 (ES-I) (Indian), 959–960, 963, 976, 978n, 980, 986, 1126
- General Assembly Resolution 1001 (ES-I) (7-Power), 1053–1055
- Israeli position, 977n, 978n, 1010–1011, 1190
- Soviet intervention and, 995–996, 1024, 1028
- Tripartite heads of government meeting and, 1043–1044, 1046
- U.N. Emergency Force and, 946, 964–965, 981, 1012, 1026–1027 [Page 1351]
- U.S. draft General Assembly resolutions, 907, 909–914, 916–917, 919
- U.S. position, 919, 923–924, 931, 945, 995–996, 1013, 1022, 1024–1028, 1032–1033, 1074–1077
- Central Intelligence Agency, 773, 1080, 1083, 1249, 1270–1271
- Ceylon, 43, 84, 92, 191, 607, 963, 1053–1054, 1060, 1176, 1292
- Chaban-Delmas, Jacques Michel Pierre, 753–757
- Chamoun, Camille, 1180n, 1292
- Charles-Roux, Francois, 647
- Chauvel, Jean, 3, 13–15, 29–30, 42n, 100, 103n, 112n, 119n, 205, 518
- Chesney, George C., 188
- Chile, 686
- China, People’s Republic of, 158, 1019, 1079
- China, Republic of, 321, 323, 842, 882, 896
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 188
- Chipman, Norris B., 516, 536n
- Choudhury, Hamidal Huq, 217n, 270
- Churchill, Randolph, 897
- Clark, William, 1269
- Clay, Gen. Lucius, 1175, 1176n
- Clements, Earle C., 188
- COCOM, 1304
- Colombia, 976, 978–979, 982, 986–987, 1054, 1069, 1096n, 1193
- Colombo Powers, 84
- Comay, Michael S., 23
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 54, 694n
- Committee of Five Powers. See Suez Committee.
- Commonwealth, 4, 10–11, 15, 43, 92, 113, 134
- Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez. See Suez Canal Company.
- Compton, Arthur A., 342
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts of:
- Oil supplies, 461, 463, 575, 578, 855, 1085
- Presidential meetings, 189–196, 1001, 1031, 1044–1045, 1047, 1050, 1052, 1056, 1084–1086
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 396–398, 588–592, 1112–1113
- Soviet intervention, possible, 1228
- State Department meetings, 396–398, 588–592
- Suez Canal Conference participation, 164, 188–189, 198
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 835–937, 839, 861, 884, 899
- U.S. military intervention, possible, 11–12, 41n, 47–49, 63, 69, 95, 152, 169, 330, 356, 397
- Connors, W. Bradley, 42n, 119n, 212, 516
- Constantinople Convention, 1888. See under Treaties.
- Cook, Charles D., 676n
- Cook, Donald, 1221
- Cooperative Association of Suez Canal Users (CASU). See Users’ association proposal.
- Copeland, Miles, 38n
- Cordier, Andrew W., 1059, 1068, 1302n, 1303n, 1311
- Corea, Sir George Claude Stanley, 271
- Corfu Channel Case, 180
- Cornut-Gentille, Bernard, 571, 645n, 647, 681, 715, 772, 789n, 840–842, 858–860
- Cottman, J. Stewart, 212, 228n
- Coty, M. René, 72
- Coulson, Sir John E., 304n, 309, 374–375, 448, 469, 476, 620–622
- Crosthwaite, Ponsonby Moore, 658
- Crouy-Chanel, Etienne, 1041, 1284
- Cuba, 323, 686, 717, 842, 882
- Cunha, Paulo A.V., 271, 520, 536–537, 555
- Cyprus, 91, 165, 388, 673, 792, 1014
- Czechoslovakia, 72, 158, 1023, 1024n, 1070
- Dale, William N., 1145n
- Dardanelles, 274
- Daridan, Jean Henri, 42n, 103n, 112n, 119n, 353–354, 358, 518, 551, 816–817, 1254, 1268, 1284
- Davies, Fred, 273n, 1200
- Dayan, Moshe, 776–777, 940n
- De Palma, Samuel, 618n, 888
- Dean, Arthur H., 498–500, 563n, 664–665, 1339–1340
- Dean, Sir Patrick, 776
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 54, 331, 628–629, 688–689, 694n, 891, 915, 1031, 1052, 1103
- Dejean, Maurice, 149n
- Denmark, 530–531, 553, 979, 1053, 1096
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 31–32, 100, 103n, 119n, 464, 518, 585–586, 634, 816–817, 847–848, 996–997, 1284
- British-French military intervention, 74–77, 177, 210, 521–522, 756–757, 930–931, 1261
- Cease-fire, 1012, 1041
- Economic sanctions, 567–568, 586
- France:
- Soviet intervention, possible, 1117–1118
- Suez Canal Conference, 212, 233, 516
- Suez Canal dues, 461, 753–756
- Troop withdrawal, 1033–1034, 1041
- U.N. Emergency Force, 1012, 1029n, 1033–1034
- Users’ association proposal, 490, 655–656, 756–757
- Western European Union, 656
- Disarmament, 150
- Dixon, Sir Pierson, 676, 681, 714–716, 734n, 765, 770–772, 1123–1124, 1182, 1311–1312
- Duce, Terry, 246
- Dulles, Allen W., 5, 38, 131–132, 166, 188, 745, 918–919, 1032n, 1035n, 1078, 1128, 1135
- British-French military intervention, 63, 65–67, 79n, 815n, 902, 905, 912–914
- Congressional meeting, 1084, 1113n
- Egypt:
- France, 1136–1137
- Hungary, 1081, 1083, 1085
- Israeli military intervention, 315n, 833–834, 837, 927n, 976
- Oil supplies, 53, 65–66, 171, 173
- Pilots, 7
- Soviet Union, 79n, 932n, 987, 1014, 1018n, 1079–1080, 1086, 1101–1102, 1219
- Suez Canal Company nationalization, legality of, 170, 174
- Suez Canal Conference, 165
- Syrian political situation, 784
- United Kingdom, 1218
- U.N. Emergency Force, 1027, 1083
- Dulles, Janet, 734n
- Dulles, John Foster, 131–132, 140n, 248, 451n, 618n, 745, 796
- Anderson Mission, 301
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 170, 182, 467–468, 591, 594, 614–616, 724–727, 730–733, 936–938, 1286, 1338–1339, 1342–1344
- Aswan Dam, 64–65, 173
- British-French military intervention, 108–109, 171, 195–196, 281,
764, 1142n
- British position, 545–546, 566, 581, 591
- British public opinion, 231–232, 234–235, 314, 331
- Eisenhower-Eden correspondence, 69n, 356n, 357n, 358n
- French military capabilities, 210
- Joint Chiefs of Staff information request, 279, 286
- Soviet reactions, 391n
- U.S. participation, 26, 39, 46–49, 98–99, 169, 174–177, 185–187, 330–331, 397
- U.S. political situation, 766
- U.S. position, 67–68, 100, 110–111, 167, 189, 194, 334, 396–397, 403–404, 430–431, 438–440, 884
- U.S. responses, 901, 909–914, 917–918
- Cease-fire, 831, 904, 907, 909–914, 916–917, 932–933, 1049–1051
- Congressional meetings, 169, 188–196, 1112–1113
- Eban, meetings with, 178–181, 465–469, 606–607, 608–610, 682–684, 727–733, 808–810, 925–927, 1341–1344
- Economic sanctions, 66, 234, 276–278, 279n, 298, 300, 324, 449, 581
- Egypt:
- Eisenhower-Nehru meeting proposal, 935–937
- Eisenhower statement, 315, 333–334, 340–341
- France:
- Heads of government meeting, 764–765, 774–775, 1044, 1051–1052, 1113
- Health of, 947n, 949
- International canal use proposals, 100n, 105, 145, 208, 218, 226–229, 242–244, 254–256, 259–261, 665
- Israel:
- Israeli military intervention, 815–816, 825n, 863, 888–889, 902–904, 918,
922n, 1114, 1342
- British-French ultimatum, 861–863, 865, 866n, 867, 870–871, 874n, 875–876, 886, 904
- General Assembly, convening of, 885–887, 889–890, 896–897, 905, 929
- Mobilization, 790, 794, 797, 805, 808–811, 813–816
- Soviet responses, 932n
- Tripartite discussions, 829–830
- U.S. political situation, 885
- U.S. responses, 834–840, 851–854, 861, 886, 890–893, 901, 905–908, 911, 913, 917–919, 925–927
- Israeli shipping restrictions, 179n, 683, 1310, 1322, 1344
- Jordan:
- London tripartite meeting attendance, 10–11, 13, 15, 32, 35, 38–39, 63, 67–68, 72, 77
- National Security Council, 148, 151–152, 154n, 325–327
- NATO consultation, 309, 339–340, 344–345, 1309–1310
- Near East, U.S. policy toward, 397, 1293, 1296, 1298–1299
- Negotiations, 511–512, 519, 546–547, 626, 643–645, 650, 674, 702–703, 740, 742–743, 765, 770–771, 789–790, 1277–1278, 1282, 1322
- North Africa, 774
- Oil supplies, 67, 180–181, 183, 189–190, 468–469, 610, 874n, 1306
- Operation Whiplash, 610–611
- Panama Canal, 95, 163–164, 179, 191, 199
- Pilots, 103–104, 115–116, 139, 482–483, 488, 508
- Public statement, 506n
- Soviet Union, 149–150, 163, 206–208, 221–227, 253–254, 391n, 506, 721, 932n
- Suez Canal clearance, 1292–1294, 1300–1303, 1310, 1322, 1333–1334
- Suez Canal Company nationalization:
- Suez Canal Company reorganization proposal, 405, 418
- Suez Canal Conference, 13, 49, 62–64, 104, 109, 112,
189, 212, 280
- Chairmanship, 204–205, 209, 211, 213
- Participants, 30, 48–50, 94–97, 99, 104–105, 110, 113, 120–121, 144, 164, 179, 183, 209
- Procedure, 211, 213–214
- Progress of, 215–216, 218–219, 233–235, 245–246
- Reconvening of, 492–493, 505, 511–513, 516, 520, 528–532, 536–538, 544–545, 552–555
- Soviet participation, 149–150, 163, 206–208, 253–254
- Tripartite-Australian consultations, 216–218
- Suez Canal dues, 103, 234, 324, 414–415, 423–424, 456–457, 459–461
- Suez Committee, 216–217, 235, 267–273, 318, 327, 338–339, 419, 447n, 1258
- Troop withdrawal, 1240, 1278–1284
- U.N. Emergency Force, 938, 1114, 1322
- United Kingdom:
