310.2/9–2854: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
Delga 22. Re Gadel 1. Consultations our new non-member participation plan proceeding. We intend make number high level approaches to other delegates here, with Senator Fulbright, in next few days, using our resolution as basis for discussion, but without showing it to them.
Re resolution, we believe specific names should be deleted from preambular paragraphs. This should help to avoid invitation to add other specific names through amendment and at same time not embarrass those who do not wish to take advantage of arrangements set down by GA for non-member participation.
This also in line with views expressed by Secretary to me re this subject.1
In telegram Gadel 15, Sept. 29, 4:28 p.m., to New York, the Department of State responded:
“Department concurs in deletion names applicants from preambular paragraphs draft resolution Gadel 1. Our only concern is that resolution by its own terms continue make clear that applicants eligible to accept GA invitation limited to those whose admission blocked by Soviet veto in SC and whom GA has found qualified for admission.” (310.2/9–2754)