106. Telegram 545 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

545. From Johnson. Deptel 562.

August 16 draft correct. Understand transmission error already corrected.

Mytel 540 gave Wang’s amendments our August 16 draft. However avoid any possibility error following is full text first portion Wang’s draft. Second portion same mutatis mutandis:

“The Ambassadors of the PRC and the USA have agreed to announce the measures which their respective governments have adopted with respect to return of nationals of each located in the country of the other. With respect to American nationals residing in the PRC, Ambassador Wang Ping-nan on behalf of the Government of the PRC has informed Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson that:

The PRC recognizes that American nationals in the PRC who desire to return are entitled to do so and declares that it has adopted and will further adopt appropriate measures so that they can exercise their right to return.
The PRC agrees that the office of the Charge d’Affaires of the UK in the PRC will be authorized to assist the return to the USA of those American nationals who desire to do so follows:
If any American national believes that contrary to declared [Facsimile Page 2] policy of the PRC he is encountering obstruction in departure he may so inform the office of the Charge d’Affaires of the UK and request it to make representations on his behalf with the Government of the PRC. If desired by the US the office of the Charge d’Affaires of the UK may also make investigation on the facts.
If any American national in the PRC who desires to return to the US has difficulty in paying the return expenses, the office of the Charge d’Affaires of the UK may render him financial assistance needed to permit his return.
The Government of the PRC will give wide publicity to the foregoing arrangements and the office of the Charge d’Affaires of the UK in the PRC may also do so.”


Note: Mr. Waddell’s office (FE) notified 10 a.m. 8/19/55 EMB (CWO)

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/8–1955. Confidential; Priority.