- Users’ association proposal, 351–352, 370–372, 392,
406, 440, 464, 555–556, 566–567, 678–680, 757–758, 1306
- Alternate oil sources and, 507, 575–576, 578–579, 589–590
- British-French public statement, 470–471, 472n, 476–478, 589
- Draft proposals, 533–534, 537
- Egypt, compensation for, 514
- Egyptian position, 491–492
- Implementation strategy, 393, 441, 448–449, 456
- Mandatory participation, 513–514, 517
- Membership, 514–515
- Negotiations and, 1275–1276, 1322
- Organization, 470, 534
- Pakistani position, 573
- Security Council appeal and, 413–414
- Suez Canal Conference discussion, 544–545, 552–555
- Suez Canal dues and, 459, 470, 472, 478, 549–550, 574–575, 577–578, 584–585, 667, 720, 734–738, 744–745, 758–760
- Tripartite Foreign Ministers meeting, 487
- U.S.-French talks, 455–458
- U.S. public statements, 6n, 480–481, 589
- Eagleton, William L., 1191n
- Eban, Abba, 137, 179, 499–500, 822–823, 1208, 1341
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 608–609, 632, 682–684, 727–728, 731–732, 1161, 1326
- Dulles, John Foster, meetings with, 178–181, 465–469, 606–607, 608–610, 682–684, 727–733, 808–810, 925–927, 1341–1344
- Israeli military intervention, 808–810, 821–822, 824–825, 894, 925–927, 1158–1159
- Oil supplies, 52, 137, 179–180, 468–469, 499, 610, 1339–1340
- Security Council appeal, 465–466, 606–607, 658, 683
- Shipping restrictions, 51–52, 178–179, 466, 468, 683, 1326
- Troop withdrawal, 1089–1091, 1094–1095, 1159–1160, 1198–1199, 1215–1217, 1241–1242, 1325–1326, 1339–1340, 1344
- U.S.-Israeli relations, 50–51, 136–138, 197, 198n, 467–468, 664–665, 1090–1091, 1094, 1230–1231, 1272, 1274
- Western military aid to Israel, 50–51, 467, 498, 562–563, 1230–1231, 1251, 1272–1274
- Ecuador, 1053
- Eden, Anthony (see also
Heads of government meeting
United Kingdom: United States,
relations with), 4–5, 9–11,
99, 113, 171, 1116
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 729, 791
- British-French military intervention, 10, 60–62, 204, 285–286, 545–546, 581, 602, 878, 982, 984–986, 1266–1267
- Cease-fire, 946, 978, 1015–1016, 1025–1028
- Economic sanctions, 204, 234, 305, 474
- Eisenhower, correspondence and conversations with, 9–11, 304–305, 435–438, 848–850, 856–857, 860–861, 866, 871–872, 874–875, 882–883, 980, 984, 986, 989–990, 1025–1027, 1028–1029, 1039, 1040, 1042–1043, 1045–1046, 1056, 1061–1062, 1110–1111
- International canal system proposals, 218, 286, 312–313, 336, 472n, 476–477, 484, 486, 491, 772n
- Israeli military intervention, 848, 854–856, 860, 866, 870–872, 874, 1266–1267, 1269
- Political situation, 756, 1152, 1163
- Soviet Union, 304, 619, 1015
- Suez Canal dues, 234, 416–417
- Suez Committee, 235–237, 280n, 312
- U.N. Emergency Force, 946–947, 953, 985, 1015, 1027, 1039, 1082
- Egypt (see also
Arab-Israeli dispute; Arab
states; Egypt and Egyptian subheadings under
other subjects):
- Africa, relations with, 1316
- Anti-Western policy, 79, 82–84, 86–87, 100, 142, 189, 444, 1219
- Asia, relations with, 1316
- British military aid to, 83, 143
- Economic development programs, 1314
- Economic situation, 547–548, 579, 591, 1219, 1285, 1290, 1315–1316
- Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact, 592–593, 1251, 1254–1255
- Ethiopia, relations with, 541, 1208
- France, relations with, 900, 1254–1255, 1302–1303, 1305, 1313, 1315–1316
- India, relations with, 593, 1316–1317
- Iraq, relations with, 106, 192, 401, 619, 1191, 1318, 1320
- Jewish population in, 1219, 1234–1235, 1302n, 1303n
- Jordan, relations with, 401, 605, 1101, 1314
- Kuwait, relations with, 1309, 1320
- Lebanon, relations with, 605, 1180, 1191–1192, 1208, 1235–1236, 1246, 1309
- Libya, relations with, 87, 587, 619, 818, 984, 1180, 1191–1192, 1208, 1235–1236
- Military capabilities, 75
- Neutrality, 1316
- Political situation, 1000–1001, 1029–1030, 1078, 1101, 1108, 1303, 1305
- Saudi Arabia, relations with (see also Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact above), 141, 246, 273, 311, 401, 541, 591, 605, 619, 1101, 1192, 1285, 1316–1317, 1320
- Soviet Union, relations with (see also Soviet intervention, possible):
- Syria, relations with (see also Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact above), 141, 401, 587, 1101, 1314, 1317
- Syria-Jordan-Egypt tripartite military agreement, 775–776, 788, 800, 808–809, 811–812, 821, 843–844, 857, 966–967, 973, 1067
- Turkey, relations with, 1314, 1321
- United Kingdom, relations with, 84, 549, 581, 900, 1302–1303, 1305, 1313, 1315–1316
- United States, relations with, 1084, 1209
- U.S. civilian evacuation. See under Near East.
- U.S. economic aid to, 266, 548, 673, 908, 929n, 1033n, 1089, 1290, 1300
- U.S. military aid to, 54, 143, 523–524, 673, 908, 912–913, 917–918, 947, 1021–1023, 1027–1028, 1088, 1315
- U.S. policy toward, 106–107, 140–143, 1222–1223, 1225, 1227–1229, 1282, 1284–1285, 1295–1296, 1305
- Western assets in, 66, 86, 1279, 1282
- Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact, 592–593, 1251, 1254–1255
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 6–7, 11, 26–27,
39, 166, 174, 662–663, 684–686, 693
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 539, 594, 723–726, 908, 936–937, 947, 1141–1142
- Ben Gurion, correspondence with, 763, 795, 801, 843–844, 1063–1064, 1095–1096
- British-French military intervention, 62–65, 67–71, 74n, 110, 330, 334, 356–358, 403–404, 566, 764, 943–945, 1260
- British political situation, 231, 314, 331, 1162, 1166
- Cease-fire, 986, 1025–1029
- Congressional meetings, 188–196, 1084–1086, 1112–1113
- Eden, correspondence and conversations with, 9–11, 304–305, 435–438, 848–850, 856–857, 860–861, 866, 871–872, 874–875, 882–883, 980, 984, 986, 989–990, 1025–1027, 1028–1029, 1039, 1040, 1042–1043, 1045–1046, 1056, 1061–1062, 1110–1111
- Egypt:
- France, 461n, 462–463, 625–626, 774, 1040, 1042–1049, 1051–1052, 1056, 1061, 1104n, 1107n, 1110–1111, 1113
- Hungary, 976–977, 1008, 1083, 1128
- Israel, U.S. economic aid to, 627–628
- Israeli military intervention, 331, 843, 863, 866, 869–971, 874–875, 916–917, 1114
- Israeli shipping restrictions, 1310
- Jordan, Iraqi forces in, 722–723, 763, 795
- Near East:
- Negotiations, 626, 633, 1120, 1141–1142
- Nehru correspondence, 258, 280, 502–504, 685, 1001
- Nehru meeting proposal, 935–937
- North Africa, 774, 1293
- Oil supplies, 67, 175, 191, 193, 662–663, 1084, 1141
- Operation Whiplash, 611n
- Panama Canal, 66, 163–164, 199
- Public statements, 315, 333–334, 340–341, 373, 446, 662
- Saudi Arabia, 220, 294, 1137–1139, 1153, 1165, 1169
- Soviet intervention, possible, 915, 922–924, 989, 993–994, 1000–1001, 1007, 1049, 1052, 1080–1081, 1111–1112, 1141
- Suez Canal:
- Suez Canal Company nationalization:
- Suez Canal Company reorganization proposal, 405, 418
- Suez Canal Conference, 77–78, 111n, 150n, 163–164, 188–189, 198, 210, 218, 245, 253, 261, 505, 520, 544
- Troop withdrawal, 1050, 1057–1058, 1062–1064, 1095, 1096n, 1167, 1240
- U.N. Emergency Force, 947–948, 956–957, 1027–1028, 1034, 1039, 1042–1043, 1082–1084, 1114, 1178–1179
- United Kingdom, 461n, 462–463, 625–626, 774, 1098–1099, 1104n, 1167–1169, 1172, 1202–1203, 1240
- U.S. mobilization, 1035n
- Users’ association proposal, 392–393, 472n
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 1122n
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 38, 46n, 53, 129, 132, 458, 476, 574, 577, 584n, 634n, 829, 867, 875, 888, 940, 955, 958n, 1009n, 1030, 1143n, 1181n, 1187n, 1201n, 1267n, 1284, 1302, 1304
- Ely, David R., 1164
- Ely, Gen. Paul, 777
- Engen, Hans, 978–979
- Entezam, Abdullah, 1060
- Esso Shipping Company, 365
- Ethiopia, 261, 307, 541, 553, 564, 642, 963, 979, 1053, 1208
- European Defense Community, 1168
- Eveland, Wilbur, 273n
- Eveland, William, 287
- Export-Import Bank:
- Fadden, Arthur, 280n
- Faisal ibn al-Aziz ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Faisal al Saud, 274, 282–283, 287–294, 301
- Fanfani, Amintore, 626
- Faure, Maurice, 760–761
- Fawzi, Mahmoud, 161–163, 200–202, 666, 746, 786, 1154, 1185–1186, 1290–1291, 1303, 1305, 1308–1310
- Fedayeen. See under Arab-Israeli dispute: Border incidents.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, 773
- Federal Reserve Bank, 1142, 1151
- Feldman, Marckus, 1119n
- Finland, 1096n
- Finn, Richard B., 1147n
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 1236–1238
- Fitzmaurice, Sir Gerald, 94, 112n, 119n, 203n, 533–534, 714
- Five-Nation Committee. See Suez Committee.
