611.95A241/12–354: Telegram
No. 427
The United States Representative at
the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of
Delga 329. Re: US fliers held by Red China. After discussion with the Secretary this noon I called meeting of 16 for purpose of reaching decision as to whether to go to SC or GA and to put before them text of res which reflected US views (see Delga 328)1 as well as Dept’s text of background information on US AF personnel sentenced by ChiComs.2
Nutting (UK) asked to see me immediately before this meeting to report on his instructions from Eden. UK view is firmly in favor of GA action. They feel SC route is wrong because, among other reasons, going to a body where it is obvious that Soviets will exercise veto will be regarded by certain elements of public opinion as simply another cold war exercise in which we are courting a veto. [Page 988] Present state of UK public opinion is all in favor of release 11 fliers. Nutting said he wanted to keep it that way by not taking action which would give rise to unfortunate suspicions regarding US motives.
In meeting of 16 I set forth reasons why, in our opinion, SC initial approach contained advantages. Nutting then outlined UK reasoning in opposition to this course at length. Although most reps were without specific instructions, lengthy discussion developed clear consensus in favor of taking case directly to GA.
Very little discussion on draft res took place, but Nutting read out language as substitute for our para (calling upon ChiCom authorities to release prisoners forthwith) which would request GA President to use his good offices to secure the earliest possible release these prisoners in accordance with their obligations under the armistice agreement and in line with the express undertaking of the ChiCom side in the MAC of August 31, 1953 by which they agreed release all PWs including those who had committed crimes before or after capture. Nutting is to circulate to 16 text his ideas for resolution this evening.
Decision was taken to announce to press agreement of 16 on referral to GA. Also agreed, but not announced, was that this case should go direct to Plenary and not be taken up in First Comite. USGADel will, after consultation re wording with others of 16, transmit tomorrow request to SYG for additional item, enclosing explanatory memorandum.3 16 agreed meet again Mon afternoon to go over text resolution to be submitted under this new item.
- Delga 328 from New York, Dec. 3, transmitted the text of the U.S. draft resolution, which called upon the Chinese Communist authorities to release forthwith the 11 airmen and all other captured UN personnel held by them and requested the President of the General Assembly to transmit the resolution to the Chinese Communist authorities and to take all steps necessary and appropriate for effectuating its purposes. (611.95A241/12–354)↩
- Not identified.↩
- For text of Lodge’s letter of Dec. 4 to UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold and the enclosed explanatory memorandum, see UN document A/2830 or Department of State Bulletin, Dec. 20, 1954, pp. 931–932.↩