893.00B/6–1649: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

1026. ReContels 970, June 10 and 1021, June 16.72 Wu Yueh-tsung (W. Y. Wu incorrect) and Shen (not Sheng) Ti-lan, Chinese Christians acting by Communist request as liaison between Communist and Christian groups, spoke June 13 at open meeting foreign missionaries. Following report by Armstrong73 who attended.

Majority of speeches devoted orthodox Communist ideology terms such as capitalism doomed, West instigating war, with little relation Christianity in Communist China. Following points interspersed in verbiage:

Some Xian schools, hospitals taken over by Communists in Manchuria.
Top Communist leaders have moderate policy but lower ranks more radical or inefficient. Wu urged Communists issue general statement reaffirming religious freedom, but Communists countered would also have to issue statement re freedom anti-religious activities. Communists have recently issued order lower ranks respect religious freedom.
Xian work must undergo change, since some activities dead, some taken over by non-Xian groups, some need modifications meet present situation. But challenge and opportunity Xian work greater under new order.
Catholics in special class, since their orders from Vatican always anti-Communist, anti-Russia, anti-Chinese revolution.
Wu quoted explanation chief Peiping Foreign Residents Bureau re lack of preferential treatment “good” foreigners; action western governments, especially US, has created real hatred among Chinese [Page 1091] which will take years to dispel. This hatred reflects on all foreigners. Actually fortunate no anti-foreignism comparable Boxer days.
Possibly less Communist interference evangelism than medicine and education, since latter complete [compete?] Communist activities.

Most missionaries disappointed Wu and Shen, feeling they are unqualified represent Xian groups, but wholly gratified this semi-direct contact possible.

Sent Department 1026; repeated Nanking 705, OffEmb Canton 178, Shanghai 686.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Oscar V. Armstrong, language officer.