- Flemming, Arthur S., 132, 784, 908, 913, 1009n, 1014, 1084–1085, 1113n, 1143n
- Foreign Petroleum Supply Committee (FPSC), 53, 129–130, 171
- Foster, Andrew B, 3–5, 212, 242n, 269n, 516
- Foster, Rockwood, 29–30, 35–41, 42n, 94n
- France (see also
North Africa; British-French,
France, French, Tripartite, and Western subheadings under other
- Economic situation, 1032, 1076–1077
- Military capabilities, 75, 210
- Political situation, 551–552, 757n, 1218
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 1106–1107
- Soviet Union, relations with, 76–77, 496, 694, 1003, 1005, 1220n, 1304
- United Kingdom, relations with, 1257, 1262–1263
- United States, relations with, 393,
1119–1120, 1257–1259, 1262
- British-French military intervention and, 167, 389–390, 867, 884, 906–907, 921–922, 930, 1220–1221, 1224
- French attacks on U.S. policy, 458–459, 461–463, 591, 617, 625, 632–633, 641–642, 755, 761, 779, 1003–1005, 1136–1137, 1258–1259
- Heads of government meeting, 764–765, 774–775, 779–781, 1040, 1042–1049, 1051–1052, 1056, 1061–1062, 1104–1107, 1110–1111, 1113, 1118–1119, 1180n
- U.S. economic aid to, 479, 481, 908, 1189
- U.S. military aid to, 176–178, 187, 266, 885, 911, 914, 918, 958–959
- Users’ Association Executive Council, 646
- Fritzlan, A. David, 630n
- Fry, Maj. Gen. James C., 845
- Fulbright, J. William, 588
- Gaitskell, Hugh, 234–235, 286, 314, 328, 331, 474–475, 497
- Gallman, Waldemar, Jr., 485, 599
- Garrett, Gwynn, 928
- Gaza Strip (see also Troop withdrawal), 1038, 1133
- General Services Administration, 1237
- George, Walter F., 188, 416, 474, 490, 823, 835, 861–862, 1169n
- Georges-Picot, Jacques, 674
- German Democratic Republic, 72–73
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 305, 531, 555, 1088, 1293n, 1332n
- Ghaleb, Abdelhamid, 184
- Gleason, S. Everett, 324–332, 594–595, 632–633, 701–714, 784–785, 902–916, 1070–1086, 1127–1131, 1218–1229
- Glubb, Lt. Gen. Sir John Bagot, 620
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 5, 11, 26, 27, 62, 69n, 502n, 650, 652n, 793–794, 833, 839, 851, 873, 893n, 947, 976, 986, 1000, 1098n, 1120, 1153, 1166, 1178n, 1194n, 1309
- Gork, Haydar, 837n
- Gray, Gordon, 53–54, 62, 132, 176–177, 185, 187–188, 199n, 212, 628–629, 953, 998–999
- Greece, 120, 165, 309, 325, 464
- Green, Theodore F., 188, 191–192, 1112–1113
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 888, 891–893, 1028n, 1030, 1057, 1100n, 1173n, 1195
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 185, 187, 844, 1035, 1044–1045, 1047–1048, 1111, 1136–1137
- Guatemala, 506, 1124
- Guebre-Hiot, Balambaras, 541
- de Guiringaud, Louis, 645n, 964–965
- Hagerty, James C., 373, 833, 851, 870n, 889n, 947–948, 976, 986, 988, 1000, 1007n, 1194n
- Haley, Sir William, 692
- Halleck, Charles, 188, 191–192
- Hallstein, Walter, 531
- Hamilton, Tom, 742
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 840–842, 887–889, 1082, 1156–1157, 1190, 1302n, 1303, 1305, 1313
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 164, 182, 398, 468, 1156, 1208–1209, 1251, 1288–1289
- British-French military intervention, 183, 977–978
- Cease-fire, 986, 1010–1011, 1031
- Negotiations, 740–743, 749, 770–774, 777–778, 791, 943, 1335–1336
- Security Council appeal, 183, 376–377, 511–512
- Security Council discussion, 676, 678–680, 689–693, 696–698, 705–708, 712, 715, 717
- Suez Canal clearance, 1058, 1155, 1177, 1205–1206, 1288, 1289n, 1311–1312, 1333–1335
- Troop withdrawal, 1038, 1058–1060, 1156–1157, 1182, 1199, 1205–1207, 1215–1217
- U.N. Emergency Force, 957–958, 976, 978–979, 981–983, 1059–1061, 1068–1070, 1132, 1154–1155, 1178–1179, 1190, 1205
- Hammarskjöld Mission, 22, 182
- Hamui, Mamun, 966n
- Hanes, John W., Jr., 212, 249n
- Hansen, Hans Christian S., 530, 554
- Hare, Raymond A., 27, 566n, 570, 782–783, 827–828, 877–878, 898–900, 975, 1027–1030, 1033n, 1234–1235, 1299n
- Arab states, Egyptian influence in, 586–587, 1235–1236, 1314, 1316, 1320–1321
- Border incidents, 827, 1319–1320
- Egyptian foreign policy, 1314–1318
- Military situation, 939–940, 1097
- Soviet intervention, possible, 1164–1165
- Suez Canal clearance, 1318–1319
- U.N. Emergency Force, 964–965, 975, 1027, 1096n, 1100n, 1319
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 140n, 587–588, 1314–1321
- Harlow, Bryce N., 188
- Harrison, Lt. Gen. William K., Jr., 844, 1035
- Haskey, D.S., 548, 658
- Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 19, 361–362
- Hayter, Sir William Goodenough, 149n
- Hazlett, Everett (Swede), 943
- Heath, Donald B., 184–185
- Heeney, Arnold D.P., 498, 768–769, 940–942, 953–954
- Heikel, Mohammed, 141, 964–965, 975
- Henderson, Loy D., 303, 377, 475, 516, 688n, 796n, 949, 951–952, 796n, 1030, 1187n, 1329n, 1337
- Herzog, Yaacov, 23
- Hewitt, Warren E., 18–19
- Higgins, Marguerite, 888
- Hildreth, Horace A., 569–570, 572–573
- Hill, Robert C., 588, 592, 1030–1031
- Hitchcock, James J., 786–787, 799–800
- Hoegh, Leif, 623
- Hoffacker, Lewis, 1149n, 1275n
- Hollister, John B., 53–54, 132, 890–891, 912, 914, 929n, 1030, 1329
- Holmes, Julius C., 416, 474
- Hong Kong, 1019
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 46n, 131–132, 257n, 333, 366n, 369n, 598n, 618n, 692, 775n, 929n
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 539, 559, 686–687, 722,
724, 727, 947–951, 959, 973, 977
- Border incidents, 1100
- British-French military intervention, 11–12, 24–26, 62, 79, 100n, 110, 350–351, 764, 837, 851–853, 949–952, 988
- British political situation, 1162, 1220–1221
- Cease-fire, 1021–1022, 1024–1025, 1032–1033, 1049–1051
- Congressional meetings, 1084–1085, 1113n
- Egypt:
- Eisenhower-Nehru meeting proposal, 936–937
- France, 1043–1044, 1047–1048, 1181, 1196n, 1201, 1220–1222
- Hungary, 1083
- International canal system proposals, 230, 393, 508, 653, 1168–1169
- Israel:
- Israeli military intervention, 110, 793, 805, 808, 829, 833, 888, 891, 1249n
- Near East, U.S. policy toward, 686, 929n, 1122, 1194, 1222
- Negotiations, 685, 947–951, 959
- Oil supplies, 129–130, 592, 652, 874n
- Pilots, 28, 592
- Saudi Arabia, 220, 230, 297n, 1153, 1165, 1167
- Soviet intervention, possible, 79n, 989, 1000, 1014, 1023–1025, 1030, 1067–1068, 1081–1082, 1101, 1123–1125, 1128, 1149
- Suez Canal clearance, 1307–1308, 1310, 1329–1332
- Suez Canal Company nationalization, 3, 5–6, 38
- Suez Committee, 259
- Troop withdrawal, 1057, 1062–1063, 1065–1068, 1082, 1093–1094, 1107, 1109, 1194, 1201, 1231–1232
- United Kingdom, 1043–1044, 1047–1048, 1169–1170, 1173, 1181, 1196n, 1201, 1220–1221
- U.N. Emergency Force, 947–948, 976, 977n, 986–987, 1031, 1082, 1084, 1129, 1149, 1178–1179, 1274–1275
- U.S. mobilization, 886n, 1035n
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 539, 559, 686–687, 722,
724, 727, 947–951, 959, 973, 977
- Hope, John, 623
- Howe, Fisher, 71, 197n, 257n, 319n, 502n, 796n, 885n, 959n, 988–989, 1047, 1123n, 1249n, 1324n
- Hughes, Emmet John, 1000
- Humphrey, George M., 12, 63–68, 132, 170, 627–628, 910–914, 1092, 1168–1169, 1223, 1225
- Humphrey, Hubert, 396–397, 1133–1134
- Hungary, 938, 948
- Arab position, 1108
- Asian position, 1098
- British position, 985
- Egyptian position, 1307
- French position, 901, 996, 1003–1005, 1136
- General Assembly discussion, 789, 888, 901, 976–977, 1008, 1159
- Indian position, 1108, 1119, 1128, 1159
- Israeli position, 926, 1108–1109, 1161
- Soviet possible intervention in Near East and, 875–876, 995, 1003–1004, 1006–1007, 1016–1018
- Suez Canal Conference, 72, 158
- U.S. position, 977, 1005, 1008, 1081, 1083, 1085, 1088, 1098–1100, 1112
- Hussaini, Jamal Bey, 274, 287
- Hussein, Ahmad, 28n, 333–334, 491–492, 695–697, 831–833, 877–879, 1021–1023, 1149–1150, 1307
- Hussein, King, 417, 599, 615n, 620, 784
- Iceland, 309, 345
- India, 43, 92, 243–244, 388, 497, 593, 887, 907, 953–954, 1108, 1118, 1316–1317
- Eisenhower-Nehru correspondence, 258, 280, 502–504, 685
- General Assembly discussion, 954, 956, 963, 1053
- Mediation proposals, 210, 645–646, 662, 685, 693, 1310
- Negotiations, 191, 502n, 540–541, 663, 1335
- Security Council discussion, 173, 596, 607
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1081, 1083, 1119
- Suez Canal Conference, 97n, 104, 120, 168, 205, 212–214, 244–245, 326
- Suez Committee, 271, 288
- U.N. Emergency Force, 976, 978–979, 986, 1054, 1058n, 1059, 1193, 1242, 1274
- Indonesia, 92, 267–268, 271–272, 963, 1053, 1072, 1083
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 524, 528n, 773, 798–799, 845
- Interior, U.S. Department of the, 53, 694n, 1077
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 368, 375, 786–787, 1166, 1226, 1290, 1330–1332
- International Chamber of Shipping, 40, 46, 60, 73, 103
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 54, 463, 886, 890, 912, 1330, 1332
