740.5/12–1751: Telegram
The United States Delegation on the Temporary Council Committee to the Secretary of State 1
Repto 6248. Usdel Tcc 81. Present session TCC opened 10 a. m., 14 Dec. This cable reports first meeting.
1. Chairman opened meeting by summarizing highlights of draft TCC report. Stated Gen Eisenhower had indicated his general endorsement of plan of action and is prepared to meet with TCC at their convenience. Emphasized that report shld be that of the 12 members with govts not necessarily committed to proposed actions relating to (their) own programs. Suggested start with general discussions of report and talk details later after agreement on principles.
2. Hirschfield praised report as first clear picture of overall problems, but stated did not agree with everything and did not know at moment whether govt wld be able to accept all recommendations. He complained that TCC members have not had sufficient time to study report and suggested delay. Proposed TCC first discuss individual country annexes to find out whether countries able to fill recommendations before discussing principles. Agreed govts not involved in detailed drafting, but TCC members are under general instructions on important issues. When they sign the report they must think of the possibility of obtaining approval of their govts.
3. Chairman read Eisenhower letter, already cabled by Lincoln.2
4. Kristiensen agreed with Hirschfield stating TCC members are members of govts and therefore difficult approve report without committing govts. Proposed subsequent meeting TCC just prior to Lisbon to consider comments by govts on report submitted now by TCC. TCC wld make supplemental report to Council on result of governmental considerations.
5. Chairman agreed with suggestions of a later meeting concerned. He pointed out necessity for obtaining comments from NATO bodies [Page 380] prior to Lisbon, which cld also be considered. In interim there wld be opportunity for further bilateral discussions pertaining to dollar problem, solution of which necessary to obtain imports on which military and econ programs based.
6. Pella agreed with Hirschfield on importance of recommendations by TCC and impossibility for members separate their responsibilities as TCC and as Mins. Suggested members cld facilitate approval by anticipating govt positions but must study report more deeply, implying necessity for adjournment. Strongly favored starting with individual country recommendations.
7. Monnet made strong statement in favor first reaching agreement on general principles. He pointed out TCC cannot itself carry world to point where can make real commitments which are up to govts. He implied agreement on country recommendations wld turn on aid negots which cannot be completed in TCC. He admitted that each country wld probably reserve on own annex, if only for tactical reasons, but urged agreement now on approach, method and basic overall recommendations.
8. Denmark strongly supported Monnet statement. Doubted useful to have detailed country discussions in full comite. Raised question of availability Secretariat of EB during period when govts considering report. Pointed to need for technical clarifications.
9. Chairman re-emphasized Monnet position re importance agreement on principles. Can achieve real defense effort only if accept effective use of resources. Differences over country details relatively unimportant if agree and concentrate on basic implementing principle. Stated Secretariat and SCS available during meeting for technical discussions. After meeting SHAPE cld carry on discussions military aspects. Speaking for himself, Chairman obviously not in position accept every recommendation of report; however, considered report basically sound and while cannot commit govt cld go home and work in best way possible to encourage govt carrying out difficult tasks being put to it. Chairman called attention to German assumption and expressed German problem wld be cleared for council action in February.
10. Belgians strongly urged postponement TCC consideration for week or so, backing Pella line. Mins must be prepared to defend what is agreed and must know what they are defending. Challenged report as being not specific and concrete and requested details on specific 1952 military obligations. Stated had had no real chance to study report.
11. Chairman indicated view TCC shld stay in session until agree on report and recommendations to govts and NATO. Admitted any member cld make reservation if he felt he must regarding his own program. Present is critical moment in NATO and must give it [Page 381] impetus. If TCC cld not get out its report now, adverse impact on morale wld be great.
12. Brofoss indicated TCC shld come out with concrete results and avoid vague generalities. Agreed to take up general principles first.
13. Pella agreed with Belgium statement and proposed TCC leave afternoon free for careful study of report which might indicate present worries not wellfounded. TCC agreed postpone further meeting until morning, 15 Dec.
14. Monnet urged TCC discuss general principles before hearing Eisenhower. Plowden, Hirschfield and Chairman preferred hear Eisenhower views first, which was agreed.
15. Chairman referred to semi-leaks in press, stating NATO depends on ability hold intimate discussions of highly classified info without arguments reaching press. Unless discussions can be kept out of press, danger that this great cooperative enterprise will break down. Urged that all members must create impression all working together and refrain from discussing differences which are made more sensational in press. Monnet stressed secrecy impossible stating US press best at finding things out. Urged that NATO press officers give guidance to press and members agree refer press to persons of NATIS. Agreed. General agreement to release as much info as possible at conclusion meeting but refrain from disclosing discussions during course of meeting.