674.87/8–2354: Telegram
No. 894
The Acting Secretary
of State to the Embassy in
443. Although we do not believe GOE instigating incidents Gaza Strip we think firmer measures should be taken to prevent their occurrence and avoid dangerous chain reaction. Particularly disturbing is fact high explosives are somehow getting into Gaza and that groups apparently skilled in demolition work are operating from there. In case of recent Israel attacks Jordan border strong representations made by Department and publicity given.
Accordingly Cairo instructed make following points FonMin:
- 1.
- US disturbed outbreak incidents Gaza strip for which Egypt condemned by MAC Cairo’s 2442 and which could lead increasingly serious situation. We sure Egypt concurs with our view on necessity avoiding embroilment with Israel.
- 2.
- We feel withdrawal Palestinian battalion from front line position was useful move and should result in greater stability. However, we hope Egypt will take more energetic action to curb infiltration and prevent unauthorized persons on frontier from obtaining and using explosives or other weapons.
Tel Aviv authorized inform GOI US made representations re murder tractor driver and pipeline case for which Egypt condemned by MAC. Embassy should add we hope Israel also will take constructive preventive action in cooperation with UNTSO especially regular and prompt attendance MAC meetings and participation in work of special committee provided for in Armistice Agreement.