- International Court of Justice, 36, 175, 180n, 243, 394, 446, 592, 624, 680, 778, 1289
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 493–494, 1012–1013, 1076–1077, 1142–1143, 1151, 1226
- Iran (see also
Eighteen-Power proposal
Suez Canal, international system proposals), 84, 90–92, 264, 467, 642, 686, 842, 882, 963, 979, 984, 1053
- Oil supplies, 529, 1189
- Security Council appeal, 323, 336–337
- Security Council discussion, 707, 716–717, 719
- Soviet Union, relations with, 201, 313, 391n, 972, 995, 1080
- Suez Canal Conference, 113, 120, 212–213, 217, 219, 516
- Suez Committee, 261, 307, 441
- Users’ association proposal, 482, 535, 545, 554, 564, 617, 646
- Iraq (see also
Baghdad Pact), 89–92, 113, 120, 264, 346, 485, 630, 930, 963, 1053, 1189
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 675, 729
- Baghdad Pact, 141, 384, 1314
- Egypt, relations with, 106, 192, 401, 619, 1191, 1318, 1320
- Israel, relations with, 621, 763
- Jordan, Iraqi forces in, 599–600, 769, 922n, 1078–1079
- Oil supplies, 155, 384, 853, 972, 1071, 1079
- Political situation, 285, 385, 401–402, 418, 641, 920, 984, 1080, 1108, 1118, 1306
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 143, 642
- Soviet Union, relations with, 972, 1019, 1080
- Syria, relations with, 92, 386, 1314
- United Kingdom, relations with, 304, 385, 853, 1123
- United States, relations with, 142, 686, 1089, 1285
- Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC), 90–92, 384
- Iraqi-Jordan Mutual Defense Treaty, 1947, 630
- Ireland, 1145n
- Ismay, Lord of Worthington, 1202
- Israel (see also
Arab-Israeli dispute; Israeli
military intervention; Israel and Israeli
subheadings under other subjects)
- British military aid to, 42, 562
- Canadian military sales to, 504n, 559, 562–563, 608, 768, 865, 1251
- Economic situation, 1242
- France, relations with, 1252–1254
- French military aid to, 815, 834–836, 840, 849, 904
- Iraq, relations with, 621, 763
- Italian military aid to, 1251
- Military capabilities, 559–560, 653–654, 703, 723, 726
- Political situation, 1110, 1251–1252, 1328
- Shipping restrictions:
- Armistice and, 468
- Constantinople Convention and, 51–52, 683, 843–844, 1289
- Egyptian position, 1319
- French position, 422, 596–597, 847
- International canal system proposals and, 137–138
- Israeli military intervention and, 1156
- Israeli position, 51–52, 93, 178–179, 466, 732, 843–844, 1109, 1241, 1244, 1326
- Security Council discussion of, 583, 596–597, 607, 645n, 683, 727, 812, 823
- Security Council resolution, 1951, 52, 93, 178–179, 422, 607, 732, 844, 1105, 1109
- Socony-Vacuum withdrawal from, 468
- Soviet Union, relations with, 88, 971, 1003n, 1161–1162, 1230
- United Nations, relations with, 1251
- United States, relations with, 731, 1090–1091, 1094, 1208, 1230–1231, 1252, 1256–1257, 1272–1274, 1286–1287, 1327, 1343
- U.S. economic aid to, 1160, 1236–1238, 1242–1243
- U.S. military aid to (see also Canadian military sales to above), 136–138, 523–524, 610–611, 664–665, 959n, 1089, 1251–1252
- U.S. civilian evacuation, 812–813
- Western military aid to, 42, 91, 136–137, 264, 1251
- Israeli military intervention (see
Cease-fire; Troop
withdrawal), 825, 900
- Arab responses, possible, 930, 952
- Border incidents and, 1095
- British-French-Israeli agreement, 776–777, 815–817, 834–837, 845, 849, 861–862, 876, 887–888, 900–901, 903–904, 919–921, 1114
- British-French ultimatum, 855–856, 861–863, 865–871, 871–872, 875–877, 886, 904
- Egyptian responses (see also Suez Canal: Egyptian obstruction of), 831–832, 834, 877
- French position, 31, 847–848
- General Assembly, convening of (see also Cease-fire), 882, 885–887, 889, 897, 905, 907, 929
- Indian position, 1108
- Israeli position, 110, 180, 883, 894, 1158–1159
- Israeli public opinion, 1110
- Israeli shipping restrictions and, 1156
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 118, 844–846
- Military situation, 902, 918–919, 926, 927n, 931–932, 939–940
- Mobilization, 785, 788, 790, 794–795, 797, 801–802, 809–811, 822–824
- Oil supplies, effects on, 853, 918
- Security Council discussion proposals:
- Sinai Peninsula scorched-earth policy, 1288, 1320
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950:
- Tripartite discussion, 801–805, 829–830
- U.S. position, 80–81, 93, 143, 170, 331, 343, 386–387, 398, 630, 815–816, 902–916, 927, 1342
- U.S. responses, possible (see also
Security Council discussion proposals
above), 814, 878–879, 929n
- Blockade, 834, 912
- Economic sanctions, 830, 842, 852, 861, 884, 886, 891–894, 901, 905–908, 911, 913, 925
- Egypt, military aid to, 835–836, 839–840, 898–900, 1021–1023, 1027–1028
- Israeli position, 925–927
- Public statements, 892–893, 899, 908, 929, 947, 977
- U.S. mobilization, 826–827, 845–846, 864, 886, 915, 998–1000
- U.S. political situation, 835–836, 847, 885
- Italy, 29, 210, 529, 553, 572, 590, 1009, 1088, 1145n, 1166, 1332n
- J.P. Morgan and Company, 14, 16
- Jackson, C.D., 628, 701, 1226
- Japan, 92, 553, 590, 616, 623, 646
- Javits, Jacob K., 500
- Jebb, Sir Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 585, 602, 1261
- Jenkins, Alfred L., 273n, 287
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 12, 164, 169, 188, 190, 195
- Johnston, Eric, 419, 609
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 12, 151–156
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 313–314, 594–595, 750–751
- British-French military intervention, 342–344, 749–750, 968–972
- Israeli military intervention, 826–827, 844–846, 864, 968–972
- Operation Whiplash, 523–524
- Soviet intervention, possible, 845, 968–972, 1030
- State-JCS meetings, 342–344, 749–751
- U.N. Emergency Force, 999, 1002
- U.S. civilian evacuation, 915
- U.S. mobilization, 998–1000, 1035–1036
- Joint Middle East Planning Committee, 968–972
- Joint Strategic Plans Committee (JSPC), 21
- Jones, Aubrey, 298
- Jones, John Wesley, 958n, 1145n
- Jordan (see also
Arab-Israeli dispute; Arab
states; Jordan and Jordanian subheadings under
other subjects), 89, 485, 930, 963, 1053, 1317
- Egypt, relations with, 401, 605, 1101, 1314
- Fragmentation, possible, 631–632, 676, 683, 704–705, 725, 728, 732, 784, 835
- Iraqi forces in, 599–600, 769, 922n, 1078–1079
- Oil supplies, 155, 169n, 384, 972
- Political situation, 385, 387, 630, 642, 703–704, 722–725, 730, 768, 769n, 784
- Soviet intervention and, 1019, 1102, 1157
- Syria-Egypt-Jordan tripartite military agreement, 775–776, 788, 800, 808–809, 811–812, 821, 843–844, 857, 966–967, 973, 1067
- Syrian forces in, 1078–1079
- United Kingdom, relations with, 346, 385, 620–621, 750–751, 784, 1123
- United States, relations with, 143, 600, 929n, 1089
- Jordan River Development Plan, 609, 1089
- Joxe, Louis, 31–32, 358–359, 847–848, 931, 965–966, 996–997, 1284, 1302
- Juin, Marshal Alphonse Pierre, 1297
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 1130
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 891, 928, 1143n, 1145–1147
- Katzin, Alfred George, 1176n, 1311
- Keightley, Gen. Charles, 1233, 1239n
- Kent, Sherman, 773
- Khalil, Hashim, 837n
- al-Khayyal, Sheikh Abdullah, 220n, 347, 949
- Khouri, Victor A., 949–952
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 157
- Kidron, Mordecai R., 1215, 1325
- Kilmuir, David P., 3n
- Kirk, Roger, 33, 38n, 53, 212, 652n
- Kirkpatrick, Ivone, 250, 340n, 474, 1013, 1015, 1016n, 1197n, 1221
- Kiselev, Yevgeniy, 134, 1028
- Knowland, William F., 12, 164, 169, 188, 190–193, 196, 862, 1134
- Kollek, Teddy, 614n
- Kuwait, 83, 92, 108, 147, 285, 401, 1079, 1123, 1309, 1320
- Laboulaye, François de, 420, 574, 829, 1104, 1139
- Lall, Arthur S., 978–979
- Lange, Halvard, 271, 520, 530, 534, 537, 555, 589, 937
- Langer, William, 396–397, 588
- Laskey, Denis, 1278, 1304
- Latin America, 175, 335, 337, 389, 685–686, 887
- Lawson, Edward B., 22–23, 1107–1110, 1244–1247, 1326–1328
- Lay, James S., Jr., 116, 153
- Lebanon (see also Arab-Israeli dispute; Arab states), 90–91, 296n, 346, 353, 385, 485, 609, 963, 972, 1053
- Lemay, Gen. Curtis E., 845, 1035
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 845, 1035
- Lennartson, Roy W., 928
- Lewis, Maj.-Gen. Millard, 524
- Liberia, 574, 585, 619, 625, 754, 963, 1053
- Libya, 87, 304, 346, 385, 388, 489, 963, 1053, 1122–1123
- Lippman, Walter, 901–902, 945
- Lister, Ernest A., 339n, 1201n, 1275n
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 13–16, 34,
38, 72–73, 100n, 103, 729, 1279, 1282, 1304–1305
- British-French military intervention, 14–16, 61, 94, 98, 279, 281, 320–321, 359, 648, 742, 1142n, 1260
- Cease-fire, 978, 1015–1016
- International canal system proposals, 5, 15, 42, 218, 1170
- Israel, Western military aid to, 14, 42
