396.1 GE/7–854

The British Minister (Scott) to the Under Secretary of State (Smith)


Dear General Smith: This is the text of the telegram from the Foreign Office which I showed you yesterday:—

“The French Ambassador told me today that the French Prime Minister hoped that I would get to Geneva by July 12 at latest. He added that the French Prime Minister would like to see me personally before the Conference reopens.

Meanwhile the Soviet Ambassador has informed me that Molotov is already on his way, that he hopes to have two or three days’ holiday after arrival in Geneva, but would be ready for the Conference to reopen after that.

When I discussed plans with Bedell Smith in Washington he said that he might pass through London on his way to Geneva. From the newspapers I have seen rumours that he may not after all be returning to Geneva. I sincerely hope that this is not so and I shall be glad if you will tell him that we shall greatly look forward to seeing him on his way to Geneva if he can manage that. You should also say that I have it in mind to stop in Paris on my way to Geneva on Monday, July 12 in response to the French Prime Minister’s suggestion for a conversation between us two.

It will be helpful to me to know as soon as possible what Bedell Smith decides.”

Yours sincerely,

R. H. Scott