785.00/1–2352: Telegram
No. 390
The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State1
750. Pursuant instr Deptel 495, Jan 15, I discussed this morning with FonMin Sharett recent excursions into Arab territory to commit acts of reprisal involving destruction of property and loss of life. Stressed unfortunate adverse effect in Israel, ME and friendly nations working for peace and stability. FonMin said he appreciated frank expression US views, which wld be fully reported to cabinet. He then reiterated familiar doctrine that language of reprisals is only one Arabs seem to understand and that he hoped increased stability wld result from these unfortunate incidents once Arabs understood they cannot achieve their purposes through acts of violence. His remarks in effect tended confirm views set forth Embtels 725 Jan 18 and 712 Jan 16.
At end of interview stated we cld never agree policy of reprisals justified in any circumstances, being convinced it wld only lead to greater difficulties and effectively prevent re-establishment of normal relations, but responsibility determination of policy on this point wld of course have to be Israel’s. Added that my primary purpose was to inform him of deep concern of US Govt over ill effects both in ME and abroad of policy now being followed.
- Repeated to London, Paris, Ankara, Amman, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, and Jerusalem.↩