- Israeli military intervention, 817–818, 846–847
- Negotiations, 791, 818–819, 903
- Oil supplies, 1306
- Panama Canal, 95
- Pilots, 14, 103, 123
- Political situation, 1163, 1280, 1282
- Suez Canal clearance, 1175–1177, 1183, 1197n, 1205–1206, 1278–1279, 1301, 1334
- Suez Canal Company nationalization:
- Suez Canal Conference, 60, 112–114, 119–123, 203–205, 209, 213–214, 216, 511–513, 540
- Suez Canal dues, 43–44, 60, 103, 123–124, 233, 409, 416
- Suez Committee, 234, 269, 271–272, 308, 360
- Troop withdrawal, 1123–1125, 1174–1177, 1182–1184, 1197n, 1205–1206, 1232–1233, 1238–1239, 1278–1284
- U.N. Emergency Force, 1123–1125
- U.S.-British relations, 648–649, 656–657, 665, 740, 792, 819–820, 1040, 1042, 1116, 1122, 1179n, 1282
- Users’ association proposal, 409–410, 476, 484–485, 487, 513–515, 533–535, 537–538, 555, 571, 616, 623, 792, 1306
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 569, 639n, 689n, 709
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 938, 1156–1157, 1187, 1288–1289
- British-French military intervention, 852n, 912
- British and French nationals in Egypt, 1313
- Cease-fire, 959, 977–978
- Israeli military intervention, 825n, 839–842, 852, 858–860, 881, 887–888, 896–897, 912
- NATO meeting, 1272
- Near East, U.N. economic aid to, 1290–1291
- Negotiations, 765–766, 770–773, 789–790, 1156, 1272, 1287–1288, 1335–1336
- Soviet intervention, possible, 1156–1157
- Suez Canal clearance, 1058–1059, 1124, 1155, 1175–1178, 1183, 1205–1206, 1288, 1289n, 1311–1312, 1333–1335
- Security Council discussion, 494–495, 569, 571–572, 596–598, 618, 647, 658–659, 676–678, 681, 699–701, 711, 714, 740, 742–743
- Syrian political situation, 1222
- Troop withdrawal, 1058–1061, 1123–1125, 1157, 1175–1178, 1182–1186, 1199, 1205–1207, 1215–1216, 1231, 1325–1326
- U.N. Emergency Force, 838, 956–957, 964, 978–979, 981–983, 1059, 1068, 1070, 1123–1125, 1133–1134, 1154–1155
- UNTSO observers, 1038
- London Conference, 22-Power. See Suez Canal Conference.
- London Oil Emergency Advisory Committee, 1146
- Looram, Matthew J., Jr., 1322n
- Loutfi, Omar, 1059–1060, 1185
- Luce, Clare Booth, 572
- Lucet, Charles, 420, 507, 574, 789n, 829–830, 867, 955, 1003, 1007, 1023, 1104, 1139, 1302n
- Ludlow, James M., 338n, 361n, 639n, 658, 676n, 714
- Luns, Joseph, 270, 530, 555
- McAfee, William, 528
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 33, 46n, 280n, 688n,
750, 829, 888, 891, 1009n, 1123n, 1169n, 1178, 1300n, 1304
- British-French military intervention, 279n, 1249n
- Egypt, 1209
- Israel, Canadian military sales to, 504–505
- Near East, U.S. policy toward, 1121, 1210
- Negotiations, 1120
- Oil supplies, 974, 1195
- Saudi Arabia, 1165
- Security Council discussion, 658
- Soviet intervention, possible, 932n
- Suez Canal clearance, 1301
- Tripartite heads of government meeting, 1047
- Troop withdrawal, 1194
- U.N. Emergency Force, 976
- U.S. mobilization, 886, 998–1000, 1030, 1052
- McAuliffe, Eugene V., 132, 1212
- McCardle, Carl W., 39n, 94, 103n, 112, 119n, 199n, 203n, 212, 249–250, 508n, 516, 566n, 639n, 734n, 888
- McCloy, John J., 1175–1176, 1206, 1301–1302, 1329, 1331, 1332n
- McDonald, John W., Jr., 890n
- MacDonald, Thomas L., 219, 261n, 269
- Macmillan, Harold M., 249, 520, 577–578
- Macomber, William B., 199n, 203n, 212, 256n, 335n, 393n, 516, 639n, 658, 714, 721n, 888, 890n, 1049, 1112n, 1141n, 1278n
- Maestrone, Frank E., 212
- Maillard, Pierre, 1268–1269
- Mak, Dayton S., 42n, 212, 511n
- Makins, Sir Roger, 492–493, 579, 613–614, 803n
- Malik, Charles, 184–185
- Mallory, Lester D., 615n
- Mansfield, Mike, 164, 169–170, 396–397, 567–568, 580, 588, 592
- Manzini, Raimondo, 626n
- de Margérie, C. Roland, 715
- Marjolin, Robert, 298
- Marshall, George C., 138
- Marshall Plan, 168, 547
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 12, 188
- Martino, Gaetano, 210, 270, 345, 497, 520, 529–530, 538, 555, 572, 1136–1137
- Masoud, Mohamed, 273n, 394n
- Mates, Leo, 895–896
- Mathews, Elbert G., 300n
- Maurer, Ely, 300n
- Mayer, Daniel, 656
- Meeker, Leonard C., 16–18, 1276n
- Megee, Lt. Gen. Vernon E., 750
- Meir, Golda, 675–676, 708, 966–967, 973, 1158, 1190, 1231, 1252, 1274–1275, 1339–1344
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 1119, 1218
- Menon, V.K. Krishna, 210, 242–244, 254–256, 271, 497, 540–541
- Menzies, Robert G., 216–217, 233–234, 796, 902
- Menzies Committee. See Suez Committee.
- Merchant, Livingston T., 23–24
- Meroz, Yohanan, 808, 1065, 1096n
- Metzger, Stanley D., 212, 284, 516, 1275n
- Mexico, 45, 172, 979
- Middle East Emergency Committee (MEEC), 54n, 175, 192, 449, 873n, 974, 1071–1076, 1129–1131, 1144, 1180n, 1194–1195, 1210n, 1214–1215, 1223, 1243n
- Middle East Policy Planning Group, 509–510
- Middleton, Drew, 746
- Millikin, Eugene D., 188
- Minnich, L. Arthur, 188n
- Mirza, Maj. Gen. Iskander, 572–573
- Moline, Edwin G., 131, 212, 284, 516, 1009n, 1143n, 1145n, 1195
- Mollet, Guy, 72, 74–77, 490, 572, 585–586, 617, 767, 1012, 1033–1034, 1218, 1257–1261
- Monckton, Walter, 774, 1265
- Moore, Virgil L., 284
- Morgan, Thomas E., 188
- Morocco, 101, 388, 641, 643, 680, 804, 845, 920, 1118
- Morris, Willie, 513n, 620, 622
- Mossadeq, Mohammed, 107
- Muntasser, Mahmud, 402
- Murphy, Robert D., 94, 100, 108, 131–132, 139n, 144n, 688n,
1030, 1181n, 1187n, 1201n, 1276n, 1322n, 1329n, 1338n
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 750–751, 768–769, 1106, 1161
- British-French military intervention, 36, 60–62, 1249n
- France, 1003–1007, 1047, 1104–1107
- International canal system proposals, 43
- Israel:
- Israeli military intervention, 803–804, 808, 888, 891, 895–896, 976, 1159, 1249n
- Oil supplies, 1195
- Suez Canal clearance, 1307–1308, 1332n
- Suez Canal Company nationalization, 131–132
- Suez Canal Conference, 257–258
- Suez Canal dues, 28, 44
- Suez Committee, 259
- Troop withdrawal, 1057
- U.N. Emergency Force, 953–956, 1139–1140
- U.S. mobilization, 998–999
- Murray, Geoffrey S., 1271–1272
- Nabulsi, Sulayman, 1317
- Nakkad, Nairn, 273
- Nasser, Gamal Abd’ul (see also Egypt and Egyptian subheadings under other
subjects; Suez Canal Company
nationalization), 1, 55–57, 133–135, 310–311, 333, 334n, 393–394, 415, 570, 592–593, 1149, 1234–1235, 1315–1316
- Arab estimations of, 330–331, 384, 397, 402, 1159, 1168–1169, 1208, 1229, 1285–1286
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 975, 1087, 1156, 1317–1320
- Arab states, Egyptian influence on, 1235–1236, 1314, 1316, 1320–1321
- British estimation of, 146–147, 304, 526, 580, 909, 944, 1260
- British-French military intervention, 939, 947
- French estimation of, 31, 761, 944, 1140, 1257–1258
- Israeli estimation of, 465, 843, 1108, 1244–1245, 1248, 1343
- Israeli military intervention, 827, 877, 898–900, 939
- Military situation, 939–940, 1097
- Negotiations, 626n, 975, 1208, 1319
- Political situation, 1000–1001, 1029–1030, 1305
- Soviet Union, 1087, 1096–1097, 1149, 1156–1157, 1164, 1316–1317
- Suez Canal clearance, 1318–1319
- U.N. Emergency Force, 975, 1100n, 1149, 1154–1155, 1319
- U.S. civilian evacuation, 827–828
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 310, 586–588, 1097, 1314–1315, 1321
- U.S. estimation of, 64, 140–142, 167, 192, 626, 886, 1084, 1133, 1165
- Users’ association proposal, 491, 541, 570, 593, 626n
- National Indications Center, 787–788, 799–800
- National Petroleum Council, 694n
- National Security Council, 148, 151–152, 165–176, 325–327, 701–702, 1084–1086
- Actions:
- Documents, NSC 5428, 903
- Meetings:
- 292d, Aug. 9, 1956, 165–176
- 295th, Aug. 30, 1956, 324–332
- 297th, Sept. 20, 1956, 539
- 298th, Sept. 27, 1956, 594–595
- 299th, Oct. 4, 1956, 632–634
- 300th, Oct. 12, 1956, 701–704
- 301st, Oct. 26, 1956, 784–785
- 302d, Nov. 1, 1956, 902–916
- 303d, Nov. 8, 1956, 1070–1086
- 304th, Nov. 15, 1956, 1127–1132
- 305th, Nov. 30, 1956, 1218–1219
- Navy, U.S. Department of the, 988
- Near East (see also
Arab states; specific
- British and French civilian evacuation and, 342, 350–351, 353, 358–360, 377, 417, 475, 489
- Soviet influence in, 88–89, 194, 254, 266, 924, 1083, 1092n, 1098–1099, 1324
- Soviet policy toward, 510, 969, 1323
- U.N. economic aid to, 1290–1291, 1298–1299
- U.S. civilian evacuation, 27, 36, 46, 66–67, 351, 417–418, 475, 797, 806–807, 832
- U.S. economic aid to, 1089, 1092, 1099, 1121–1122, 1180
- U.S. military aid to, 911, 1299
- U.S. policy toward, 170, 397, 824, 835–836, 839–840, 1210, 1297
- Western bases in, 155, 265, 304
- Near East Arms Coordinating Committee (NEACC), 8, 31, 543, 815, 1252
- Near East war. See British-French military intervention; Cease-fire; Gaza Strip; Israeli military intervention; Negotiations; Soviet intervention, possible; Troop withdrawal; U.N. Emergency Force.
