501.BC Indonesia/10–1348: Telegram
The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State
908. Gocus 409. General Spoor called on me unannounced 7 p. m. tonight. He stated I should know he considered situation very serious. Said 10,000 men infiltrated from Republican territory, incidents reached high figure; his men in position; he may have to make a “sweep”. Said he would volunteer to appear before GOC and explain military situation to us as he said he had on one previous occasion before I arrived. He sought my opinion on this. He said that after talk with me, he would consult Schuurman on proposal of appearing before GOC.
I asked General Spoor if he were not already familiar with present situation of my negotiations and referred particularly to conversation with Schuurman Monday. Spoor said he had seen my memo and had general details. I told him I was naturally awaiting reaction of Netherlands delegation to this memo which Schuurman had requested of me. I said I had nothing directly from Hague, but indication through Washington that my approach appreciated by Ambassador [Page 417] Van Kleffens. I said there was nothing I could do until I received reply. I hoped this would be in such tone it could be helpful in bringing parties into negotiations. Said I was ready go Jogja soon as message came and would use all influence I may possess with Republic to get them into negotiations. I pointed out that my chance for effective action declines as time passes and as concern of Republic over outlook increases. I described inestimable damage to prospects of negotiations that results from publication in Netherlands of information with respect to US Delegation proposal and Netherlands Delegation reply that could come only from official sources. I hoped I could allay some suspicions and fears of Republic if I could go there shortly with Netherlands Delegation reply that might indicate sincere desire of Netherlands really to negotiate.
Spoor picture[d] difficulties of negotiations in present atmosphere. I said I had presented my plan (September 10) when atmosphere was considerably better and I thought best deterrent to further deterioration would be early and honest resumption negotiations. When Spoor again mentioned his appearing before GOC, I told him I could understand how this might be helpful at later date, possibly coincidental with resumption negotiations. I said we had contemplated making general GOC appeal at that time for better implementation of truce, etc. I feared, however, if GOC now held special meeting for him to appear and describe military situation, press would play this up and impression be created this was notice that police action would start. Spoor explained meticulously that he did not mean police action when he said “sweep” but simply military action within Netherlands controlled territory. I adhered to original argument that talk of sweep and appearance before special GOC meeting would add to concern and hurt rather than help chance for negotiations. Spoor said he would see Schuurman. I asked him please explain my position to Schuurman and indicate I was available if Schuurman desired consult me. I asked point be stressed that I hoped for early Netherlands Delegation reply. I have impression Spoor called on Belgian Delegation and I know Netherlands Delegation in touch with Belgian Delegation tonight.
Not having heard from Schuurman I telephoned him 9:45 tonight. I said General Spoor called; I had explained my position and asked him tell this to Schuurman. Latter replied General had already done this. He said he had some cables and hoped he “could do something” for me tomorrow. He promised let me hear soonest.
Critchley called during afternoon stressing uneasiness Republicans. He advanced idea of their sending Sjahrir or other qualified spokesman [Page 418] Paris promptly to help with their cause. I said I thought everything should wait outcome next few days events here. Signed Cochran.
Sent Department 908; Department pass The Hague.1
- This was done the same day.↩