693.94/9–551: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation in San Francisco 1


Sanco 60. (for Rusk and Dulles) Dept proposes fol as reply Taipei’s 298 Aug 302 but desires ur comment before despatching:

“Dept believes full answer all questions explicit and implicit ref tel cannot be given at this time on theoretical basis but wld emerge in course exploratory negots between Chi and Jap Govts. Dept has therefore encouraged initiation such exploratory discussions through Kawada3 or other suitable means.

Fol info may be helpful understanding US views particularly re 3 numbered questions ref tel:

We are in no sense attempting satisfy UK. We are attempting encourage Chi to recognize possible need during negots with Japs of some mutually satisfactory formula re present scope Chi Govt de facto auth arid to arrive at formula on basis of which we cld in good conscience urge Japs enter into bilateral with Chi Natls after multilateral signing.
We not aware Japs have ever raised question of formula but in all realism it can be expected they will.
We have no basis for knowing whether Japs wld accept formula, but see Pol Ad estimate in Tokyo’s 28 Sept 1 rptd Dept 459.

In event Chis device formula which they prepared accept if Japs raise matter during bilateral negots and which seems reasonable to us, we wld undertake urge upon Japs desirability of negotiating bilateral with Chi Natls. [”]4

  1. Telegram drafted by Mr. Merchant and Mr. Stuart.
  2. Ante, p. 1311.
  3. Isao Kawada.
  4. On September 7, upon receipt of approval of this text by Messrs. Rusk and Dulles, the Department forwarded it to Taipei as telegram 220, repeated to Tokyo as 401 (693.94/9–751).