- Negotiations (see also International
canal system proposals; Security Council
Suez Canal Company nationalization; Suez Committee)
- British position, 511–512, 672, 690, 692, 696, 700, 706, 738, 752, 770, 791, 793, 818–819
- British public opinion, 681, 715, 752
- Egyptian position, 593, 650, 670, 695–697, 741, 778, 782–783, 1186, 1319
- Eighteen-Power proposal, 244–245, 250–253, 291–294, 303,
- British position, 257, 409, 531, 641, 643
- Egyptian position, 375–376, 529, 1256
- Eisenhower statements, 315, 333–334, 340–341, 373, 446
- French position, 490, 531, 567, 572, 624, 642–643, 655, 1258
- Indian position, 254–256
- Security Council appeal and, 420–421, 425–426, 519
- Soviet position, 245, 270, 326–327
- Spanish position, 252–253, 259–261
- U.S. position, 268–269, 366–367, 512n, 640, 1170, 1276
- Users’ association proposal and, 409, 429, 490, 531
- French position, 690, 692, 696–698, 700, 706, 715–716, 718, 741, 819
- French public opinion, 681, 715, 1257
- Geneva meeting proposal, 741–743, 747–749, 765–766, 769–770, 782, 791
- Hammarskjöld mediation proposals, 509, 511–512, 519, 693, 1292
- Italian proposal, 626
- Mediation, 593, 626, 1186, 1335
- Nasser proposals, 459, 485, 502n, 511, 527, 529–530, 541, 547, 553, 624, 670
- Saudi mission to Egypt, 296–297, 299–300, 303, 310–311, 347, 395
- Security Council committee proposals, 509
- Six principles as basis of, 706, 712–713, 721, 962, 1271, 1275, 1335
- Soviet participation, 670, 937, 1207
- Suez Canal clearance and, 1331
- U.N. position, 678–679, 740–742, 771–773, 1156, 1207, 1335–1336
- U.S. conference proposal, 663
- U.S. draft General Assembly resolutions, 935–938, 941–942, 947–951, 953, 956–958, 961–963, 1099, 1105–1106, 1120, 1141–1142, 1282
- U.S. position, 633, 651, 661–662, 674, 678, 770–771, 773, 789–790, 1278, 1296
- Users’ association role, 752–753, 1275–1276, 1322
- Nehmer, Stanley, 300n
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 43, 164, 541, 907, 924, 935–937, 1058n, 1128n, 1316–1317
- Nenni, Pietro, 656
- Nepal, 963, 1053
- Netherlands, 215, 305, 555, 602, 905, 953, 1145n
- New Zealand, 555, 617, 902, 905, 979
- Newsom, David D., 273n, 287, 294n, 1137n
- Niazi, Anwar, 746–748, 1126
- Nigeria, 147
- Nishi, Haruhiko, 531, 535, 553
- Nixon, Richard M., 169–170, 175, 188, 194, 884–885, 986, 1035n, 1081, 1083, 1085, 1223, 1226–1227
- Noel, Emile, 1046n
- Noon, Malik Firoz Khan, 530–531, 535, 538, 550, 553–554, 569, 573
- North Africa:
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 117, 260, 309, 339, 344, 775, 794, 911, 1146–1147, 1297
- British-French military intervention and, 265, 345, 635n, 636, 868, 905, 1197, 1202, 1220n, 1221–1222
- French participation, 75, 641, 656, 757n, 761, 767
- Meetings, 339, 342, 344–345, 391–392, 1114, 1272, 1309–1310
- Soviet intervention and, 1006, 1014, 1017, 1024, 1025n
- Soviet policy toward, 969
- Suez Canal Company nationalization and, 7, 13, 24, 26, 36, 39, 121, 264–265
- Norway, 253, 545, 553, 589, 602, 617, 646, 1009, 1145n, 1292
- Nunez-Portuondo, Emilio, 597
- Nunley, William T., 1276n
- Nutting, Anthony, 777
- Nuwar, Maj. Gen. Ali Abu, 22
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 396n, 588
- Office of Defense Mobilization (ODM), 53–54, 663, 684, 974, 988, 1071, 1214, 1224
- Ogburn, Charlton, Jr., 1021n
- Ohliger, F.W., 1200
- Oil supplies:
- Alternate sources (see also Economic sanctions under Suez Canal Company nationalization; U.S. aid to Western Europe below), 537
- Arab reliance on, 173, 180, 183, 191, 449, 1073, 1165, 1189
- Congressional meeting, 1085
- Disruption, possible (see also Suez Canal: Egyptian obstruction of):
- Iraqi disruption, 1071, 1079
- Israeli pipeline and canal proposals, 52, 137, 172–173, 180, 468–469, 499, 1199, 1241, 1339–1340
- Saudi disruption, 1072, 1074–1075
- Soviet policy, 173, 969, 1131, 1213, 1219
- Syrian disruption, 148, 155, 168n, 169n, 384, 971, 974n, 1007, 1222, 1306
- Turkey pipeline proposals, 172, 437
- U.S. aid to Western Europe:
- Antitrust laws and, 1076–1077, 1130
- Arab reactions, possible, 999, 1072–1073, 1075–1076, 1080, 1129–1131, 1144, 1146–1148, 1153, 1165, 1179–1180, 1188–1190, 1200, 1202, 1212–1213
- British-French funds, 457, 460–463, 478–479, 481, 578, 589–590, 780, 873–874, 1012–1013, 1076–1077, 1142–1143
- British-French military intervention and, 357, 546
- British political situation, 1210n
- British position, 9, 32–33, 98, 129–130, 187, 414, 423–424, 449–450, 853, 934, 1202
- Cease-fire and, 1074–1077
- Egyptian position, 1290, 1308
- French position, 187, 457, 460, 462–463, 575, 1140
- Israeli position, 1243n
- National Security Council discussions, 171–172, 1070–1078, 1129–1131
- OEEC role, 934, 1009–1010, 1071–1072, 1074, 1115, 1129, 1140, 1142, 1144, 1148, 1166, 1172, 1215
- Planning for, 79n, 53–54, 129–131, 175, 192–193, 449–450, 592, 652, 662–663, 694, 1085, 1141, 1214–1215
- Security Council discussion, effects on, 663, 672–673, 684–685
- Suez Canal dues withdrawal and, 414, 423–424, 459–460, 481, 578
- Troop withdrawal and, 1115, 1188–1189, 1194–1195, 1200, 1202–1203, 1212–1213
- U.S. announcement, 1214–1215, 1223–1225
- U.S. oil well protection, 200, 343, 998, 1083–1084
- U.S. position, 414, 423–424, 568, 575, 578, 589–590, 737, 854, 873, 974–975, 988, 1048, 1051, 1083, 1143–1145, 1187
- U.S. public opinion, 63, 65
- Venezuelan oil, 171–172, 873, 1051, 1071, 1130, 1165
- Western European position, 889, 1074, 1130, 1145–1147, 1179
- World economic repercussions, 223
- Operation Alpha, 109
- Operation Stockpile, 25, 182, 612
- Operation Whiplash, 523–524, 610–611
- Ordonneau, Pierre, 596–598, 715, 842
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 934, 1009–1010, 1071–1072, 1074, 1115, 1129, 1140, 1142, 1144, 1148, 1166, 1172, 1215
- Organization of American States (OAS), 663, 685–686
- Overby, Andrew N., 53, 1329n
- Oyevaar, Jan Johan, 617, 624
- Page, Howard, 79n, 247
- Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza Shah, 402
- Pakistan (see also Eighteen-Power proposal under Suez Canal, international system proposals), 43, 45, 92, 191, 253, 264, 530, 553, 607, 642, 963, 1053–1054
- Palestine Conciliation Commission, 936, 960–961, 1277
- Palestinian refugees, 385, 628
- Palmer, Gen. Williston, 1035n
- Panama (see also Panama Canal), 574–575, 585, 607, 619, 625, 685, 754
- Panama Canal, 135, 163–164, 179, 274, 412
- Parodi, Alexandre, 1302
- Partridge, Gen. Earl E., 844, 1035
- Pate, Gen. Randolph, 1035n
- Pearson, Lester, 23, 345, 412, 467, 498, 865, 987, 1155, 1160
- Peaslee, Amos J., 175
- Pedersen, Richard F., 1334–1336
- Peres, Shimon, 776
- Perkins, George W., 309, 339n, 391–392
- Persian Gulf, 66, 92, 155, 343, 384, 853
- Persons, Maj. Gen. Wilton B., 185–186, 188, 833, 837–838, 974
- Peru, 45, 323, 717, 842, 882
- Peterson, E.L., 928–929
- Petroleum Authority, 449
- Philippines, 120, 1053
- Phillips, Christopher H., 955
- “The Philosophy of Revolution” (Nasser), 75, 141, 167
- Phleger, Herman, 38, 46n, 103n, 112n,
119n, 131–132, 188, 199n, 508n, 510, 584n, 598n, 618n, 634n, 639n, 734n, 1028n, 1032n, 1123n, 1187n, 1231n, 1276n, 1322n, 1329n
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 940, 1208–1209
- British-French military intervention, 62, 947–948, 988, 1249n
- Cease-fire, 986, 1030–1031
- Egyptian war damages resolution, 1337
- International canal system proposals, 469, 476, 487, 533–534, 574, 577, 666–667, 720
- Israeli military intervention, 808, 851–852, 888, 1249n
- Negotiations, 650, 709, 940, 1207
- Oil supplies, 1195, 1213n
- Security Council discussion, 658, 678, 680–681, 705, 714
- Soviet intervention, possible, 1000
- Suez Canal Conference, 94, 203, 212, 233, 492, 516
- Suez Canal dues, 123, 574, 577
- Suez Committee, 259
- Tripartite heads of government meeting, 1047
- Troop withdrawal, 1057
- U.N. Emergency Force, 953–954, 976
- Pilots:
- British-French military intervention and, 11–12, 25, 488–489
- British position, 235
- Egyptian-hired Soviet bloc pilots, 369, 482, 506, 508, 570, 642
- Egyptian control, 198–199, 222, 591
- French position, 394
- Required work, 1
- Tripartite position, 58–59
- Suez Canal dues and, 422
- Users’ association proposal, 352, 363–364, 371–372, 428, 434, 456, 482–485, 488–489, 508, 529
- Western withdrawal of, 394, 463
- Pineau, Christian, 7–8, 15, 30, 38n, 103, 123, 345, 464, 511, 1135, 1258, 1291
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 519, 1286–1287, 1292
- British-French military intervention, 100–102, 248, 462, 491–492, 648, 776–777, 900–901, 1260–1261
- Cease-fire, 1012
- Egypt:
- International canal system proposals, 114, 218
- Israel, French military aid to, 8–9, 42
- Pilots, 44–45, 103, 115, 123, 485
- Security Council presidency, 597
- Soviet Union, 8, 496, 519–520, 931–932, 1136, 1139, 1304
- Suez Canal clearance, 1292, 1303
- Suez Canal Company nationalization:
- Suez Canal Conference, 42, 72–73, 104, 112–113, 119–123, 205, 511–513, 567
- Suez Committee, 270, 272, 1258
- Troop withdrawal, 1033–1034, 1182
- U.N. Emergency Force, 1012, 1029n, 1034
- U.S.-French relations, 921–922, 1005, 1136–1137
- Users’ association proposal, 476, 490, 513–515, 531, 533–535
- Plaza Lasso, Galo, 1208–1209
- Poland, 72, 158
- Popovic, Koca, 601, 618, 719
- Portugal, 120n, 212, 516, 536, 555, 617, 905, 1009, 1145n
- Price, Walter J., 1013
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 46n, 53, 577, 891, 1030, 1032, 1057
- Proctor, David, 38, 112n, 119n
- Qatar, 83
- Query, Col. Leo J., 788, 814, 883–884
- al-Quwatli, Shukri, 592n, 995n, 1108
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 174, 185–186, 313–315, 342–343, 523–524, 594–595, 784, 1084–1086, 1128–1129, 1209–1210, 1225–1226
- British-French military intervention, 170–171, 195–196, 329–330, 750, 912, 1079, 1128
- Israeli military intervention, 826, 834–838, 864, 912, 932n
- Oil supplies, 173, 175, 874n, 974, 1084, 1223
- Soviet intervention, possible, 1080–1081, 1131, 1228
- U.S. civilian evacuation, 331, 915
- U.S. mobilization, 998–1000, 1035n
- Rae, Saul S., 768, 940
- Rafael, Gideon, 1215, 1325
- Ramsbotham, Peter, 676n, 714
- Rayburn, Sam, 12, 169, 188, 194–196
- Raymond, John M., 338n, 361n, 369n, 420, 424, 1338n
- Reap, Joseph, 203n
- Riad, Gen. Mahmoud, 1185
- Rice, Maurice S., 338n, 1307
- Rifa’i, Abdul Monem, 603–606
- Ringwalt, Arthur R., 212, 269n, 516
- Roberts, Randolph, 300n
- Robertson, Norman, 865
- Robertson, Reuben B., Jr., 62, 116, 610, 874n, 915, 1031, 1212
- Robertson, Walter S., 342, 1030
- Rockwell, Stuart W., 144n, 374n, 480, 566n, 614n, 831, 949, 1191n, 1275n, 1295n, 1299n, 1322n
- Romania, 72, 1070
- Ross, Archibald David, 533
- Rothschild, Robert, 709
- Rountree, William M., 38, 46n, 48n, 53, 71,
110, 132, 139n, 140n, 144n, 185n, 199n, 203n, 216n, 279n, 281n, 318n, 319n, 322n, 333, 338n, 339n, 344n,
360, 369n, 455n, 469, 476, 480, 491n, 492, 500n, 566n, 584n,
598n, 603, 614n, 618n, 630n,
634n, 699n, 744n, 790n, 796n, 815n, 837n, 947, 973n, 1009n, 1030, 1032n, 1067n, 1143n, 1147n, 1149n, 1187n, 1191n, 1212n, 1231n, 1275n, 1276n, 1295n, 1299n, 1307, 1324n, 1329n, 1338n, 1341
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 628, 632, 683–684, 722, 724, 727, 950
- British-French military intervention, 1021
- Egypt:
- Israel:
- Israeli military intervention, 793, 803–805, 808, 821–825, 829, 831, 867, 877–879, 885–886, 888–893, 922n, 951, 976, 1249n
- Negotiations, 259, 412, 669–670, 674, 748, 950
- Oil supplies, 1145n, 1195
- Pilots, 483–484, 508
- Soviet intervention, possible, 1123–1124, 1274
- Suez Canal Company nationalization:
- Suez Canal Conference, 204n, 212, 254, 256
- Suez Canal dues, 414–415, 458, 746–747
- Troop withdrawal, 1057, 1065–1067, 1089–1090, 1093–1094, 1198–1199
- United Kingdom, 762, 1047
- U.S. civilian evacuation, 688n
- Users’ association proposal, 374–375, 448, 507
- Roux, Henri, 715, 1253, 1284
- Rowan, Leslie, 38, 119n
- Russell, Richard B., 38n, 110n, 140–143, 188, 190–191, 193, 196
- Ryan, Robert J., 688n
- Saad, Ahmad, 493
- al-Sabri, Ali, 212, 601, 624, 668–670, 674, 786, 1028, 1087, 1154, 1164
- Said, Gen. Nuri, 168n, 402, 418, 485, 599–600, 620–621, 630–631, 708
- Said Pasha, Mohammed, 2
- St. Laurent, Louis, 498, 940–941, 982–983, 1297
- al-Salim al-Sahah, Shaik Abdullah, 147
- Salisbury, 5th Marquess of (Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil), 100n, 328–329, 520–522, 591, 1116, 1151–1152, 1163, 1197
- Salt, Barbara, 335, 411, 420, 560, 564, 600–601
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 188, 194, 196
- Sanafir Island, 1199, 1341
- Sanger, Richard H., 20–21
- Sarper, Selim, 675
- Sarraj, Abd al-Hamid, 1317
- Saud, King, 275, 294–295, 301, 402, 541, 592, 1137, 1165, 1179, 1316, 1320
- Saudi Arabia (see also
Anderson Mission (Saudi Arabia); Arab states; Saudi and Saudi
Arabia subheadings under other subjects), 89, 97n, 113, 120, 143, 274, 346, 468, 485, 593, 642, 97-¾2, 1106–1107
- Egypt, relations with, 141, 246, 273, 311, 401, 541, 591, 605, 619, 1101, 1180, 1192, 1285, 1316–1317, 1320
- Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) Pact, 592–593, 1251, 1254–1255
- Oil supplies, 155, 169n, 200, 343, 384, 389, 972, 1072, 1074–1075
- Political situation, 401–402, 541, 641, 984
- United Kingdom, relations with, 346, 853
- United States, relations with, 142, 686, 1089, 1137–1139, 1153, 1297
- Schulz, Col. Robert L., 1040
- Seager, Cedric, 1236–1238
- Seaton, Fred A., 53–54, 874n, 974n
- Sebald, William J., 1187n
- al-Shabandar, Moussa, 949–951
- Sharett, Moshe, 138n, 1252
- Sharm al-Sheikh, 1341–1342
- Shaw, John F., 1236n, 1275n, 1299n
- Shepilov, Dimitri T., 225, 270, 272, 519, 601, 618, 649–650, 660, 694, 710
- Sherwood, Robert K., 230n
- Shiloah, Reuven, 51–52, 136, 178, 179n, 465, 499, 606, 682, 822–823, 1251
- Short, Dewey, 188, 192
- Simmons, John F., 458, 1098
- Sinai, Maj. Dov, 814, 883–884
- Sinai Peninsula. See Israeli military intervention; Troop withdrawal; U.N. Emergency Force.
- Sisco, Joseph J., 1295n, 1322n
- Skean, Harold L., 556
- Slim, Mongi, 949
- Smith, H. Alexander, 164, 169, 188, 192, 194, 198n, 588
- Snyder, Murray, 188
- Sobolev, Arkadi Aleksandrovich, 896, 992
- Socony-Vacuum, 468
- Sohm, Earl D., 1030, 1047, 1147, 1195
- South Africa, 43, 121
- Soviet intervention, possible, 28, 381, 387–388, 837–838, 848, 855, 945, 1000–1001, 1045, 1106, 1228
- Arab positions, 1052
- British-French military intervention and, 1020
- British position, 61, 98, 526, 544, 1013, 1047, 1061–1062
- Bulganin notes, 993–994, 1003n, 1005, 1016, 1018, 1023, 1102
- Cease-fire and, 995–996, 1024, 1028
- Egypt, military aid to, 1044, 1067
- Egyptian position, 201, 899, 1027–1028, 1087
- French position, 8, 526, 544, 595, 901, 931–932, 1003, 1023–1024, 1136
- Hungary, 1006–1007, 1016–1018
- Iran and, 201, 313, 972, 995
- Israeli position, 1107–1108, 1161, 1245–1247
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 845, 968–972, 1030
- Jordan and, 1019, 1102, 1157
- National Security Council discussion, 1079–1081
- Security Council appeal and, 850
- Soviet position, 1097, 1087
- Soviet-U.S. joint military intervention proposal, 990–996, 1000, 1003n, 1005–1007, 1032, 1111–1112
- Special National Intelligence Estimate, 1018–1020
- Syria and, 971, 987, 989, 995, 1013–1014, 1019, 1079–1080, 1101–1102, 1131, 1157, 1228
- Tripartite heads of government meeting, 1043, 1045, 1047–1048
- Troop withdrawal and, 1058, 1101–1102
- U.N. Emergency Force and, 1028, 1061, 1083
- U.N. position, 1157
- U.N. response, 1081, 1086, 1228
- U.S.-British military evaluation, 1045, 1047–1048
- U.S. civilian defense plans, 1086
- U.S. mobilization, 998–1000, 1035–1036
- U.S. NATO obligations and, 1006, 1014, 1017, 1024, 1025n
- U.S. public statements, 1007–1008
- U.S. support for British-French military intervention and, 98, 100n, 102, 133, 169, 174–175, 187, 509, 655
- Soviet Union (see also Eighteen-Power proposal under Suez Canal, international system proposals; Soviet intervention, possible; Soviet and Soviet Union subheadings under other subjects), 225, 601, 638, 656, 972
- Spaak, Paul Henri, 320, 345, 412, 515, 601, 618, 649, 660, 674, 707, 709–712
- Spain, 97n, 165, 212, 219, 516, 547
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Spender, Sir Percy, 511, 528–529, 532, 555
- Standard Oil of New Jersey, 79n
- Stassen, Harold E., 331, 909–911, 913–914, 1081, 1084, 1086, 1227–1228
- Stelle, Charles C., 342
- Stephens, Thomas E., 405
- Stevenson, Adlai, 907
- Stewart, Gordon M., 1087n
- Stewart, Hugh A., 53n, 873n, 974n
- Stikker, Dirk, 1275n
- Strauss, Adm. Lewis L., 172
- Streibert, Theodore C., 1083
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 845, 1035
- Sudan, 45, 87, 120
- Suez Canal (see also
Pilots; Suez Canal headings and subheadings):
- Clearance:
- British-French participation, 1012, 1016n, 1026, 1028, 1058–1059, 1155, 1289n, 1292–1295, 1301–1303, 1310–1312, 1322
- British position, 1174, 1176–1177, 1183, 1197n, 1202, 1205–1206, 1218–1219, 1232–1233, 1239n, 1282
- Egyptian position, 1185, 1186, 1206, 1307, 1318
- Financing, 1275, 1282, 1329–1332
- French position, 1012, 1016n, 1041, 1292, 1303
- Troop withdrawal and, 1174–1177, 1183, 1185–1186, 1197n, 1202, 1205–1206, 1232–1233, 1239n, 1282–1284, 1308, 1333–1335
- U.N. Emergency Force role, 1039, 1155, 1205, 1312
- U.S. position, 1088, 1175–1176, 1183, 1222–1223, 1225–1227, 1229, 1283–1284, 1308, 1322, 1333–1335
- Users’ association proposal and, 1275, 1289n, 1330
- Concession agreements, 2, 16, 47, 351–352, 361, 424, 451
- Egyptian alleged obstruction of, 955–956, 1106, 1318, 1337
- Egyptian operation (see also
Israel: Shipping
restrictions; Suez Canal,
international system proposals), 1, 243, 648
- As basis for military intervention, 28, 39, 106, 430, 433
- British position, 10
- Egyptian position, 56, 106, 134, 162, 184, 393–394, 442, 679
- Legal situation and, 82
- Political use, 83–86, 95, 134, 679
- Saudi position, 273, 302–303
- Soviet position, 224
- Suez Committee study of, 307–308, 317
- U.S. economic sanctions and, 143n, 510
- U.S. position, 28, 39, 47, 79, 83, 95, 109, 185–186, 239, 404, 427, 432, 629
- Future development financing, 83, 217–218, 647, 786, 1331
- Income from, 65, 82–83, 194, 371, 570
- Physical maintenance (see also Clearance above), 352, 362–364, 371–372, 399, 428
- Traffic control, 352, 362, 364, 371–372, 399, 428, 445, 591
- Clearance:
- Suez Canal, international system proposals (see also
Egyptian operation
Suez Canal; Users’ association
- Arbitral commission, 229, 233, 252, 303, 445–446, 677, 679–680
- Belgian proposal, 707
- British position, 5, 10, 42, 71, 73, 104, 146, 218, 1175
- Congressional-Presidential meeting, 190
- Constantinople Convention as framework for, 58–59, 81, 85, 105, 109, 125, 168, 228–229, 250–251, 351–352, 361–363, 370, 374
- Egyptian operation, 239, 292–294
- Egyptian position, 201, 393, 415, 445–446, 666–667, 676–680, 786
- Eighteen-Power proposal, 244–245, 250–253, 291–294, 303, 325
[Page 1378]
- British position, 257, 409, 531, 641, 643
- Egyptian position, 375–376, 529, 1256
- Eisenhower statements, 315, 333–334, 340–341, 373, 446
- French position, 490, 531, 567, 572, 624, 642–643, 655, 1258
- Indian position, 254–256
- Security Council appeal and, 420–421, 425–426, 519
- Soviet position, 245, 270, 326–327
- Spanish position, 252–253, 259–261
- U.S. position, 268–269, 366–367, 512n, 640, 1170, 1276
- Users’ association proposal and, 409, 429, 490, 531
- Five-Power proposal. See Eighteen-Power proposal above.
- French position, 71, 218
- Future development financing, 10, 217–218, 650, 666, 786
- Indian position, 243–244, 646
- Indian proposal. See under Egyptian operation above.
- International control, 218, 1175
- Egyptian position, 106, 134, 184, 333, 340, 375–376, 443–445, 677, 695, 699
- French position, 101–102, 114, 624, 920, 966, 997
- Soviet position, 238–240, 660, 707
- Tripartite notes, 45, 58–59, 145
- U.S. committee proposal and, 966, 997
- U.S. position, 85, 95, 101, 105, 114, 135, 163, 190, 240, 310–311, 640, 651, 1168
- Israeli shipping restrictions and, 137–138
- Private operation, 651–653
- Sanctions for operation interference, 218, 367, 679–680, 693
- Saudi position, 291–294, 303
- Soviet participation, 42, 71, 88–89
- Soviet position, 203, 210–211, 221, 224–225, 238, 262
- Spanish proposal, 252–253, 259, 441–442, 458, 463
- Suez Canal Company, compensation for, 217, 251
- Suez Canal dues, 198–199, 291, 303, 393, 415, 445, 646, 666
- Supervisory board proposals, 190, 199, 217, 222–223, 228–230, 232, 236, 239, 241, 251, 294, 392
- Tripartite position, 43, 45, 58–59, 145, 161n, 203n, 208, 211, 215, 243
- U.N. role, 43, 59, 183, 194, 221–223, 243–244, 367, 679–680, 712
- U.S. position, 63, 85, 95–96, 101, 105, 114, 170, 173–174, 198–199, 221, 1168–1169
- U.S. press coverage, 651, 653
- U.S. proposal (see also Eighteen-Power proposal above), 227–229, 232, 238
- Suez Canal Company (see also Economic sanctions under *T Suez Canal Company nationalization; Pilots; Suez Canal dues), 2–3, 16, 114, 165–166, 243, 405, 418, 592
- Suez Canal Company nationalization:
- Arab positions, 79, 82–84, 89–91, 168–169, 174, 264, 605
- Asian reactions, 92
- Baghdad Pact, impact on, 266
- British condemnations of, 4, 37, 39, 83
- British-French draft Security Council resolution, 407–408, 412, 579, 600–601, 638–639, 691, 713–714, 1256, 1261
- British Labour Party position, 231–232
- British public statements, 5
- Commonwealth position, 43, 92
- Compensation, 366, 786–787, 1331
- Eastern European reactions, 84
- Economic sanctions (see also
Suez Canal dues), 29, 79–80, 83, 320, 549, 581
- Arab response, possible, 234
- British-French military intervention and, 462, 586, 755
- British position, 14, 29n, 37–38, 43–45, 204, 234, 278, 305, 323–324, 474, 641, 738–739, 744–745
- Canal boycott proposals (see also Alternate sources and U.S. aid to Western Europe under Oil supplies), 507, 568
- Egyptian position, 134, 310, 311n, 368, 1150, 1316
- French position, 8, 14, 44, 417, 457, 462, 507, 568, 586
- Saudi position, 289–290, 302, 311n, 347–349, 394n, 395
- Soviet response, possible, 234
- Tripartite discussions, 276–279, 298–299
- U.S. position, 14, 16–17, 27, 43n, 66–68, 97, 143, 266, 300–301, 324, 395n, 434, 437, 439, 449, 509–510, 673, 1285, 1300, 1309
- Egyptian announcement, 1, 6, 57, 82, 669
- Egyptian public opinion, 82, 106
- France, impact on, 7–8, 14, 41, 83, 110, 189–190
- Indian position, 593
- Iraqi position, 91–92
- Israeli position, 51, 93
- Italian position, 29, 529
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 151–156
- Legality of, 157–158, 160n, 206, 243, 273,